
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)狭山台商事

住所 :

Sayamadai, Iruma, 〒358-0033 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://www.sayamadai.co.jp/
街 : Saitama

Sayamadai, Iruma, 〒358-0033 Saitama,Japan
M M (み) on Google

親切にして頂きとてもいい物件が見つかりました。 たくさんお話も聞いていただき助かりました。 お友達にも紹介してあげたいです!
Thank you for your kindness and found a very good property. It was helpful to hear a lot of stories. I want to introduce it to my friends!
くさ on Google

手取り足取り教えていただきました! 無知な私たちが質問する前に起点を利かしわかり易く教えて下さったのでさすがだな〜話しやすいし聞きやすいな〜ととても助かりました!今後ともよろしくお願いします?
I was taught how to take steps! Before we ignorant questions, he used the starting point and taught us in an easy-to-understand manner, so it was really helpful to say that it was easy to talk and listen to! I look forward to working with you in the future ?
ko tk on Google

家の売却の際にお世話になりました。 初めてのことなので分からないことばかりでしたが色々な面で迅速に対応していただきました! 全てスムーズに解決できてよかったです!
I was taken care of when I sold my house. It was my first time, so I didn't know much about it, but I was able to respond promptly in various ways! I'm glad I was able to solve everything smoothly!
ガチャピンムック on Google

Thank you for buying and selling real estate. Very reliable. I really appreciate it. Thank you very much.
ぽにょすーぱーうるとら on Google

I was looking for a second-hand house and was taken care of. Kind, polite and faster than any real estate agent I've ever met! I was able to choose the best bank by telling me various things when making a loan. I am really indebted to you for mediating the rental property for business use. A very good real estate agent!
oli a- on Google

When purchasing real estate for the first time, it was a polite and kind response from the beginning to the end. It was very helpful for me to contact and respond to my concerns and paperwork in advance. I was able to leave it to you with confidence.
koma zou on Google

Thank you very much for your help in purchasing your home. It was very helpful to teach me kindly and politely! I'm glad I was able to buy my home at Sayamadai Shoji! thank you!
田中崇弘 on Google

住宅を購入するにあたり、とても丁寧に手厚く対応して頂きました。 おかげで、いい家を購入することができました。ありがとうございました。 担当者の方の人柄も素晴らしいです。
When I bought a house, I was very polite and kind. Thanks to that, I was able to buy a good house. Thank you very much. The personality of the person in charge is also wonderful.

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