Sayama Total Clinic - Sayama

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sayama Total Clinic

住所 :

4 Chome-15-25 Irumagawa, Sayama, Saitama 350-1305, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89999
Postal code : 350-1305
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–5PM
Sunday 8:30AM–5PM
Monday 8AM–7PM
Tuesday 8AM–7PM
Wednesday 8AM–7PM
Thursday 8AM–7PM
Friday 8AM–7PM

4 Chome-15-25 Irumagawa, Sayama, Saitama 350-1305, Japan
Tarrow on Google

Dr.は丁寧に診察してくれる方が多いです。 受付は対応がそっけないというか雑。 予約電話の対応時は対応よかったですが希望する科ではなく違う科にまわされ結局二度手間ということもありましたのでもう少し専門知識をつけた方がよろしいかと思います。
Many of Dr.'s doctors give a careful examination. The reception is not so good or miscellaneous. It was good to respond to the reservation call, but I was sent to a different department instead of the desired department, and in the end it was troublesome twice, so I think it is better to acquire a little more specialized knowledge.
狸小路きみだろ on Google

トータル的にとても良い病院だと思います。受付窓口はじめスタッフの方の対応も良好。 ただ駐車場入口の誘導員の方の対応の悪さには腹が立ちます! ⬇️他の方の口コミ⬇️ 唯一残念だったのが駐車場のおじさん、空車の表示が出てたから入ったのに「ここはダメダメ、第○○駐車場ヘ行って!!」だけではわかりませんねぇ。第〇〇駐車場ってどこ?駐車場案内が見えるところにあればそれを教えてくれればよいのだけれど。自分はわかっていても人はわかりませんて(苦笑) 混雑する場所ですから誘導員の方もイライラするのはわかりますが、もう少し口のききかたを考えて頂きたい! 満車だからUターンしてここで待てと言うので Uターンして指示された場所に行くと、斜め前方のパーキングに止めろと! あまり苦言を言いたくないのでやめますが 口は災いの元とも言うくらいです、今一度対応を見直して頂きたい。
I think it's a very good hospital overall. The reception desk and other staff are also very responsive. However, I am angry at the poor response of the guide at the entrance of the parking lot! ⬇️ Other reviews ⬇️ The only disappointment was the uncle in the parking lot, who entered because there was an empty car sign, but I can't tell just by saying "This is no good, go to the XX parking lot !!". Where is the XX parking lot? If you can see the parking lot information, please let me know. Even if I know myself, I don't know people (bitter smile) It's a crowded place, so I understand that the guides are frustrated, but I would like you to think a little more about how to speak! Because it is full, I will make a U-turn and wait here When you make a U-turn and go to the designated place, stop at the parking diagonally ahead! I don't want to complain too much so I'll stop The mouth is said to be the cause of disaster, so I would like you to review your response once again.
アトムママ on Google

整形外科の若い女医が最低!最悪! 勝手に手術の日にち決めて書類まで用意しちゃって その日は仕事休めませんと伝えたら「その日が良いって言ってましたよ。」キレぎみに言われ 別日に手術日程決めて会計したら 次回の予約も勝手に入っててビックリ 人の話聞かないし上から目線で何様なんですかねぇ 態度だけは一人前です。整形外科に係る時は是非若い女医じゃないドクターにした方が良いです。
The young female doctor in orthopedics is the worst! The worst! I decided the date of surgery without permission and prepared the documents. When I told him that I couldn't take a day off from work, he said, "I said that day was good." I was surprised that the reservation was made without permission I don't listen to people, what is it like from the top? Only the attitude is full-fledged. When it comes to orthopedics, it's best to have a doctor who is not a young female doctor.
i-ゆりゆり on Google

心房中隔欠損症が見つかり、今月1年ぶりの検査、診察をしました。 結果、また1年後の診察でいいとの事だったのですが、1か月前ぐらいから動悸、息切れ、めまいがひどい事を伝えたら[運動不足なんじゃないの?じゃあ、手術する?]と。は?と思ったけどそれ以上聞けず、[生活に支障が出たらまた来て]で終わり納得がいかず、他院でレントゲン、24時間心電図、エコーをしたら不整脈、心臓が大きくなってる、流れる血液の量が少し多いと、大きな病院に行く診断書を作成してくれました。 何を見て大丈夫と言ったのか、不信感しかありません。 もうここの心臓循環器内科は2度と行きません。
I found an atrial septal defect, and this month I had my first examination and examination in a year. As a result, I was told that it would be okay to have a medical examination one year later, but from about a month ago, when I told him that my heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and dizziness were terrible, [Isn't there a lack of exercise? When. I was wondering, but I couldn't ask any more, and I wasn't convinced that it ended with [Come again if my life was disturbed]. When the amount of blood was a little large, he made a medical certificate to go to a big hospital. I'm just distrustful of what I saw and said it was okay. I will never go to the cardiology department here again.
田中達哉 on Google

色々なかたとお話をした。 医者や看護師、栄養指導のかた。人間ドック受診受付やその専門医。 一般的な受診は平日休日共にお年寄りが多くて混雑している。予約制なのに。そして遅延していく。なぜか受診するまでに30分以上遅延する:人当たりの良い先生程に遅延する。
I talked with various people. Doctors, nurses, nutrition counselors. Human dock consultation reception and its specialists. General consultations are crowded with many elderly people on weekdays and holidays. Even though it is a reservation system. And it will be delayed. For some reason, there is a delay of 30 minutes or more before seeing a doctor: It is delayed as much as a friendly teacher.
鈴木まな on Google

I had a medical examination at the mammary gland department a while ago. I came to the hospital just in case because I had an abnormality in my health checkup. What did you come to? Do you want to be exposed? I was told. I understand that he is a low-priority patient while he is busy, but he charges for a medical examination without seeing anything. It was too terrible. In other departments, when I go to see a doctor for an examination, I get the same thing, and I wonder if it's a hospital where money is squeezed and I'm only interested in major illnesses. I think it's common for everyone to want to cure their illness before anything else ...
nori tana on Google

I have to say that we operate the hospital on our own convenience. There is no feeling of compassion for the patient or family. To a patient with terminal cancer who has been attending for three years, he said "I have a lot of reservations today. If you feel so sick, please go to another hospital." Even if doctors, nurses, and receptionists are not sharing information and talking, there are only discrepancies ... I can't help but hope that there was a better hospital nearby.
Hiroyasu Akiyoshi on Google

10年以上前の事故でほぼ動かなくなっていた左手小指を手術で治していただきました。 私はライブハウスで演奏する程度にはベースを弾いてましたし、ギターやピアノも多少嗜んでいました。 それがまるで出来なくなる怪我で、当時は相当絶望をしました。 整形外科の山田先生に手術して頂き、全盛期には及びませんが、また楽器が趣味として楽しめる程度に動くようになりました。 奇跡的なことで、本当に泣きました。 その他、私生活で不便を感じる後遺症や痛みも残らず経過も良好です。 整形外科の山田先生は私にとって大きな恩人です。 手の小指という難しい手術を期待以上の治療結果で示して下さいました。 (実際、8年ほど前に別の手専門を標榜する外科で手術を受けましたが、その医院では小指の機能は全く回復しませんでした) 小指に限らず、山田先生は手外科という難しい領域の大名医です。 大きな病院ですし、診療科や病状によって思わしい結果が得られないこともあるでしょう。 医師も看護師も患者も人間なので行き違いから不審や不満を抱く事もあるでしょう。 私のケースはレアなのかも知れませんが、整形外科の山田先生はじめ、優秀な先生が多く在籍されている総合病院だと思います。
I had my left little finger healed by surgery, which was almost stuck in an accident more than 10 years ago. I played bass to the extent that I played in a live house, and I also liked guitar and piano a little. I was injured so much that I couldn't do it, and I was in despair at that time. I had Dr. Yamada of the orthopedic surgery perform the operation, and although it was not in its heyday, I was able to move the musical instrument to the extent that I could enjoy it as a hobby. It was a miracle and I really cried. In addition, there are no aftereffects or pain that make me feel inconvenient in my personal life, and the course is good. Dr. Yamada of Orthopedics is a big benefactor for me. He showed me the difficult operation of the little finger of the hand with a treatment result that exceeded expectations. (In fact, about eight years ago, I had an operation in another surgery that advocated a hand specialty, but the function of the little finger did not recover at all at that clinic.) Not limited to the little finger, Dr. Yamada is a master doctor in the difficult field of hand surgery. It is a large hospital, and depending on the department and medical condition, you may not get the desired results. Since doctors, nurses, and patients are all human beings, you may be suspicious or dissatisfied due to misunderstandings. My case may be rare, but I think it is a general hospital where many excellent teachers, including Dr. Yamada of orthopedics, are enrolled.

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