Sato Photography - Tsukubo District

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sato Photography

住所 :

258-3 Maegata, Hayashima, Tsukubo District, Okayama 701-0303, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 701-0303
Webサイト :

258-3 Maegata, Hayashima, Tsukubo District, Okayama 701-0303, Japan
TAKAO BABA on Google

娘の1歳の記念に写真撮影をお願いしました。 初めて利用させてもらいましたが、子供のあやし方もうまく、終始ご機嫌で撮影できました。 子供が飽きる前に短時間で撮り上げるプロの技はさすがです。 写真の出来上がりが楽しみです。
I asked for a photo to commemorate my daughter's 1 year old. I used it for the first time, but I was able to take pictures in good mood from beginning to end because the child was well treated. The professional skill of shooting in a short time before the child gets bored is truly. I'm looking forward to the finished photo.
たまごの玉子とじ on Google

When I was shooting with my baby and 2 years old, I had two or more costumes each, but I quickly went on to smile and the shooting ended with my parents having fun. Although the studio was relocated and opened this spring, the photo studio itself seems to be a long-established store, and the husband of the young couple has the impression that they have taken many pictures of their children, so it is very familiar and reassuring. had. The support wife and staff were also lean and lean, and I was able to leave the selection of photos that I was not good at. (It seems that you can choose it yourself) It was definitely better than shooting the assembly line of a major affiliated photo studio. There were also cute costumes! There is technology and the price is at home ... (^^) I'm glad to meet a good place. I want to go again next year ♪
Mio Nakahama on Google

マタニティーとニューボーンの撮影をしていただきました。 ペット撮影出来るということで一緒に撮ってもらいました。 落ち着きのないわんちゃんで大変でしたがカメラマンさんもアシスタントさんもとても親切でわんちゃんへの対応もよく楽しく撮影できました。 赤ちゃんの写真もとても可愛く撮っていただいてよかったです。 こらから子供のイベントごとはこちらで撮影お願いしようと思います。
We had you shoot maternity and newborn. I asked them to take a picture together because they can take pictures of pets. It was difficult for me to be a restless doggy, but the photographer and assistant were very kind, and I was able to deal with the doggy well and enjoyed shooting. I'm glad that you took a very cute picture of your baby. From here, I would like to ask you to take a picture of each child's event here.
川野紀行 on Google

Two people from Sato Photo Studio came to shoot the event. I was very satisfied with the quality of the photos and the delivery time. The photos are so beautiful that even amateurs cannot take them. Also, the response was very pleasant, and it was really nice to ask! I also want to ask you again!
TSUMUつむ on Google

It's a very cozy studio at home. The cameramen and staff were kind and interesting, so the children were able to relax and take pictures.
たこワサ on Google

早島の景観を損なわないような建物が出迎えてくれます。 スタッフの方々は笑顔で、赤ちゃんも応えるようにニコニコしてくれました。 良い記念写真が撮れました。 ありがとうございます。
You will be greeted by a building that does not spoil the scenery of Hayashima. The staff smiled and smiled so that the baby could respond. I took a good commemorative photo. thank you.
yuu on Google

子供の記念写真の撮影で利用しました。 昔からある写真館のようですが、最近お店がリニューアルされてとてもきれいなスタジオがあります。お庭もあるので外での撮影もできます。 衣装選びから撮影までスタッフの方やカメラマンの方皆さん親切で愛想良く対応していただきました!以前、他の写真館の接客で嫌な思いをしたことがあるのですが、こちらは事前に細かいこともやり取りで対応してくださり、撮影中に子供が楽しくいられるように常に笑顔で接してくださいました。 お値段もリーズナブルで写真データを全て購入しても他店に比べてかなり安いのも魅力的でした! また機会があれば利用したいと思います♪
I used it to take a commemorative photo of my child. It looks like an old photo studio, but the store has recently been renewed and there is a very beautiful studio. There is also a garden so you can shoot outside. From costume selection to shooting, the staff and cameramen were kind and friendly! I used to have an unpleasant feeling when serving customers at other photo studios, but they also exchanged small details in advance and always treated me with a smile so that my child could have fun while shooting. Thank you. It was attractive that the price was reasonable and even if you purchased all the photo data, it was considerably cheaper than other stores! I would like to use it again if I have the opportunity ♪
あさひん on Google

アットホームであたたかい♪ 佐藤写真館さんで マタニティーフォトをとりました。 夫婦の写真や家族写真もいれると たくさんのショット数でしたが 最終的な料金もお安く大満足! 子ども達もわんぱくでしたが キッズルームもあり飽きずに楽しめたのと 奥様がみてくださり 最後まで楽しく撮影できて 大変助かりました(*^ω^*)
Warm at home ♪ At Sato Photo Studio I took a maternity photo. If you include a couple's photo and a family photo It was a lot of shots The final price is also cheap and I am very satisfied! The children were also naughty There is also a kids room so I could enjoy it without getting bored Your wife sees me I enjoyed shooting until the end It was very helpful (* ^ ω ^ *)

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