Sarnath - Funabashi

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sarnath

住所 :

5 Chome-1-8 Miyamoto, Funabashi, Chiba 273-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 273-0003
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM

5 Chome-1-8 Miyamoto, Funabashi, Chiba 273-0003, Japan
渡部聖司 on Google

平日ランチで早めに訪問、5〜6人並んでました。こじんまりした店内のため、カレーの匂いでお腹が余計に減ります。 辛いキーマカレーとベジタブルカレーを注文。ベジタブルカレーはトマトの旨味がありとても美味しかった。シンプルなナンとの相性は抜群でまた来たいお店です。
We visited early for lunch on weekdays, and 5 to 6 people lined up. Because it is a small shop, the smell of curry makes you hungry. I ordered spicy keema curry and vegetable curry. The vegetable curry had the umami of tomatoes and was very delicious. It goes well with simple naan and is a shop you'll want to visit again.
kato on Google

最強最高のワンプレート。 ナンバーとバターチキンを絶対食べて。
The strongest and best one plate. Absolutely eat the number and butter chicken.
黒ごまきにゃ子 on Google

3年ぶりにお邪魔しました。 前回は行列に1時間程並びましたが、今回はコロナ禍もあってか、並ばずに入れました。11:30オープン、限定30食分を用意されているようです。 香ばしいナンの色、香りが食欲をそそります。 今回はカレーセットの日替わりとチキン(辛口)の2種をチョイス。日替わりはナスとパプリカ、ほうれん草と豆のカレーでした。サラダもたっぷりで口直しに丁度良い感じです。美味しくて夢中で食べてしまいました^^ 店内はこじんまりとしていて満席でした。このご時世ですので厨房も含め換気をされており、他のお客さんも会話控えめでしたので安心して過ごすことが出来ました。 お店の近くには神社があり、桜が満開でした。天気が良い日は散歩に最適です。
I visited you for the first time in 3 years. Last time I lined up in a line for about an hour, but this time I put it in without lining up, probably because of the corona wreck. It is open at 11:30 and seems to have a limited 30 servings. The fragrant naan color and scent are appetizing. This time, I chose two kinds of curry set, daily and chicken (dry). The daily change was eggplant and paprika, spinach and bean curry. The salad is plentiful and it feels just right to retouch. It was delicious and I ate it crazy ^^ The store was small and full. Since it was this time of the year, the kitchen was well ventilated, and other customers were modest in conversation, so I was able to spend my time with peace of mind. There was a shrine near the shop, and the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. Great for a walk when the weather is nice.
さく on Google

平日11時20分到着。 店内はすでに満員、扉を開けると店員さんが予約表を持ち出てくる。12時45分の入店とのこと。 雰囲気から、もっと早く来ても良かったと思われる。11時ジャスト位に来るのが良いかも。 メニューは少ない。 カレーはスープ状で瑞々しく、濃くはない。 スパイシーというより、まろやか系。 あっさりした感じの為、女性ウケが良さそう。 店員さんはバタバタとしていて、落ち着かない感じ。ゆっくり食べられない雰囲気。 通常のセットのみだと男性には量が少なく感じるが、女性には丁度良さそう。 私は、ロイヤルインドレストランのカレーの方が好みかもしれません。
Arrived at 11:20 on weekdays. The store is already full, and when you open the door, the clerk brings out the reservation table. It is said that the store will enter at 12:45. From the atmosphere, I think I should have come earlier. It might be better to come to just 11 o'clock. There are few menus. The curry is soup-like, fresh and not thick. Rather than spicy, it is mellow. Because it feels light, it looks good for women. The clerk is fluttering and feels uncomfortable. Atmosphere that you cannot eat slowly. Men feel that the amount is small with only a normal set, but it seems to be just right for women. I may prefer the curry at the Royal Indian Restaurant.
cl chen (xiaoyaya) on Google

I've been here for a long time. Once you get to know the Indian curry here, it's so delicious that you won't be satisfied with what you get elsewhere. The curry is not muddy and I like it because it is smooth. Nan is not sweet and I like it again. The onion pickles that are attached to the side of the salad are very delicious, and if you have it between curries, your mouth will be refreshed and your appetite will not stop. The charity is also rich, delicious and addictive.
Shit STIRRER on Google

One of the most popular curry restaurants in JAPAN!!! In fact, curry here is fascinating...!!!
Samanta on Google

This is the best Indian curry place I have been in Japan. All dishes are great, it's just a pity that they now only open for lunch.
hideaki takahashi on Google

I have eaten many indian cuisines, not only in Japan but India. I found the curry here is authentic but at the same time something you can get only by Japanese cook. I love this place but always there is a queue. Early evening is best time to visit.

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