
3.8/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact 増山医院

住所 :

Sarado, Otawara, 〒324-0404 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887988
Webサイト : https://picky8613.wixsite.com/masuyama-dr-office
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–5:45PM
Tuesday 9AM–5:45PM
Wednesday 9AM–5:45PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–5:45PM
街 : Tochigi

Sarado, Otawara, 〒324-0404 Tochigi,Japan
飯塚淳一 on Google

Natu Atui on Google

yu t on Google

The teacher is kind, the price is conscientious, and it takes less time.
-- on Google

【時間と金が有り余っている患者向けの病院】 根拠は以下(長文)。 30代会社員が平日午後に有休をとって2回受診した時のこと。 ◾️当方の求めていたもの ①受けたい治療:スギ花粉舌下免疫療法 ②通院回数はできるだけ少なく(会社員なので) ◾️初診時 ①②の為に、昨シーズンに他院で検査した血液検査結果を持参したが、治療のためには再検査が必要とのこと。 持参したものでは何がダメなのか伺うも、「再検査しないとわからないから」という回答。再検査をすることに。 受診2回目で検査結果を見たが、項目、評価方法、値ともに持参したものと同様だったので、再検査の必要性はなかったと思われる。 今回、杉の他にも多数項目を検査したため検査費用5000円程かかったが、後々、項目数に応じて検査費用がかかることがわかった。 それを知っていればスギ以外の検査はしなかったので(現状、スギとダニ以外は免疫療法が無いので)、この辺りの説明が欲しかった。 ◾️受診2回目時 検査結果が出たので、今日こそはと治療開始を希望するも「薬が一人分しかないから」という理由で渋っている。しかしながら「本日、無理に始められないこともない」とも仰るので、こちらも通院回数を少しでも減らしたいからと食い下がったが、「また日を改めて来て欲しい。舌下免疫は何回も来てもらわなきゃいけない。たかが一回くらい通院回数が増えたからなんだっていうの」と言って奥に引っ込んでしまう始末、、、。 ◾️終わりに たったの2回かもしれないが、仕事の都合をつけて受診したものが空振りに終わり、時間と金を無駄にしてしまい、大変ガッカリしている。 今後も長きにわたる治療だからこそ、またこんなやりとりが発生するかもしれないと思うとウンザリし、もう行かないと決めた。 老若男女さまざまな患者がいて、求めるものも千差万別なはずなので、今後、うまく対応されることを切に願う。 ※その後、別の病院にて、難なく初診からシダキュア処方してもらい、治療を開始しました。 20 AUG’19
[Hospital for patients with excess time and money] The grounds are as follows (long text). This is when a company employee in his 30s takes two days off on a weekday afternoon. ◾️ What we wanted ① Treatment you want to receive: Cedar pollen sublingual immunotherapy (2) The number of visits is as small as possible (because it is a company employee) ◾️ At first visit I brought my blood test results from another hospital last season for (1) and (2), but a retest is necessary for treatment. Even if they ask what is wrong with what they bring, the answer is "I don't know without re-examination". To re-inspect. The results of the examination were seen at the second visit, but the items, evaluation methods, and values ​​were the same as those brought with them, so it seems that there was no need for reexamination. This time, in addition to the cedar, many items were inspected, so the inspection cost was about 5,000 yen. Later, it was found that the inspection cost was incurred according to the number of items. If I knew it, I didn't test anything other than cedar (since I don't have any immunotherapy other than cedar and ticks), I wanted an explanation here. ◾️ At the second visit Since the test results came out, I would like to start treatment today, but I am reluctant because I have only one medicine. However, he said, “I can't start it forcibly today,” he said. “I want to come back again. I want sublingual immunity many times. I have to get it because it ’s because the number of visits has increased by about one time. ” ◾️ At the end It may be only 2 times, but what I visited for the convenience of my work ended up empty, wasting my time and money, and I was very disappointed. I decided I wouldn't go anymore because I thought that this kind of exchange might happen again because of the long-term treatment. There are a variety of patients, both young and old, and what they want is very different, so I hope that they will respond well in the future. * After that, I had a prescription for Sida Cure from the first visit without difficulty at another hospital and started treatment. 20 AUG’19
M J on Google

I wanted to start sublingual immunotherapy. However, I looked at the address and told me the nearest hospital from my home. Consideration that it is better to stay as close as possible because you will have to see for a long time. It was very helpful.
たなこ on Google

舌下療法を始めたく受診。 少し前の口コミをみて不安もあったけれど、実際はとても優しく丁寧に診察をしてくれました。 受診頻度は決まりがあって、開始後暫くは少し細かくなってしまうとのこと。 家から近いわけでもないため悩みましたが、続けて見ていただくことにしました。 先生もスタッフさんもみんな雰囲気が良いです。
Consultation to start sublingual therapy. I was worried about the word-of-mouth from a while ago, but in fact she was very gentle and polite. The consultation frequency is fixed, and it will be a little bit fine for a while after the start. I was worried because it was not close to my house, but decided to keep watching. Both the teacher and the staff have a good atmosphere.

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