Sapporo Brewery (Shizuoka) - Yaizu

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sapporo Brewery (Shizuoka)

住所 :

708-1 Hamatome, Yaizu, Shizuoka 425-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 425-0012
Webサイト :

708-1 Hamatome, Yaizu, Shizuoka 425-0012, Japan
malamute on Google

以前に行っていた工場見学(ビール付き)が現在は行っていません。 他の工場では行っているので残念です。
The factory tour (with beer) that I used to do is no longer available. It's a shame because we do it at other factories.
うーやん on Google

Thank you for making Shizuoka beer. I am grateful as a citizen of Shizuoka prefecture.
ゴメ山ゴメ男 on Google

数年前、山梨から予約して?工場見学へ参加させて頂きました❗ 当日は私達だけで、貸し切り状態でした⁉️ 作りたての美味しい?生ビール、とっても美味しかったです?
A few years ago, I made a reservation from Yamanashi ? and participated in a factory tour ❗ We were alone on the day and were in a chartered state ⁉️ Freshly made delicious ? draft beer was very delicious ?
黒セブン on Google

資材納品は11:45着でも降ろしてくれません お昼休みは70分以上取るみたいです ちなみに作業時間5分ほどの納品なのに。。。
Material delivery will not be unloaded even if it arrives at 11:45 It seems that lunch break takes more than 70 minutes By the way, the delivery time is about 5 minutes. .. ..
萩原友希 on Google

I've never been there, but I often just go through the road of Sapporo Beer, so don't you know?
ポメ乱ニャン on Google

流石、SAPPORO この苦味がSAPPOROの伝統芸 他のメーカーは水っぽかったり、まろやかを追求しすぎてビール本来の苦味がなくなっているものばかり まろやか、飲みやすいものは限定でいいと思う、今売れ行きが悪いのは税金のせいだ
As expected, SAPPORO This bitterness is the traditional art of SAPPORO Other manufacturers are watery or pursue mellowness so much that the original bitterness of beer is lost. I think it's okay to limit the items that are mellow and easy to drink, and the reason why they are not selling well now is because of taxes.
借金まみれ on Google

積み込みは長時間待たされる。 非常食持ってかないと餓死します。 仕事なので仕方なく行きますがホントはとっても行きたくない。
Loading is kept waiting for a long time. If you don't have an emergency food, you will starve to death. I have no choice but to go because it's my job, but I really don't want to go.
波動スピーカー(あい) on Google

静岡県下、お店で提供している静岡麦酒が美味しい! この季節、限定缶ビールで楽しめまーす。 以前は、ビールの説明を聞きながらグラスも貰えていました~。 来年最初までビオトープも休止中とのことでーす。
The Shizuoka beer offered at stores in Shizuoka Prefecture is delicious! During this season, you can enjoy a limited edition beer. Previously, you could get a glass while listening to the explanation of beer ~. The biotope is also inactive until the beginning of next year.

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