インドカレー SANTA

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact インドカレー SANTA

住所 :

Minatomachi, Shiogama, 〒985-0016 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Webサイト : https://www.curry-santa.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–9:30PM
Sunday 5–9:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Miyagi

Minatomachi, Shiogama, 〒985-0016 Miyagi,Japan
三浦優 on Google

カレーは凄く美味しいです。辛さも6段階で選べるし 日本語が、上手なネーパーの方がいますので、安心して 店に入れます。
The curry is very delicious. You can choose the spiciness in 6 stages There are some Nepers who are good at Japanese, so don't worry. Put it in the store.
モモンガ on Google

マトンカレーの大盛をテイクアウトでいただきました ナンはモチモチとして大きく、男性でも一枚で満足感のある食事となります カレーは辛さを選べますが割とマイルドめで、辛口でも辛すぎるということはなく感じました マトンがゴロゴロと入っていて、スパイシーなルウの刺激とともにマトンのうまみが感じられ、大変美味しかったです マトンといっても臭みはなく、大変食べやすく感じました カレー以外にも色々日本では馴染みのないメニューがあり、辛いものが苦手な人も割と楽しめるかなと思います なお、電話注文の場合インド?の方が電話に取ると確認等に時間がかかりますので、そこは注意が必要かと思います
I had a large serving of mutton curry as a takeout Nan is big and chewy, and even men can have a satisfying meal with just one piece. You can choose the spiciness of the curry, but it is relatively mild, and I felt that it was not too spicy even if it was dry. The mutton was rumbling, and the umami of the mutton was felt along with the spicy roux stimulation, which was very delicious. Even though it was a mutton, it had no odor and I felt it was very easy to eat. In addition to curry, there are various menus that are unfamiliar in Japan, and I think that people who are not good at spicy foods can enjoy it. In case of telephone order, India? If you pick up the phone, it will take longer to confirm, so I think you need to be careful there.
HERO on Google

Authentic curry that is made by ordering authentic Indian spices and adjusting it to suit the taste of Japanese people with a unique composition! You can choose from 5 levels of spiciness (no spiciness, normal, slightly spicy, dry, spicy). The president is Japanese and the employees will pull out those who are good at cooking from local India and Nepal. So it ’s very delicious! !! !! There are many types of naan, and cheese and keema are recommended. Lunch is very good value, and if you order a special set, you can enjoy a complete menu of your favorite curry, naan, saffron rice, fried Indian, salad, and drinks.
Capuちゃん on Google

利府店があった頃からひと月に2~3回は食べに行きます。 今は塩釜店。 最初はガーリックナンやチーズナンを注文していましたが、最近はダール(豆)とライスをよく注文します。一番あっさりしている組み合わせです。全部一通り食べて行きついた感じ(笑) 飲み物はいつもラッシーですが、家族は『マサラチャイ(ホット)がサイコー!、カフェでもこの味は中々出せない』と大絶賛で毎回注文します。甘いですが何故かスッキリ飲めます。
I go to eat 2-3 times a month since the Rifu store was there. Now it's Shiogama store. At first I ordered garlic naan and cheese naan, but lately I often order dal (beans) and rice. This is the lightest combination. It feels like I've eaten everything and ended up (laughs) Drinks are always lassi, but my family said, "Masara Chai (hot) is great! , I can't get this taste even in a cafe. " It's sweet, but for some reason you can drink it refreshingly.
鈴木貴之 on Google

本日のランチは塩竈市港町のインディアンキッチン&バー サンタさんでインドカレー。ナンとライスが選べますが私はいつもナンです。? 本日のカレーは780円でナン、サラダ、カレー、ドリンクがついてくるのでお得。タンドリーチキンは追加注文で220円。合わせて1000円でした。やっぱりうまい。?
Today's lunch is Indian curry at Indian Kitchen & Bar Santa in Shiogama City. You can choose Nan and Rice, but I'm always Nan. ? Today's curry is 780 yen and comes with naan, salad, curry and drink, so it's a great deal. Tandoori chicken is 220 yen for an additional order. It was 1000 yen in total. After all it is good. ?
uttamsingh negi on Google

I love indian food. This restaurant is very good.
Jessica Tsuzuki on Google

Very good curry, customizable spice level. Good sets and service.
Indhu Mathi on Google

The food taste is average , they have the izakaya type (carpet) room. Would recommend if travelling with kids, they have a space for kids to play. You can visit this restaurant if you are looking for peaceful lunch / dinner.

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