Sanohihuka Clinic - Toyonaka

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

さの皮膚科クリニック 大阪府豊中市【皮膚科、美容皮膚科】 -

大阪府豊中市にある皮膚科、美容皮膚科 さの皮膚科クリニックへぜひご相談ください

さの皮膚科クリニック 大阪府豊中市【皮膚科、美容皮膚科】 -

皮膚治療・医療レーザー治療・美容皮膚治療各種保険取扱 予約優先性


各種保険取扱 予約優先制

さの皮膚科クリニックご予約は0120-685-643 06-6856-4371



大阪府豊中市向丘3-11-47 ステップビル向丘N-201Tel.06-6856-4371予約優先制です。 診療時間表

Contact Sanohihuka Clinic

住所 :

ステップビル向丘 N-201 3 Chome-11-47 Mukaigaoka, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 560-0053
Webサイト :

ステップビル向丘 N-201 3 Chome-11-47 Mukaigaoka, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0053, Japan
和田義明 on Google

The teacher is really high pressure and it is better not to go from the top. I was shocked because the doctor at the hospital before I moved was a very nice person.
たつのこ on Google

I was taken care of 10 years ago. I couldn't move because I couldn't move, but I thought that the teacher was good, and when I visited the site for the first time in a while, it was awful. It was written that I would never go again, and the teacher was sorry. However, they are all poor people who write bad words. I will give you a sample of the correct writing. First, the nearest stations are Senri Chuo and Hankyu Toyonaka. It's difficult to walk, so we take a train and a bus. Get off at Nobata Elementary School and walk 3 or 4 minutes. The focus is on insurance medical treatment, but at the beginning, there were several lasers for beauty treatment. (Maybe it's more now?) The teacher is a person who speaks clearly, so there may be some misunderstanding, but please treat him properly. There is not much waiting time. Even if it was crowded, the teacher was able to treat it to the point where there was no useless talk. The staff is also very helpful. The teacher is being taught rigorously. Since it is a hospital, there are some that do not fit. However, healthcare professionals cannot choose patients. Patients can choose, so if they don't fit, don't go. The beauty treatment menu is abundant and the stain removal is excellent. A dermatologist who gives me a towel even on rainy days and is kind in total.
いのけん on Google

看護師の面接で行きました。 なぜか面接官がナース。普通クリニックだと今までは院長なりが絶対出てきてたのに、、その時点で嫌な予感。 とにかく受付が無愛想。電話対応も忙しいアピールが酷くプロ意識ゼロ。 こんなスタッフがいるところでは絶対働きたくないと、直感的におもいました。すぐに他院での就職がきまり良かったです。 患者としても絶対嫌だなと思いました。
I went for a nurse interview. The interviewer is a nurse for some reason. At a normal clinic, the director has always come out, but at that point I had a bad feeling. Anyway, the reception is unfriendly. The appeal of being busy with telephone correspondence is terrible and there is no professionalism. I intuitively thought that I would never want to work in a place with such staff. Immediately it was good to get a job at another hospital. I absolutely hate it as a patient.
まる on Google

最新の医療用ハイフの効果を実感! お顔全体、隅々まで丁寧に照射してくれます。 痛みは想像してたより我慢できる程度でした。 顎がスッキリして目元もパッと明るくなり、 たるみだけでなく肌のハリツヤも良くなった気がします。
Experience the effects of the latest medical hyphen! It carefully irradiates the entire face and every corner. The pain was more tolerable than I had imagined. The chin is refreshing and the eyes are brighter. I feel that not only the sagging but also the firmness of the skin has improved.
on Google

50代になり顔のたるみが気になり、こちらのクリニックへ相談に行きました。 ハキハキ話される先生で説明も分かりやすかったです、口コミでは「先生がキツイ…」とか書かれていたので心配でしたが、出来るか出来ないか的確に答えてくださるので私的には良かったです。 看護師さん達もテキパキしっかり仕事されてるなと感じました、受付の方も親切で、 こちらのクリニックに決めました。
When I was in my 50s, I was worried about the sagging face, so I went to this clinic for consultation. The explanation was easy to understand with the teacher who talked hakihaki, I was worried because the word of mouth said "Teacher is hard ...", but it was good for me because he answered accurately whether I could do it or not. .. I felt that the nurses were also working hard, the receptionist was kind, and I decided to go to this clinic.
naoko kitahara on Google

怪我の絶えない子供達がお世話になっていますが、いつも的確なお薬を出して下さいます。 長男が幼稚園で顔に結構深いひっかき傷を作って来た際に頂いたお薬もバッチリ効き、傷痕が残らず綺麗に治りました。 評価が別れているようですが、私はとても信頼できる先生だと思っています。
The children who are injured are indebted to me, but they always give me the right medicine. The medicine I received when my eldest son made a fairly deep scratch on his face in kindergarten worked perfectly, and healed cleanly without leaving any scars. It seems that the evaluations are divided, but I think that I am a very reliable teacher.
りん on Google

高圧的な先生という意見が見受けられますが、私もここが開業された当初に行った時はそう感じました。 多分きちんとしっかり病状を説明して頂けただけだとは今になって思いますが、、、もしかしたらその後対応方針を変えたのかもしれません。 たまたま2度目3度目とその後行く機会があり、再び診てもらった時には全くそのような感じがなく良い対応をして頂きました。
There is an opinion that it is a high-pressure teacher, but I also felt that way when I went there when it was first opened. I think that I was able to explain my condition properly now, but maybe I changed my response policy after that. I happened to have the opportunity to go there for the second and third time, and when I was seen again, there was no such feeling at all and I received a good response.
松みきこ on Google

首元のイボをレーザー治療していただきました。事前に施術内容、金額の事も ちゃんと説明してくださり安心して受けれました。レーザー治療後 アイシングの為 ベッドで休憩させていただき とても丁寧な対応でした。レーザーも早くて痛みも少なく もしかして先生はゴッドハンド?と思いながら寝てました。悩んでいないでもっと早く来ればよかったなと思いました。
I had a laser treatment of the warts on the neck. He explained the details of the treatment and the amount of money in advance, so I was able to receive it with confidence. After the laser treatment, I took a break in bed for icing and was very polite. The laser is fast and there is less pain. Maybe the teacher is a god hand? I slept while thinking. I wish I had come earlier without worrying about it.

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