ニッショー 関支店

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ニッショー 関支店

住所 :

Sannodori, Seki, 〒501-3252 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.nissho-apn.co.jp/chintai/store/detail/74/
街 : Gifu

Sannodori, Seki, 〒501-3252 Gifu,Japan
堕天使大王 on Google

I went to a job change, but despite the introduction of the company, I only introduced the properties that had appeared in advance. When you show the property, you have to wait for 2 hours! The business card came out at the end.
K on Google

Mr. Minekawa's response was good, so it was good to come to this Nissho and sign a contract. Thank you very much.
ハクさん on Google

It was my first time to use it, but I was able to sign the contract without any anxiety due to the kind and polite response. Thank you very much.
未来代大村 on Google

今回で2回目の契約です。 いつも親切で丁寧、スムーズに契約させて頂きました。 嶺川さんありがとうございます。
This is the second contract. I was always kind, polite, and smoothly contracted. Thank you, Mr. Minekawa.
足立崇敬 on Google

丁寧な対応と、分かりやすい説明で契約までお世話になりました。 初めてのアパート契約で不安でしたが、安心して選ぶ事が出来ました!
Thank you for your polite response and easy-to-understand explanations to the contract. I was worried about my first apartment contract, but I was able to choose with confidence!
あも on Google

最初から最後まで親切な対応で安心してアパートを決めることができました! ありがとうございました。
I was able to decide on an apartment with peace of mind with a kind response from the beginning to the end! Thank you very much.
ひらめ0 on Google

I was very satisfied with the prompt response and clear explanation. If I have a chance, I would love to use it.
ジャンD on Google

県外者ですが、こちらで2度目のお世話になりました。前回は約10年前かな?そして今回もまた関市に縁がありお世話になる事となりました。前回同様に大変丁寧に各物件の案内、説明もして頂き今回も契約する事が出来ました。 たぶんコロナ禍で自粛されての事かと思いますが、とても暑い日でしたので、冷たいソフトドリンクでも頂けたらサイコーでした!(笑)
I am from outside the prefecture, but I am indebted to you for the second time. Was it about 10 years ago last time? And this time again, I have a connection with Seki City and I am indebted to you. As with the last time, we were able to sign the contract this time as well, with the guidance and explanation of each property very carefully. I think it was because of the corona sickness, but it was a very hot day, so it would have been great if I could have a cold soft drink! (smile)

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