Sankyu - Osaka

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sankyu

住所 :

7 Chome-3-109 Nankonaka, Suminoe Ward, Osaka, 559-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 559-0033
Webサイト :

7 Chome-3-109 Nankonaka, Suminoe Ward, Osaka, 559-0033, Japan
田中良介 on Google

takadera tos. on Google

塩田敦 on Google

Tatsushi Pais.Amigo on Google

納品8:30-11:30(月ー土),13:00-15:30(月ー金) 引取(月ー金のみ)8:30-11:30+13:00-15:30
Delivery 8: 30-11: 30 (Mon-Sat), 13: 00-15: 30 (Mon-Fri) Collection (Monday-Friday only) 8: 30-11: 30 + 13: 00-15: 30
Prover Velieve on Google

他の倉庫の受付に比べて設備が脆弱で書面も記入しづらい‼️ 多分、南港の中で一番受付の記入幅が狭い工夫の無い倉庫❗️
Compared to reception desks in other warehouses, the equipment is fragile and it is difficult to fill out documents! ️ Probably the narrowest warehouse in Nanko with no ingenuity ❗️
松竹 on Google

受付ぐだぐだ 担当リフトマン生意気で下手クソでした もう行かん
Receptionist Gudaguda Liftman in charge was cheeky and bad shit I can't go anymore
ちょうみん on Google

納品で行きましたが、構内に駐車出来なければ、適当に路上に停めて2階の事務所へ 納品は奥の1番の受付へ行き、車で待機してると降ろせるようになると電話がかかってくるので指定場所へ行き下ろしますので、待機は路上でも大丈夫! 門付近の路上駐車は関係無いトラックばかりです
I went by delivery, but if I could not park on the premises, I stopped on the street and went to the office on the second floor For delivery, go to the first reception in the back, and if you wait in the car, you will receive a phone call when you can get off, so you will go down to the designated place, so you can wait on the street! Street parking near the gate is all unrelated trucks
Yohei on Google

引き取りで伺いました。 朝の受付は、納品・引取の共に8:30から開始でした。 構内に待機レーンがありますが、入れない場合は外に止めて待機です。 順番来たら電話来ます。 正直言って、初めて行く人はわからないです。 2階に受付ありますが、8:00に行って引取用の窓口前で待って受付に要件言うたら、「神戸行きは奥です。」って普通に言われました。 いやっ、どこに書いてるねん! 結局、早く来たのに最後尾に並び直し! もうちょっとわかりやすくしましょうよ?
I asked you to pick it up. The morning reception started at 8:30 for both delivery and pick-up. There is a waiting lane on the premises, but if you can not enter it, stop outside and wait. I'll call you when it's your turn. To be honest, I don't know who is going for the first time. There is a reception on the 2nd floor, but when I went to 8:00 and waited in front of the pick-up window and told the receptionist the requirements, I was usually told, "Going to Kobe is in the back." Where are you writing! After all, even though I came early, I re-arranged at the end! Let's make it a little easier to understand?

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