整体院わが家 - Owariasahi

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 整体院わが家

住所 :

Sangocho, Owariasahi, 〒488-0013 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 488-0013
Webサイト : https://seitaiin-wagaya.jp/
街 : Aichi

Sangocho, Owariasahi, 〒488-0013 Aichi,Japan
Kaede Masago on Google

産後の骨盤矯正でお世話になっています。 2人出産して骨盤の歪みにより 歩き方がおかしいな…と 思いつつも後回しにしていましたが 主人がお世話になっていることを きっかけに私もお願いすることにしました。 施術中は痛いところをピンポイントで マッサージして頂き、とても気持ち良いです! 通い始めて2回ですが、走るときの骨盤の違和感が なくなり効果を実感しています。 また子どものおもちゃやベッドも用意されていて とても助かっています。 またよろしくお願いします( . .)"
I am indebted to the postpartum pelvic correction. Two people gave birth due to pelvic distortion The way I walk is strange ... I was thinking about it, but I was putting it off That my husband is indebted I also decided to ask for it. Pinpoint the painful area during the procedure It feels great to have a massage! It's been two times since I started going, but I feel something is wrong with my pelvis when I run. I feel the effect is gone. There are also children's toys and beds It is very helpful. Also thank you( . .)"
金子剛彦 on Google

ずっと続いていた、首と腰の痛みと不調。施術や説明が丁寧で、一人一人に向き合っていると感じました。施術後は、首が8~9/10ほどに回復。腰は6~7/10ほどに回復しました。 治療院は先生と患者という構図になるため、中には、偉そうだったり、威圧的、自分の考えを押し付けて、施術後痛みがあるは患者のせい。という態度をとる整体院が横行していますが、そういったものを払拭してくるほどの安心感をもちました。 本当に良かったと思います。今、少しでもカラダに不調や痛みのある方は、一度、訪ねてみてください!
Neck and lower back pain and upset that had been going on for a long time. I felt that the treatment and explanations were polite and that I was facing each and every one of them. After the treatment, the neck recovered to about 8-9 / 10. The waist recovered to about 6-7 / 10. Since the treatment center is composed of a teacher and a patient, some of them look great, intimidating, and impose their own thoughts, and the pain after the treatment is due to the patient. The manipulative clinics that take this attitude are rampant, but I felt reassured enough to dispel such things. I think it was really good. If you have any problems or pain in your body right now, please visit us!
中根晃子 on Google

夫婦で通っています。小さな子供もいますがおもちゃもベビーベッドもあるので通いやすいです! 産後の骨盤矯正で体重も減ったり体の調子もよくなりました。主人は仕事で痛めた肩の調子をよくしてもらいました。保険がきくので経済的にも助かっています。
I go by couple. There are small children, but there are also toys and cots so it's easy to go! Postpartum pelvic correction has reduced weight and improved physical condition. My husband had a good condition for the shoulder that hurt at work. The insurance has helped me economically.
Haruka Ishida on Google

1歳の子どもを連れて通院できる接骨院を探していたところ、マンツーマンで診ていただけるこちらを見つけ受診しました。 ここまで丁寧に問診をして悪いところを探していただけるのは初めてで、自分の体がどう歪んでいるかがよくわかり、自分の体にもっと意識を向けて大切にしたいという気持ちになりました。 先生の手による施術にたくさん時間をとってくださり、とても安心感があり、3、4回続けて通院したらほとんどよくなりほっとしています。 今後とも宜しくお願いします。
When I was looking for an osteopathic clinic where I could go to the hospital with a one-year-old child, I found this one-on-one consultation and went to see it. It was the first time for me to ask questions so carefully to find out what was wrong, and I was able to understand how my body was distorted, which made me want to pay more attention to my body and cherish it. The teacher took a lot of time for the treatment, and I feel very relieved, and I am relieved that it will be almost better if I go to the hospital three or four times in a row. Thank you in the future.
石川瑞希 on Google

Thank you for your help in the traffic accident. At first, I was introduced by an acquaintance, and I was bothered by the fact that there was a teacher who was strong against traffic accident injuries. Due to the accident, I had a feeling of discomfort in my lower back and shoulders, which made it difficult for me to move. The teacher is young, but you can leave it to us with confidence. The atmosphere in the hospital is also good, so I recommend it! I hope to work with you in the future.

会話から沢山身体のこと聴いてくれます。とても話しやすいです。 空気感はゆる〜く ですが、施術はとてもしっかりしてくれます。とっても良くて苦しかった首と肩、そして腕が楽になりました。ありがとうございます。
He listens to a lot of things from the conversation. It's very easy to talk to. The atmosphere is loose, but the treatment is very solid. The neck, shoulders, and arms, which were very good and painful, have become easier. thank you.
奥村將太郎 on Google

ここに来てよかったと思うのは、安心して施術してもらえるところ! はじめに具体的な相談や施術に対する解説があるのですごく安心できました! 自分は腰が痛くて、どうしていいか分からなかったのですが、普段の生活で何に気をつけたらいいかというアドバイスをいただいたり、「なぜ腰痛なのに上半身をほぐすことが大切なのか」などの素朴な疑問にも優しく答えてくださったりしました! そしてなんといっても雰囲気の良さ! 丁寧な施術だけならどこでも大丈夫そうですが、わが家という名前だけあってあたたかい雰囲気 前向きで行動力たっぷりの先生の話は面白くて、ぜひ一度お会いしてお話ししてほしい! そして院内の様子もよく見てほしい!言葉では伝わらない人柄の良さと周りの人たちとのあたたかい関わりが分かるはず
I'm glad I came here because I can have the treatment with peace of mind! At the beginning, I was very relieved because there were specific consultations and explanations about the treatment! I had a backache and didn't know what to do, but I received advice on what to watch out for in my daily life, and asked, "Why is it important to loosen your upper body even though you have backache?" He kindly answered simple questions! And after all, the atmosphere is good! It seems that any treatment is okay if it's just a polite treatment, but it has a warm atmosphere because of the name of my home. The story of a positive and active teacher is interesting, so please meet and talk with us! And I want you to take a closer look at the inside of the hospital! You should be able to understand the goodness of personality that cannot be conveyed in words and the warm relationship with the people around you.
豊田誠也 on Google

首と肩周り・腰を慢性的に悪くする事があるので今回伺いました。 整体院は時々行っていますが、その中でも特にオススメの整体院さんです!これからお世話になります✨ 初めに身体の事をたくさん聞いてくれたので安心して受けれました☺️名前の通りアットホームな雰囲気で人柄的なものもあり、とても話しやすかったです✨ ゆるりとした空気感ですが、施術もしっかりしていて根拠があってされてるのだなと感じました!整体院に行った後に体が重いな(揉み返しなど)と感じる事がある場所が多いですが、こちらはピンポイントで整えてくれるので揉み返し等もなく、体が軽かったです☺️ その人その人にあった通院ペースも考えてくださっている、とも感じました! 気持ち良く受けれて体との付き合い方もわかり本当にありがとうございました!
I visited this time because it may cause chronic deterioration of the neck, shoulders and hips. I go to the manipulative clinic from time to time, but I especially recommend the manipulative clinic! I will be indebted to you from now on ✨ At the beginning, he asked me a lot about my body, so I was relieved. ☺️ As the name suggests, it was very easy to talk to because it had a homely atmosphere and personality. It's a loose atmosphere, but I felt that the treatment was solid and well-founded! After going to the manipulative clinic, there are many places where you may feel that your body is heavy (rubbing back, etc.), but since this is pinpointed, there is no rubbing back, etc., and your body was light ☺️ I also felt that he was thinking about the pace of going to the hospital that suits him! Thank you so much for being comfortable and understanding how to interact with your body!

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