車検のコバック 吉野五條店 - Yoshino District

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

吉野郡の車検ならコバック吉野五條店 | 五條市すぐ - Kobac-oyodo.com


吉野郡の車検ならコバック吉野五條店 | 五條市すぐ - Kobac-oyodo.com


近畿運輸局指定整備工場 第232A号
車検のコバック 吉野五條店

〒638-0831 奈良県吉野郡大淀町佐名伝37
店舗直通フリーボイス 0037-6001-4642
TEL.0747-52-1616 FAX.0747-52-5788


Contact 車検のコバック 吉野五條店

住所 :

Sanate, Oyodo, Yoshino District, 〒638-0831 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Postal code : 638-0831
Webサイト : http://kobac-oyodo.com/
街 : Nara

Sanate, Oyodo, Yoshino District, 〒638-0831 Nara,Japan
あじたろう on Google

車検寸前に突然かなり複雑な故障をしていたにも関わらず親身に対応いただきました。 お陰で愛着のある自動車にまた乗れています。 ありがとうございました。
Even though I suddenly had a rather complicated breakdown just before the vehicle inspection, I was kindly treated. Thanks to you, I am able to ride in a car that I have a strong attachment to. Thank you very much.
近藤貴子 on Google

A car was partially damaged during the trip, and I was at a loss as to what to do in an unknown land, and when I came to this shop, I was kindly responded and I was able to turn around where I wanted to go safely I have a trip. I'm really grateful to the store manager, who is young and has a wonderful god response. If you have any trouble with the car inspection or car, please go to this shop! I really recommend it. ?
近鉄好き on Google

車の1日車検などにお世話になっています 本日アンテナも取り付けに行きましたが、 数分で作業完了して助かりました
I am indebted to the one-day vehicle inspection of the car I went to install the antenna today, I was saved by completing the work in a few minutes
2 K on Google

車検を頼みましたが気になるところがあり問い合わせたところ私の車に何をどれだけ入れたか何をしたのかもわかりませんでした。 質問しても「それくらいは誤差です」「今までこんなことはなかった」「他の車だと・・・」と繰り返すだけで謝罪の1つもありませんでした。 高評価の方が多いですが車の知識がない客かサクラなのかと疑ってしまいます。
I asked for a car inspection, but when I inquired about it, I didn't know what I put in my car and what I did. Even if I asked a question, I just repeated "that's an error", "I've never done this before", and "if it's another car ...", and there was no apology. Many people give high marks, but I suspect that they are customers who do not have knowledge of cars or Sakura.
はまざわよしなお on Google

この度.車検整備をして頂き有難う御座いました 電話受付.フロント様による.親切丁寧な対応して頂き有難う御座いました 又.メカニツク様による.丁寧な説明及び.丁寧な整備をして頂き.深く 感謝お礼申し上げます.車の清掃もビカピカにして頂き有難う御座いました お陰様で.車の方はベストコンデイションで動いています 又.2年後の車検を お願いしたいと思っております。
Thank you for your inspection and maintenance. Telephone reception. By the front desk. Thank you for your kind and polite response. Also, by Mr. Mechanic, please give a careful explanation and a careful maintenance. Deeply Thank you very much. Thank you for cleaning the car as well. Thanks to you. The car is working in the best condition Also, I would like to ask for a vehicle inspection two years later.
asakimusic on Google

Until now, vehicle inspections have used other Kobacs. I had a Kobac nearby, so I asked for a car inspection for the first time. First of all, it's very popular from the point of view of telephone support! On the day of the vehicle inspection, the employees welcomed us comfortably. The inside of the store was also very clean. I used Yellow Hat for oil change, but I will use it from now on. It was so good that I thought I would ask for all car-related matters such as tire changes.
ピピアライオン on Google

今回初めてコバック吉野店さんでスタッドレスタイヤ購入しましたがとても丁寧親切に対応して頂き、こちらの要望もしっかり聞いて頂けました( 〃▽〃)本当にありがとうございましたm(_ _)m今後も車の事はコバック吉野店さんに頼もうと思っております☆今後とも宜しくお願い致しますm(_ _)m
I bought studless tires at Kobac Yoshino store for the first time this time, but they responded very politely and kindly, and I was able to listen to this request firmly (〃 ▽ 〃) Thank you very much m (_ _) m Cars in the future I'm thinking of relying on Kobac Yoshino for that ☆ Thank you for your continued support m (_ _) m
上中勇太 on Google

親の代からお世話になっております。初めてのマイカーもこちらで購入させて頂きました。車は好きですが知識があまりない私ですが、そんな私にも懇切丁寧に色々な事を教えてくれます。車購入時はもちろん、アフターパーツでカスタムする際にも豊富な知識でアドバイス頂けます。サクラの様に聞こえるかもしれませんが、整備、接客、スタッフさんの対応、全てにおいて欠点がないと感じており、非常に満足しております。 車検、整備、車両販売においては近隣他社より引けを取らないと思います。
I have been indebted to you since my parents' generation. I also bought my first car here. I like cars but I don't have much knowledge, but he teaches me various things politely. Not only when purchasing a car, but also when customizing with after-parts, you can give advice with a wealth of knowledge. It may sound like Sakura, but I feel that there are no drawbacks in maintenance, customer service, and staff support, and I am very satisfied. In terms of vehicle inspection, maintenance, and vehicle sales, I think it is comparable to other companies in the neighborhood.

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