Sanai Gosengokuten Home Improvement - Yonago

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sanai Gosengokuten Home Improvement

住所 :

1714-1 Fukuichi, Yonago, Tottori 683-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Postal code : 683-0011

1714-1 Fukuichi, Yonago, Tottori 683-0011, Japan
米子力研究所 on Google

ゴチャゴチャしていて良い! 生鮮食品の比率がここまで高いホムセンって珍しいのではないかと思うし、近隣の岡田商店とタメを張って商売が成り立っているのは余程中の人に実力があるのではないでしょうか。 いつも忙しそうで、バタバタしておられるライブ感の中に引き込まれてついつい余計に買い物をしてしまいます。 田舎の母におススメされなければ利用する事が無かったと思われ、口コミって大事だなぁと改めて思いました。 マンパワーで維持されているクオリティなのでお体に気を付けてこれからも良い店を維持して頂きたいです。
It may be jumbled! I think it is unusual for Hom Sen to have such a high proportion of fresh foods, and the fact that the business has been established with the neighboring Okada Shoten is likely to be able to help people in the middle. She seems to be always busy, and she is drawn into the fluttering live feeling, and she just does extra shopping. It was thought that there was no use unless recommended by the mother in the countryside, and I thought again that word of mouth was important. Since the quality is maintained by manpower, I want you to be careful about your body and keep a good store in the future.
舩越真由美 on Google

弁当箱を見にきました 知人に頼まれました。 最後の一品でしたのが 残念 また仕入てもらいたいと思います。 衣料品コーナー MLサイズのTシャツを買ったら 着心地が良かったです  今日は コーヒーコップや熊手等も 購入して帰りました
I came to see the lunch box. I was asked by an acquaintance. It was the last dish, but I'm sorry I would like you to purchase it again. Clothing corner I bought an ML size T-shirt and it was comfortable to wear. Today I bought a coffee cup and a rake and went home.
百雅(モモンガ) on Google

Will it change the business form? The number of empty shelves is increasing. Sometimes I go to find a bargain.
Dotar moon on Google

久しぶりに行ったらパンのコーナーもありました✨ 食品が多くなり器具やらホムセン要素が薄くなりつつありますが、ゴチゃ付いてるのも昔ながらのお店で良いと思います。
When I went there for the first time in a long time, there was also a bread corner ✨ The number of foods is increasing and the equipment and Homsen elements are becoming thinner, but I think that it is good to have a gocha in the old-fashioned shop.
だいやか on Google

品揃え少し少なめ。食品スーパーも兼ねているからね? 22年3月追記、いよいよ食品スーパーへ変わってきたね~?ホムセン商材はカットされて、日用品多目のスーパーといったところ。自転車が無くなるのは寂しいことだ…(^^;
Assortment is a little small. It doubles as a food supermarket ? Added in March 2010, it has finally changed to a food supermarket ~ ? Homsen products have been cut, and it is a supermarket with a lot of daily necessities. It's lonely to lose a bicycle ... (^^;
池田マコ on Google

You can buy cheap vegetables, fruit, sweets for home improvement is, more than anything recommend! Agricultural goods, seedlings, flowers enriched, too. Of course, even though there is one less kind by aligns ... things that most as home improvement. I'm home improvement rather and wonder if anything super feeling of the area. Since the home of the cats are using those purchased in the Sanai to sharpening Nekokan cat sand, shampoo, dry food, claw, it is a shop that trouble you no longer.
9999 diver on Google

以前は東福原のスーパーマートサンアイと違い こちらはホームセンターがメインで食料品が おまけ的な印象でしたが、徐々に食品の種類が 増えてきています。 陳列がごちゃごちゃしていて昔ながらのホーム センターといった感じで見ていて楽しいです。 昔併設していたサンバーガーの復活を密かに期待 しています(笑) ちなみにサンバーガーの跡地は果物売り場として 使われています。
Previously different from Higashifukubara's Super Mart Sun Eye This is mainly a home improvement store and groceries It was an extra impression, but the types of food gradually changed. It is increasing. Old-fashioned home with a messy display It's fun to watch like a center. Secretly expecting the revival of the old Sunberger (Laughs) By the way, the site of Sunberger is used as a fruit counter. It is used.
健綾 on Google

After the renewal of R4.3, the sales floor has expanded and the handling of meat has increased.

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