San-ya Hachiman Shrine - Shinagawa City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact San-ya Hachiman Shrine

住所 :

八幡神社 5 Chome-8-7 Koyama, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 142-0062, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 142-0062
Webサイト :

八幡神社 5 Chome-8-7 Koyama, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 142-0062, Japan
かいまきこ on Google

As a new priest, a nearby nursery school and elementary school students came to visit and became a lively shrine even on weekdays. Sitting on the bench under the cherry tree makes you feel like you have gained power.
青い鳥 on Google

It is a shrine with a clean and clean atmosphere. There is a flower basket where you can cleanse your hands from time to time, and the sincerity of the priest or worshiper is conveyed and your feelings are cleansed whenever you go. My son's prayer for success was fulfilled. Thanks
boijya on Google

From Musashi-Koyama Station, take Hachiman-dori a little toward Nishi-Koyama. The shrine is also magnificent in the bright precincts.
Retsu Nihei on Google

On weekdays we received a polite hand-written slogan about the arrival of the Lord on Wednesday. Your generation is feeling.
かんたろう on Google

2019/2/14参拝(2回目) 2年ぶりの参拝。社務所が閉まっていたので御朱印は次回 張り紙を見たら、社務所は水・土・日曜日のみ
2019 2/14 worship (second time) Visit for the first time in two years. Since the company office was closed, Akuseiku is next time When looking at the poster, the company office is only water · Saturday · Sunday
Takako Nakayama on Google

When I visited the Kanayama Jizoson next door, I noticed that this shrine was there. It looks like a shrine that blends into the town, and I feel that it is kindly watching over the residents.
sonomi kanazawa on Google

可愛いハートの落ち葉? 総代様の趣味との事です。 七五三なので子供達を喜ばせようとの思いやりです。 子供でなくても喜びますね☺️ 素敵な思いやりありがとうございます。
Fallen leaves of a cute heart ? It's a hobby of the president. Since it is 753, it is a compassion to please the children. I'm happy even if I'm not a child ☺️ Thank you for your wonderful compassion.
25 kikuchiku on Google

お世話になっております。 参拝者の絶えない地元の信仰厚い神社です。 春は境内の植栽が美しく、 白梅の次は桜が咲き乱れます。 桜の期間は夜ライトアップされ、 さらに癒やしのスポットになります。
We become indebted to. It is a shrine with a strong local faith that worshipers are constantly worshiping. The planting in the precincts is beautiful in spring, Next to the white plums, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. During the cherry blossom period, it is lit up at night, It will be a healing spot.

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