オーダースーツ シャツ【Samurai Bespoke 大阪北浜店】中央区 伏見町

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

オーダースーツ シャツ【Samurai Bespoke 大阪北浜店】中央区 伏見町 - 中央区のMens Tailor - Samurai-bespoke.business.site

アイス クレープが好きな甘党の皆さん、み~んな集まれ✌️



Contact オーダースーツ シャツ【Samurai Bespoke 大阪北浜店】中央区 伏見町

住所 :

Fushimimachi, Chuo Ward, 〒541-0044 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://samurai-bespoke.business.site/
街 : Osaka

Fushimimachi, Chuo Ward, 〒541-0044 Osaka,Japan
マエサト on Google

丁寧な接客で、サイズ感バッチリでした。 裏地はスーパーマンを選びました。
It was a polite customer service, and the size was perfect. I chose Superman for the lining.
相木健 on Google

I made the best one that fits my body. Made from Italian fabric.
マダオマダオ on Google

北浜駅から徒歩すぐにある北浜店に来てみました。 店内は清潔感があり、落ち着いた雰囲気の中仕立てていただきました。 店長さんのお話が面白くついつい長居してしまいました。次は秋冬物でお世話になろうかと思います。
I came to the Kitahama store, which is just a short walk from Kitahama station. The inside of the store is clean and has a calm atmosphere. The story of the store manager was so interesting that I stayed for a long time. Next time, I'll take care of you with autumn / winter items.
とーかちゃ on Google

I had it tailored with Delfino fabric. I was able to make it at a fairly low price of 50,000 yen in SALE. I am very satisfied with the size because I was able to make it to my liking. Next, I'd like to use autumn / winter fabrics.
takeshi yoshida on Google

My body shape has changed, so I went to consult. He said that he could adjust the suit he was wearing before, and if he made a new one, he would trade in. There were various types of fabrics, so I decided to make a new one at this time. I'm looking forward to the completion!
ゲルニカピカソ on Google

筋トレをしていて既製品が合わなくなり購入しました。結婚式で着用するタキシードを作りにきましたが、予定してしていたベージュからデニムに変更!! あまり選ばれない色のデニムがあり、即決!!! 出来上がりがとても楽しみです!!!
I was doing muscle training and the ready-made product did not fit and I bought it. I came to make a black tie to wear at a wedding ceremony, but I changed from the planned beige to denim! !! There are denim colors that are not often chosen, so it's a quick decision! !! !! I'm really looking forward to the completion! !! !!
亀井潤一郎 on Google

オンラインでの個別対応が感動的でした! 共有画面にてまずは色柄を決め、何点かチェックした後に画素数の高いスマホも登場させてより質感をチェック!! 裏地やボタン等のオプションも豊富で選びたい放題! しかも今ならオプションは5,000円オフ!!! スーツも14,000円オフなので合計19,000円も安くなり、丁寧な対応とで満足感の高い時間でした! 出来上がりが楽しみです?
I was impressed with the individual support online! First decide the color pattern on the shared screen, check some points, and then introduce a smartphone with a high pixel count to check the texture more! !! There are plenty of options such as lining and buttons, and you can choose as much as you want! And now the option is 5,000 yen off! !! !! The suits are also 14,000 yen off, so the total price is 19,000 yen cheaper, and it was a very satisfying time with a polite response! I'm looking forward to the completion ?
大君 on Google

I chose Samurai Bespoke from many custom suit shops. The reason for this is that my favorite sketch asked for M1 costumes here. I was able to ask the store manager about the situation at that time and the story of the sketch. Custom suits are stackable, and I thought it would be expensive if I was particular about the lining and buttons, but I thought that I could enjoy the free option enough. I paid only for the lining. It also tells me the current trends, so I made a cool suit. I will come to make it again.

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