Sakurashinmachi Abandoned Bicycles Storage Site - 世田谷区 Setagaya City

1.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakurashinmachi Abandoned Bicycles Storage Site

住所 :

2 Chome-6-6 Sakurashinmachi, 世田谷区 Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 154-0015
Webサイト :

2 Chome-6-6 Sakurashinmachi, 世田谷区 Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0015, Japan
むあぶひ on Google

I'm doing business. Don't use our inhabitants tax for fun.
エゾモモンガ on Google

不要な条例故に生かされているだけの場所で敷地自体が無駄。 今すぐ無くして欲しい。
The site itself is useless in a place just being utilized for unnecessary ordinances. I want you to lose it now.
Joey Lee on Google

A warning was issued 30 minutes before, and the warning was removed 30 minutes later. So I got about 3000 yen twice.
yusuke murakami on Google

Mysteriously aggressive removal, please stop. Waste of tax. Create a nursery school or pick up trash
k jun on Google

The caretaker was kind. The shock that was removed can't increase the number of stars anymore.
ゴマフカモ2号 on Google

シンテーは私掠免状でも持ってるのか? 路上自転車の条例撤去対象の認定から執行、現金の収受から返還まで世田谷区公務員がまったくかかわってませんね。 なぜ撤去されるのか? 即日撤去地域と警告後撤去地域の違い、区域別もまったく教えてくれません。 何でも、「正確な区分を教えてしまうと、みんなが即日撤去地域のギリギリ外側に停めちゃうじゃないですかあ、なので公表してません」なんだそうです。それって法治ですか? シンテーの撤去チーム、「そこはバス停から10m以内なので駐停車禁止ですよ」って教えるとバス停の前方にトラックを移動する。「そこも10m以内ですよ」って教えたらまた動かした「今度は曲がり角から5m以内ですよ」って教えたら「確認いたします」だって。『確認』って何よ『確認』って。『あんたの言うこといちいちきいてたら仕事にならねーよ』って意味のバカボン語ですか?  トラックを曲がり角ギリギリに停めて、リフト板を上げたら、出てくる交通から板が見えないでしょ? ドアが切れちゃうでしょ? 首も切れちゃうでしょ? だから道交法でやっちゃだめだって書いてあるんですよ。 不規則発言に聞こえましたか? だとしたら違いますよ。世田谷区条例執行が適法に行われるように道交法違反の事実を告げているんです。 あと、撤去トラックに誇らしげに輝く黄色回転灯ですけど、保安基準違反ですから。 なぜか、周りにおられる世田谷区民の方々がとても喜んでるんですが、区政、シンテー、よっぽど区民から嫌われてるんじゃないですか?
Does Shinte have a letter of marque? Setagaya Ward civil servants are not involved in everything from certification to enforcement of street bicycle regulations, collection of cash, and return. Why is it removed? The difference between the removal area on the same day and the removal area after warning, and the area by area will not be told at all. Anything, "If you tell me the exact classification, everyone will stop on the outside of the removal area on the same day, so I will not announce it." Is that a law? When Shinte's removal team tells us that it is within 10m from the bus stop, parking is prohibited, and the truck moves in front of the bus stop. When I told him that it was within 10m, he moved it again. When he told me that it was within 5m from the corner, he said, "I will confirm." What is "confirmation"? What is "confirmation"? Is it a Bakabon word that means "If you listen to what you say, you can't work"? If you park the truck at the corner and raise the lift board, you can't see the board from the traffic coming out, right? The door will break, right? The neck will be cut, right? That's why it says that you shouldn't do it with the Road Traffic Act. Did you hear the irregular remarks? If so, it's different. We are telling the fact of the violation of the Road Traffic Act so that the Setagaya Ward Ordinance will be enforced legally. Also, the yellow revolving light that proudly shines on the removed truck is a violation of security standards. For some reason, the people around Setagaya are very happy, but aren't they hated by the ward administration, Shinte, and the ward residents?
カーティスジャズ on Google

自転車を取りに行きました。 3000円は痛かった、、。けど、係の方が丁寧で、タイヤの空気を入れていただいていて、 支払い手続きを終え、帰りがけに、ギアに油を差していただきました。人当たり良く、丁寧に対応いただきました。 しかし二度とお世話にはならないように、、、。
I went to get my bicycle. 3000 yen was painful ... However, the person in charge was polite and had the tires inflated. After completing the payment procedure, I had my gear oiled on my way home. It was friendly and polite. But don't be taken care of again ...
亜紀田中 on Google

駒沢のブックオフで本を買って出てきたら、自転車が無かったんです。その1時間で撤去するって酷くないですか?盗られたのかと思ったら、まさかの撤去…。少しは買い物をしている人の事も考えて欲しいですね。 どこかに移動されてないか探しながら帰宅して、通りにあった交番に確認したら今日は自転車の撤去のトラックが走っていたとのこと。その日はもう動けなかったので、翌日取りに行きました。 でも保管所の方達は腰が低くて、多分みんな不機嫌で取りに来るから優しく声を掛けてくれてるんだろうと思います。ささくれだった心を癒されて帰る事が出来ました。ご苦労様です。 でもやっぱり、撤去するのはもう少し時間を長く取って欲しいです。
When I bought a book at Book Off in Komazawa and came out, I didn't have a bicycle. Isn't it terrible to remove it in that one hour? If you think it was stolen, it was removed ... I want you to think about people who are shopping for a while. I went home looking for something that had been moved, and when I checked with the police box on the street, it was said that a truck for removing the bicycle was running today. I couldn't move that day anymore, so I went to pick it up the next day. But the people in the vault are low-profile, and maybe they are all in a bad mood and come to pick them up, so I think they are kindly calling out to me. I was able to heal my hangnail heart and go home. Thank you for your hard work. But after all, I want you to take a little longer to remove it.

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