Sakurai Clinic - Tome

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakurai Clinic

住所 :

Maefunabashi-6-1 Toyomamachi Teraike, Tome, Miyagi 987-0702, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 987-0702
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30–11:30AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30–11:30AM
Tuesday 8:30–11:30AM
Wednesday 8:30–11:30AM
Thursday 8:30–11:30AM
Friday 8:30–11:30AM

Maefunabashi-6-1 Toyomamachi Teraike, Tome, Miyagi 987-0702, Japan
みな on Google

I am indebted to you for hay fever! Lol
もも蔵 on Google

A period of hay fever, I will crumble very much. It seems that the medicine is good.
水浜男爵 on Google

かれこれ20年以上にわたりお世話になってる病院です。 震災により住環境が離れても通院してます。 片道1時間40分でしょうか。 やはり信頼のおける病院が一番です。
It is a hospital that has been taking care of me for more than 20 years. Even if the living environment is separated due to the earthquake, I am going to the hospital. Is it 1 hour 40 minutes one way? After all, a reliable hospital is the best.
じぃる on Google

The reception desk, nurses, and doctor's examination are all polite and kind. The medicine also works whether or not you or your grandmother can take it. There is also a large parking lot so you can rest assured.
Tetsuya K on Google

重度の花粉症で9:00くらいに初診受付しました。すでに待合室は満席で立って待ってる患者さんが10人ほどでした。基本、立ってる方はお年寄りに席を譲ってる感じでアットホームな医院の印象を受けました。仙台方面とか遠方からも診てもらいに来院するようです。私も10年以上前から噂で聞いていたので初めてでした。 受付の方は慣れてるようでバタバタ感も無く丁寧に対応してくれました。自分の番になるまで時間がかかりましたが、注射をお願いし個人差があると言われましたが、私は即症状が緩和されました。 ここ何日か花粉症で目のかゆみ、くしゃみ鼻水で寝るに寝られなかったのがうそのように。帰りはマスクもしないで普通でした。院内処方で会計が終わる頃には11:15位になってました。 トータルで時間がかかりましたけど、毎年の花粉症の苦しみから解放されたので私的には気になりませんね。今までの花粉シーズンはなんだったのか!毎年こちらでお世話になる予定です。
I received the first medical examination at around 9:00 for severe hay fever. The waiting room was already full and there were about 10 patients waiting. Basically, the standing people gave up their seats to the elderly, giving the impression of a cozy clinic. It seems that they will come to see us from Sendai and distant places. It was my first time because I had heard about it for over 10 years. The receptionist seemed to be used to it and responded politely without any fluttering feeling. It took me a while to get my turn, but I was asked for an injection and was told that there were individual differences, but my symptoms were immediately alleviated. Itchy eyes, sneezing over the past few days, and sneezing like nodding to sleep on a runny nose. It was normal on my way home without wearing a mask. By the time the accounting was completed with in-hospital prescription, it was 11:15. It took a long time in total, but I'm free from the suffering of hay fever every year, so I don't mind. What was the pollen season so far? I will take care of this here every year.
ミケ on Google

20年前から花粉症でお世話になってます( ´ー`) 看護婦さんも、先生も物腰柔らかくて、診察も良いです✨注射して貰って60日分の薬を貰っても、1680円ととても安いのも助かります❗仙南から2時間かけて通ってますが、来る価値大です。
I have been indebted to pollinosis for 20 years (´ ー `) Both the nurse and the teacher are soft and have a good medical examination. ✨ Even if you get an injection and get medicine for 60 days, it is very cheap at 1680 yen. ❗ It takes 2 hours from Sennan. However, it is worth coming.
900 nego on Google

I went there in December 2021. Is it from last month? The old hospital building was being renovated. It was bright, clean, and the floor plan was unchanged.
HIDE OUT on Google

花粉症で25年お世話になってます。 花粉症が酷い時は、注射を打ってもらいます。 注射を打つとかなり楽で薬はあまり飲まなくなります。 いつもは、飲み薬と目薬、点鼻薬の3点セット。 沢山のくすりを処方されても会計は千円ちょっとでありがたい。
I have been indebted to you for 25 years with hay fever. If you have severe hay fever, get an injection. It's a lot easier to get an injection and you don't take much medicine. Usually, it is a 3-piece set of oral medicine, eye drops, and nasal drops. Even if a lot of medicines are prescribed, the accounting is a little over 1,000 yen.

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