ぷらす鍼灸整骨院 六甲道院 - Kobe

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Contact ぷらす鍼灸整骨院 六甲道院

住所 :

Sakuraguchicho, Nada Ward, Kobe, 〒657-0036 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878897
Postal code : 657-0036
Webサイト : https://plusseikotsuin.com/shoplist/rokkoumichi/
街 : Hyogo

Sakuraguchicho, Nada Ward, Kobe, 〒657-0036 Hyogo,Japan
番匠陽香 on Google

首と肩のこりがひどく私生活に支障が出てきたため駅近の接骨院を選びました。 院内の雰囲気はとても落ち着いていてリラックスできました。 詐術の方もピンポイントに凝っているところを押してもらえてすごく楽になりました。これからも通っていこうと思います! 顔の針は肌が綺麗になっていくのを実感することができています!
As I had a stiff neck and shoulders that hindered my personal life, I chose an osteotomy clinic near the station. The atmosphere in the hospital was very calm and relaxing. Even the fraudsters have been able to push the pinpoint points and it has become a lot easier. I will continue to go! The needles on my face make me feel that my skin is getting cleaner!
メーメー on Google

When I was suffering from stiff shoulders and was treated, my symptoms improved considerably. There are many osteopathic clinics in Rokkomichi, but the satisfaction level of treatment is high. The staff is also casual and comfortable without worrying about it.
堀川崇市 on Google

It was a lively and lively atmosphere. Everyone is very kind. He was well treated and had a great deal of expertise, and he kindly taught us the cause of pain and how to correct his posture.
さきさき on Google

腰が痛くてきたのですがだんだん良くなってきました。途中首の痛みもでてきたのですがしっかり説明していただき痛みもなくなってきて嬉しいです。 日常生活も動きやすくなり良かったです。
My back hurts, but it's getting better and better. I had a pain in my neck on the way, but I'm glad that the pain disappeared after I explained it well. It was good that my daily life became easier to move.
じゃんぼ on Google

首と背中の調子が悪くて、定期的に通院して、良好な状態を維持しています。 六甲道界隈の整体院では、首の矯正をしてくれる所が他に無く、本当に助かっています。 また、治療に保険が適用され、矯正もパスがあり、お財布に優しい整体院です。 今後もずっと通わせて頂きます。
I have a bad neck and back, and I go to the hospital regularly to keep it in good condition. At the manipulative clinic in the Rokkomichi area, there is no other place to correct the neck, which is really helpful. In addition, the treatment is covered by insurance, there is a pass for correction, and it is a wallet-friendly manipulative clinic. I will continue to attend.
匿名希望 on Google

ギックリ腰をきっかけに通院をさせていただくようになりました。 非常に丁寧な施術をしていただけるので、長年悩まされていた股関節のつまりや、足の痛みについても相談させていただき、通わせていただいています。 症状の強さによって手技のみ、針治療の追加など、適切に施術を勧めてくださるので、安心して治療を任せられます。
I started going to the hospital because of my back. Since the treatment is very polite, I will consult with you about hip joint clogging and leg pain that have been a problem for many years. Depending on the strength of the symptom, we will recommend appropriate treatment such as only the procedure or addition of acupuncture, so you can leave the treatment with confidence.
中村恭代 on Google

長年の仕事での使い過ぎ、趣味のスポーツで首、肩、肘、腰、股関節痛(ほぼ全身?)があり、メンテナンスの必要性を感じ、ネット検索し、口コミと通院の利便性を思い通い始めてひと月ほど経ちました 機械に頼る事なく高い手技施術を持ち合わせた 方ばかりと聞いています 先生方も優しく、親身に話を聞いて下さり雰囲気もいいです? 筋肉細胞が生まれ変わるのに3ヶ月かかるそうなので、もっと楽になることを楽しみに続けて通いたいと思います
Overuse at work for many years, neck, shoulder, elbow, hip, hip pain (almost whole body ?) in hobby sports, feeling the need for maintenance, searching the net, thinking about the convenience of word of mouth and hospital visits It's been about a month since I started We had high procedure without relying on machine I hear only people The teachers are kind, and the atmosphere is nice because they listen to me kindly ? It seems that it will take 3 months for muscle cells to be reborn, so I'm looking forward to making it even easier.
YZR TNK on Google

先生方も皆さん気さくで話しやすく その上しっかり治療して下さるので凄く嬉しいです。来始めてから体の不調も良くなって来ていて ありがたい限りです! 治るまでよろしくお願いします!
All the teachers are friendly and easy to talk to Besides, I am very happy that he will treat me well. I've been getting better since I started coming Thank you! I look forward to working with you until he is healed!

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