東京農業大学 生活協同組合本部

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東京農業大学 生活協同組合本部

住所 :

Sakuragaoka, Setagaya City, 〒156-0054 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://www.univcoop.jp/nodaicoop/index.html
街 : Tokyo

菊芳 on Google

Taste the feeling of a college student
かしま on Google

Close early
youichiro yaguchi on Google

さすが農大 田んぼ足袋売っていました
As expected, the University of Agriculture was selling rice socks
高川博美 on Google

When I find a chance at a college where my son is taking care of, such as a harvest festival, I procure college brand sweets and alcohol and distribute it to my acquaintances.
真鍋和生 on Google

わたし の 在学中 は 書店 と 事務用品店 と 食堂 が ありました。   元気 が 出たら 収穫祭 の とき に 行きます
While I was in school, there were a bookstore, an office supplies store, and a cafeteria. I'll go to the harvest festival once I'm fine
sasadango mama on Google

Since it is a corona disaster, business hours are shortened and there are few products. This can't be helped.
梅村和 on Google

The turnip "Ayameyuki" made by biotechnology these days is an elegant turnip that you can't think of as a vegetable, wearing a purple-hemmed turnip. The naming is also elegant.
徳田宏晴 on Google

The store is open to the general public, but I wonder if it makes sense to visit the store other than purchasing university-related goods. Currently, due to the corona sickness, outsiders are not allowed to enter the university campus.

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