車検のコバック 千曲店

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 車検のコバック 千曲店

住所 :

Sakurado, Chikuma, 〒387-0012 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://kobac-chikuma01.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–6PM
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
街 : Nagano

Sakurado, Chikuma, 〒387-0012 Nagano,Japan
桜咲く on Google

I'm sorry I went suddenly without a reservation, but I left it without being asked for my name and car model
ファンシーガール on Google

レビューはほぼサクラだと思います。ここまで高評価なのが逆に裏目。評価3くらいの所が1番妥当。★4以上なのはちょっとね…(笑 まあ、いつもお世話になっておりますが、女の案内係さんの対応が良いです。それ以外は可もなく不可もなくって感じ。
I think the reviews are mostly Sakura. On the contrary, it is a backfire that is highly evaluated so far. A place with an evaluation of about 3 is the most appropriate. ★ It's a little over 4 ... (laughs) Well, I am always indebted to you, but the female usher is very helpful. Other than that, it feels neither good nor bad.
まりもり on Google

タイヤ交換を依頼。 それなりの時間が経ち、会計を済ませて、 家に戻ってみたら 後輪のうち一本がタイヤ交換されていなかった。こんなことあります? ビックリしました。ここには頼みません。
Request tire replacement. After a certain amount of time, I finished the accounting, When I go home One of the rear wheels had not had its tires replaced. Is there something like this? I was surprised. I don't ask here.
茶トラとガルボ on Google

常にディーラー車検を行っていましたが、担当者が変わったことで今回はコバックさんへ 受付対応や整備の説明など遜色なく行ってくださいました。ただ、惜しむなくはコバ割りがわかりずらいのとインターネット割引とかを自己申告しないと値引きにならないかな?お店側からは言いたくないもんね。1,100円、されど1,100円です。
I was always doing dealer vehicle inspections, but this time to Mr. Kobac because the person in charge changed He was as good as the receptionist and the explanation of maintenance. However, I regret to say that it is difficult to understand the edge discount and if I do not self-report the Internet discount, will it be a discount? I don't want to say it from the shop side. It's 1,100 yen, but it's 1,100 yen.
taki clive on Google

車検とエアコンの修理をお願いしたところ戻ってきてから3週間以内に廃車になりました… それまでエアコンが効きにくい以外問題なかったのに。 戻ってきたらエンジンかけた時点から異常な音が。 しかもエアコンからは温風が。 馴染みの店で調べてもらったところ、エアコンの内部がベルトの粉末まみれで、開けた形跡も無かったと。更にエンジン部にネジが落ちてたり、老朽化した部品を替えてなかったりしていたようで、壊れて当たり前と言われました。 もし車検前にこの状態なら、まず車検通さずありのまま話して、その車検代無駄にさせるより新しい車の資金へと勧めた方がずっと良心的なのではと呆れてました。 部品は元気だからとやたらエンジンオイルとフィルターの交換ばかり勧められたけどとんでもないです。 二度と頼みません。 お金と愛車を返してほしいです。
I asked for a car inspection and repair of the air conditioner, but it was scrapped within 3 weeks after I came back ... Until then, there was no problem except that the air conditioner did not work well. When I came back, there was an abnormal noise from the moment I started the engine. Moreover, warm air comes from the air conditioner. When I asked him to check it at a familiar store, he found that the inside of the air conditioner was covered with powdered belt and there was no evidence that it was opened. Furthermore, it seems that the screws had fallen on the engine part and that the old parts had not been replaced, so it was said that it was broken and it was natural. If this is the case before the vehicle inspection, I was surprised that it would be much more conscientious to talk as it is without passing the vehicle inspection and recommend the funds for a new car rather than wasting the vehicle inspection fee. I was advised to change the engine oil and filter because the parts are fine, but it's ridiculous. I will never ask again. I want you to return your money and your car.
五条ゆり on Google

スタッフさんの対応がとてもしっかりされていて サービスも十分過ぎるくらいです。 帰る際も、旧国道のため車通りが多く出づらい道ですがスタッフさんが誘導してくださいました。
The staff's response is very solid The service is more than enough. When I returned, it was a difficult road to get out because of the old national road, but the staff guided me.
長野パルセイロらぶ on Google

丁寧な対応で、車検も安い。 予約がアプリで出来るが、非常に混んでいるので早めの予約が必要。
Polite correspondence, car inspection is also cheap. You can make a reservation with the app, but it is very crowded so you need to make an early reservation.
b a on Google

コバックは何店か利用させていただいていますがその中でもここは最悪です。 冬に車のサイドパネルが傷ついて修理依頼しました。初めに見てもらって今日は直せないと言われ数日明けて2回目に行った時に「ここまで錆びるのは新しい傷では無く古いものだ」と言い張りました。いやいやあなた一回目に見てるよね?塩カルで錆びるの車専門で働いてるプロなら常識だよね?と思い怒りを通り越して呆れました。結局別のコバックで修理してもらいました。 見てもらったのは多分工場長っぽい白髪混じりのパーマ?がかった背の小さいメガネのおじさんでした。
I use Kobac at several stores, but this is the worst. The side panel of the car was damaged in winter and I requested repair. When I first saw it and was told that I couldn't fix it today, when I went for the second time after a few days, I insisted that "it is not a new scratch but an old one that rusts so far." No, you're seeing it for the first time, right? It's common sense if you're a professional working in a car that rusts with salt cal. I was overwhelmed by my anger. After all, I had another Kobac repair it. Perm that you saw was probably a factory manager-like perm with white hair? He was an uncle with short glasses.

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