4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華料理SAKURA

住所 :

Hachimancho, Morioka, 〒020-0872 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
街 : Iwate

Hachimancho, Morioka, 〒020-0872 Iwate,Japan
pa katsu on Google

It has a light taste and is healthy. The dumplings were delicious.
ツインズママ on Google

卵スープとおしんこ付きチャーハンと水餃子を注文しました。 大きめの具が沢山入っていて上品な味です。水餃子も同じく肉がぎっしり入っていて一皿でお腹一杯になりました。
I ordered egg soup, fried rice with soup and dumplings. It has a lot of large ingredients and has an elegant taste. The dumplings were also full of meat and I was full with one plate.
satoshi sasaki on Google

麻婆豆腐と豚バラと茄子の甘辛黒酢炒めを定食にしていただきました。 麻婆豆腐は山椒が多めだという陳にするか迷いましたが、自分にとっては普通でも辛かったです。(でも美味しくいただけました)
We had mapo tofu, pork roses and eggplant stir-fried in sweet and spicy black vinegar as a set meal. I was wondering if I should say that Mapo tofu has a lot of Japanese pepper, but it was normal and painful for me. (But it was delicious)
千葉康太 on Google

店内は白を基調としたシンプルかつ清潔感のある内装で、料理はどれも美味しい。特に餃子はパリっとした羽根餃子ではなく、身が分厚く具がたっぷりな肉餃子なのでぜひ食べて頂きたいです。 階段が急なのと、店内が小さいので(最大10~12人?)なので夫婦など少人数で行くのをオススメします
The interior is simple and clean with white as the base color, and all the dishes are delicious. Especially, the dumplings are not crispy feather dumplings, but meat dumplings that are thick and full of ingredients, so I definitely want you to eat them. Since the stairs are steep and the inside of the store is small (maximum 10-12 people?), It is recommended to go with a small number of people such as couples.
HIROYUKI on Google

美味しい町中華屋さんが八幡にあるということで、SAKURAさんをランチ時間に二日続けて訪問☺️ メニューが豊富でリーズナブルな料金設定と、何を頼もうかと迷ったあげく、大好きなあんかけ系のSAKURA麺を注文☺️ 野菜たっぷりでエビ入りの醤油あんかけ系で、ちょっとピリ辛な美味しいラーメンでした??? 一品料理もプラス150円位で定食も可能と、1000円以内で満足できます? 自分の好きなメニューがたくさんあったので、次の日もランチ時に訪問し大好きなあんかけ系のエビ入りの焼きそばを注文しましたが、エビたっぷり野菜たっぷりの美味しい焼きそばでした☺️ まだまだ、気になる麺、一品料理の定食系もあり気になりますので、リピ決定です?
Since there is a delicious Chinese restaurant in Yawata, I visited SAKURA for two days in a row at lunch time ☺️ I ordered SAKURA noodles of my favorite ankake type, because the menu was abundant and reasonable price setting and I was wondering what to ask ☺️ It was a delicious ramen with plenty of vegetables and shrimp in a soy sauce sauce ??? You can also have a single dish for about 150 yen plus a set meal, and you can be satisfied within 1000 yen ? I had a lot of my favorite menus, so I visited at lunch the next day and ordered my favorite fried noodles with shrimp, but it was delicious fried noodles with plenty of shrimp and vegetables ☺️ I'm still curious about the noodles and the set meal system of one dish, so I decided to repeat it ?
Tetsuya Sakamoto on Google

餃子がボリューム満点で味がついているのでそのままでも食べられます。 酢コショウでいただくとさらに美味しいです。 唐揚げも2個付いてくるので大満足です。
The dumplings are full of volume and flavored, so you can eat them as they are. It is even more delicious with vinegar and pepper. Two fried chicken are also included, so I am very satisfied.
32 Nakko on Google

八幡町に本格的中華のお店。 前にお待ちの方がいてランチタイムは タイミングがずれると 15分くらい並びます。 海鮮野菜あんかけ焼きそばと セット餃子3個を注文。 野菜も海鮮もたっぷりの具材。 餃子もお肉がたっぷり。 開店したばかりの気合を感じました。 個人的な好みですが 餃子の野菜少なめより 他のメニューと組み合わせて食べるなら 野菜多めの方が食べやすい感じが しました。 (少しヘビーでした) 味付けは甘めな感じ。 小さいお店ですが とても雰囲気の良いお店でした。
A full-fledged Chinese restaurant in Yawata-cho. There is a person waiting in front and lunch time If the timing is off Line up for about 15 minutes. With seafood vegetables ankake fried noodles I ordered 3 set dumplings. Ingredients with plenty of vegetables and seafood. The dumplings are also full of meat. I felt the spirit of just opening. I personally like it From less vegetables in dumplings If you eat in combination with other menus It feels easier to eat with more vegetables Did. (It was a little heavy) The seasoning is sweet. It's a small shop It was a very nice shop.
岩手のひろきてぃ(岩手のひろきてぃ) on Google

小さなお店ですが料理は本格的でとても美味しかったです。スタッフの皆さんがフレンドリーに温かく迎えてくださり一緒に行った家族全員が満足していました。 (追記)ここの餃子は絶品!ぜひご賞味あれ。
Although it is a small shop, the food was authentic and very delicious. The staff were friendly and warm, and the whole family we went with was happy. (Addition) The dumplings here are excellent! Please try it.

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