Sakura Saku Komichi - Saku

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakura Saku Komichi

住所 :

Nakagomi, Saku, Nagano 385-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 385-0051
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

Nakagomi, Saku, Nagano 385-0051, Japan
いぬちゃん on Google

お散歩、気持ちいいな~♪ 夏場はジャブジャブ池があるよ! トイレあり (バリアフリーのみ通年) 駐車場あり (無料)
It feels good to take a walk ~ ♪ There is Jabujabu Pond in the summer! There is a toilet (barrier-free only throughout the year) Parking available (free)
rebirorex on Google

Nothing, but a good place to walk and walk all year round
小諸坂の街 on Google

A flat course for walking or jogging along the Chikuma River ⤴️ Flowers welcome you in each season.
ロック on Google

Just right for a walk. Mt. Asama looks beautiful and feels good. In spring, the rows of cherry blossom trees and Mt. Asama are even more beautiful.
土屋裕 on Google

千曲川沿い、全長2キロ弱の散歩コースが、トイレ、駐車場完備で広がっています。良く手入れされた直線には、桜並木をはじめ、庭木や季節の花が植栽されて、雄太な浅間山の眺望や八ヶ岳の山々が見渡せます。 また、コースの西端には、貯水池もあり、水鳥や野鳥が年中見られます。 ワンコの散歩に、野鳥観察にもってこいの、最高のサイトです。オススメ!
Along the Chikuma River, a walking course with a total length of less than 2 km is spread out with toilets and parking lots. The well-maintained straight line is lined with cherry blossom trees, garden trees and seasonal flowers, and you can see the magnificent view of Mt. Asama and the mountains of Yatsugatake. There is also a reservoir at the western end of the course where you can see waterfowl and wild birds all year round. It is the best site for walking dogs and observing wild birds. recommendation!
クローバー on Google

さくラさくと言う名前だけあって、春はとてもきれいな桜が小径を彩ります。よく手入れもされているので、公園内は歩きやすいし、雰囲気も最高です。 ピクニック、ハイキング、ランニング、散歩などなど色んな楽しみ方が出来ますし、写真の映えスポットにもなっちゃいますね。 夏は緑の木々が、秋は紅葉がきれいですよ。 周囲の山々とのコントラストもGOOD。
There is only the name Sakura Saku, and in the spring, very beautiful cherry blossoms color the small diameter. It's well maintained, so it's easy to walk in the park and the atmosphere is great. You can enjoy various ways such as picnics, hiking, running, walking, etc., and it will also be a great spot for photography. The green trees are beautiful in the summer and the autumn leaves are beautiful in the fall. The contrast with the surrounding mountains is also GOOD.
Takeuchi Mitsuo on Google

So awesome and wonderful
ReluInTheGame on Google

You can enjoy walking or jogging in the park in any season, even in that scorching heat you can relax in a bench in the shade of old sakura trees

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