Sakura Acupuncture Orthopedic Clinic - Utsunomiya

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakura Acupuncture Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

3771-18 Shimookamotocho, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 329-1104, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 329-1104
Webサイト :

3771-18 Shimookamotocho, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 329-1104, Japan
齋藤敏雄 on Google

小林光世 on Google

猪狩幸夫 on Google

たた on Google

The shop was clean and the staff's response was very good too!
金枝明子 on Google

Polite and helpful. Above all, the treatment works well. Rush in hard times or suddenly.
chika enchika1117 on Google

毎朝起きた時に首が痛く、後ろに曲げられなかったので、さくら鍼灸院でみてもらいました。 前回、ギックリ腰をした際、1度の治療で痛みがだいぶ取れたので、期待していきました。 丁寧なカウンセリング、心配事を全て聞いてくださり、触るだけで痛いところを当ててしまう先生に、ベテランの域を感じました。 針の太さも自分の希望を聞いてくださり、また、肩甲骨あたりまで広範囲でお願いしたところ、快くやってくださいました。 今回の首の痛みは枕のせいかと思ってましたが、先生に重い営業カバンのせいではないか、とご指摘を受け、営業カバンをキャスター付きのものに変えて、数回通院したところ、すっかり治りました。 本当に原因から痛みの改善まで解決してくれる鍼灸院なので、本当におススメです!
I had a pain in my neck when I woke up every morning and I couldn't bend it backwards, so I had him try it at Sakura Acupuncture. The last time I had a tight hip, one treatment gave me a lot of pain, so I was looking forward to it. I felt a veteran range for the teacher, who listened to all the careful counseling and worries, and applied the painful points just by touching them. As for the thickness of the needle, I heard my wish, and when I asked for a wide range up to the scapula, I was happy. I was wondering if the neck pain this time was due to a pillow, but I was told by the teacher that it was due to a heavy sales bag, and when I changed the sales bag to one with casters and went to the hospital several times, It's completely cured. Acupuncture and moxibustion clinics that really solve the cause and pain, so I really recommend it!
仁美森島 on Google

かれこれ、数年前から定期的にお世話になってます。交通事故の後遺症で酷い肩凝りと頭痛に悩まされ、色々な整骨院や整形外科にも通いましたが一向に良くならず、辿り着いたのがこちらでした。 ゆっくりと話を聞いてくれて色々なアドバイスも頂き、とても助かりました。 スタッフのかたもみんな感じ良くて、ほっとする雰囲気のある先生がた。 お陰様で、随分助かりました。 何処に行っても良くならなかった方に、是非お勧めしたいです。
I've been taking care of this regularly for several years. I suffered from a severe stiff neck and headache due to the aftereffects of a traffic accident, and went to various osteopathic clinics and orthopedic clinics, but it did not improve at all and I arrived here. It was very helpful to listen to me slowly and give me various advice. All the staff members were very nice and there was a relaxing atmosphere. Thanks to you, I was saved a lot. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who could not go anywhere.
tommy-san on Google

骨折して以来の数年にわたる手首の痛みを診ていただきました。お陰さまで他の接骨院では数年通院しても分からなかった原因を見つけていただき(あくまで診察ではないですが、超音波なども用いてガングリオンだろうとご助言いただきました)、後日整形外科で治療できました! 院の雰囲気も落ち着いており、スタッフの方もとても親切でした。
I have been examined for wrist pain over the years since the fracture. Thanks to you, I found the cause that I did not know even if I went to other osteopaths for several years (I was not a medical examination but advised that it would be ganglion using ultrasound etc.), and later treated with orthopedics I did it! The atmosphere of the institute was calm and the staff were very kind.

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