西山産婦人科 不妊治療センター

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Contact 西山産婦人科 不妊治療センター

住所 :

Sakaemachi, Tsu, 〒514-0004 Mie,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : http://www.nycl.jp/
街 : Mie

Sakaemachi, Tsu, 〒514-0004 Mie,Japan
Hue Dinh on Google

赤ちゃん できました、ありがとうございました
Thank you for having a baby
KOKE on Google

待ち時間が長過ぎる。※10時予約→15時診察当たり前 受付の態度が悪い。 とにかく高額。 独自の高額サプリ斡旋。 患者に寄り添ってもらった試しがない。 正直星1つも付けたくない。 設備だけは御立派。 口コミが、どなたかのお役に立てば幸いです。
The waiting time is too long. ※10:00 reservation → 15:00 consultation The receptionist has a bad attitude. Anyway expensive. Original high-priced supplement placement. There is no trial that the patient snuggled up to. Honestly, I don't want to get a single star. Only the equipment is excellent. I hope that the word of mouth helps someone.
rika on Google

無事に妊娠でき、出産することができました。 待ち時間が長くて、仕事との両立が大変でしたが、その分結果が出て感謝しかありません。 ありがとうございました。
I was able to get pregnant and give birth. The waiting time was long and it was difficult to balance with work, but I am grateful for the results. Thank you very much.
h un on Google

先生は信頼できる女医さんです。親しみやすく、話しやすいので、安心して治療できました。 タイミング法だと排卵前後に3回診察しました。 ただ、他の方と同様、待ち時間が異様に長いです。 9時の予約で9時に呼ばれるには、8:20頃から院内で待つ必要があります。大真面目に9時に行っても、呼ばれるのは12時頃です。16時の予約でも18時に呼ばれます。予約時間になったら電話で待ち人数を聞き、自宅待機していました。呼ばれる頃になったら電話で教えてくれます。 人工授精の予約は、採精してから1時間から1時間半後に呼ばれます。 人工授精は注射も含めて排卵前後2週間で6回行きました。 不妊治療は、仕事との両立が難しいと痛感しました。 もう少し待ち時間が短ければ、昼休憩などで対応しやすいと思いました。
The teacher is a reliable female doctor. It was easy to get close to and talk to, so I was able to treat with confidence. With the timing method, I had three medical examinations before and after ovulation. However, like everyone else, the waiting time is unusually long. To be called at 9 o'clock with a 9 o'clock reservation, you need to wait in the hospital from around 8:20. Even if you go seriously at 9 o'clock, it will be called around 12 o'clock. Even if you make a reservation at 16:00, it will be called at 18:00. When it was time to make a reservation, I asked the number of people waiting on the phone and waited at home. They will tell you by phone when it's time to be called. Artificial insemination appointments are called one to one and a half hours after collection. Artificial insemination was performed 6 times in 2 weeks before and after ovulation, including injection. I realized that fertility treatment is difficult to balance with work. I thought it would be easier to take a lunch break if the waiting time was a little shorter.
はる on Google

The waiting time is really long. The first time I waited for more than 2 hours, and when the examination was over and I was about to pay, I closed the cash register and was told to pay next time. I had to pay, so I had to wait 3 hours if I went there for the second time.
ebimusume on Google

とにかく待ち時間が長すぎる。 この一言に尽きるクリニックで、不妊治療をする病院としては、全くオススメしない。 他に遠い場所の病院に行く方がまだマシ。 10年以上も前の話だが、午前中の予約で終わったのが16時頃だったのを未だに覚えている。 お昼になっても呼ばれないので、一度ご飯を食べて戻ってからもまだ待たされる。 正直何でこんなに待たされるのか理解できない。 患者で混んでる訳ではないから、ホントに謎。 結局見てもらっても、信頼できるような診察はされずますます不信感が募った。 ここ数年のクチコミでも同様な感じを見てみると、改善されることもないのだろう。。
Anyway, the waiting time is too long. I don't recommend it at all as a hospital that treats infertility at this one-word clinic. It's still better to go to a hospital in a distant place. It was more than 10 years ago, but I still remember that the reservation in the morning ended around 16:00. I'm not called even at noon, so even after eating rice once and returning, I still have to wait. To be honest, I don't understand why you have to wait so long. It's not crowded with patients, so it's really a mystery. After all, even if you see it, you will not be able to have a reliable medical examination. Looking at the same feeling in the reviews of the last few years, it seems that there is no improvement. ..
nanashi nanashi on Google

1人目の時にお世話になりました。 先生が話をよく聞いてくれます。その分待ち時間が多くなります。18時予約で終わりは21時半とかでした。受付の方の態度は冷たいです。先生一人(二人)が切り盛りしてる印象です。
Thank you for your help when I was the first person. The teacher listens to me a lot. The waiting time will increase accordingly. I made a reservation at 18:00 and ended at 21:30. The attitude of the receptionist is cold. It is an impression that one teacher (two people) is working on it.
momi N on Google

毎回待ち時間が4時間ほどかかります。午前中に予約で来院しても、極寒の待合室に座ったままお昼も食べられず、3時頃ようやく呼ばれ、診察が終わる頃は夕方に。 待ち時間の寒さとストレスがひどく、帰ったら何も出来ず何も食べられずに、寝込むようになってしまいました。このまま通院して大丈夫なのか、逆に妊娠しづらい体にどんどんなっていっていないかと、不安になっています。 こんなに時間がかかるのが、不妊治療の通院は普通なのでしょうか? 不特定多数の人と密室で長時間過ごすので、感染症も心配です。
It takes about 4 hours to wait each time. Even if I came to the hospital by appointment in the morning, I couldn't eat lunch while sitting in the frigid waiting room, so I was finally called around 3 o'clock, and by the time the examination was over, it was in the evening. The coldness and stress of the waiting time was so severe that I couldn't do anything when I got home, I couldn't eat anything, and I fell asleep. I'm worried whether it's okay to go to the hospital as it is, or on the contrary, what kind of body is hard to get pregnant. Is it normal to go to the hospital for fertility treatment because it takes so long? I spend a lot of time in a closed room with an unspecified number of people, so I am worried about infectious diseases.

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