Sakae Taxi - Adachi City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakae Taxi

住所 :

3 Chome-3-3 Umeda, Adachi City, Tokyo 123-0851, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 123-0851
Webサイト :

3 Chome-3-3 Umeda, Adachi City, Tokyo 123-0851, Japan
田代博文 on Google

26年間この栄スタンドで LP を入れております 社長をはじめスタンドの従業員皆様大変親切で 良い方です そして修理工場の技術は天下一品です
We have been putting LPs on this Sakae stand for 26 years. All the employees of the stand, including the president, are very kind and good.
山田昌利 on Google

タクシー会社が母体で、整備工場・板金工場・LPスタンドが同じ敷地内にあります。整備と板金は自家用車も引き受けてくれます。私も毎回車検や定期点検を依頼してますが技術料はディーラーの半分以下ですよ。 個人タクシー組合の指定工場にもなってます。
The taxi company is the parent, and the maintenance shop, sheet metal factory and LP stand are on the same premises. Maintenance and sheet metal will also take care of your own car. I also request vehicle inspections and regular inspections every time, but the technical fee is less than half that of dealers. It is also a designated factory for private taxi associations.
S. H on Google

タクシー会社、LPGスタンド、自動車整備工場です。 いつもお世話になってます。
Taxi companies, LPG stands, car maintenance shops. I am always indebted to you.
えみ on Google

Elderly female driver. Cheap Ma Ma. Even though I asked for Toranomon Hills, I passed by without saying anything, and I passed? "I forgot to turn!" Muttering, "I wonder where I should turn to arrive," and turn the road away from my destination. I got on because I didn't have much time, but if I asked him to stop it immediately, I said, "I'm sorry! It's 500 yen! It's a year, because I'm getting a pension!" And don't take money, because you're going to walk a long distance in the hot sun. Really the lowest. Never use it again.
クヌギヒデオ on Google

Sakae also carefully inspects the car! And the manners of customer service are also good! I often use taxis and gas stations of commercial vehicles, but I feel comfortable refueling.
さすらいの無頼男 on Google

とても良い会社らしいのですが、 どうやら置き忘れたお金が、 横領されたのか? 行方不明なのか? 返金されません。 とても良い会社ですね!?www ┐(´ー`)┌
It seems to be a very good company, Apparently the money left behind Was it embezzlement? Are you missing? No refunds will be given. It's a very good company! ?? www ┐ (´ ー `) ┌
元ドライバー on Google

タクシー運転手としては 約5年前に導入したS型賃金が、 ひどい賃金体系です。 有給を正規に申請しても 普通に休んだ時と同じ罰金が請求され、有給金額と全額相殺されるというありえないシステムなので、 有給とは名ばかりだし、 賞与も半年で360万円以上、 月で営収60万円以上稼がないと 手当て程度がかろうじて貰える程度なので 、よっぽど稼ぐ人じゃないと期待できませんし、コロナ禍では半年で360万円以上なんて普通のドライバーには絶望的です。 稼働時間オーバー、休憩時間ほぼ無し、 走行距離オーバー、速度違反などでも 平気な人には可能かもしれませんが。 それも普通なら厳しく指導されるべきなのに 会社は売り上げが高い人には ほぼ黙認状態なのでやりたい放題です。 ある意味、法令違反してでも稼ぎたい人には最適かもしれません。w 修理工場も確かに安くていいのですが、 受付の男性が冷たい対応で、 めんどくさそうに他社を勧めたり、 自車の定期点検と修理の見積もりを依頼したのに、3ヶ月以上放置されたままでした。 特にドライバーは、 S型賃金は退職金もなく 休むとマイナスの給料もあるなど ありえない給料体系なので、 労働組合も在籍者は旧給料体系のままということで手を打ったために、 そのS型賃金体系が会社側が 著しく有利な為、 新人ドライバーをかばいきれないために 組合には新人は一切勧誘しないと 組合長自らが言うありさまです。 新人はそのような現実を 3ヶ月~半年程度で知るので、 その頃になって辞める人が続出します。 更にベテランの指導係が 女性新人ドライバーに対して ハラスメントがあったり、 パトカーがいる目の前で、わざと 違反を指示して捕まった新人が多数います。 試す意味もあると後で言い訳されても 許せないという人が続出しているのに 会社はずっと放置していました。 一つの会社で、 全く違う賃金形態が2種類あり 昔から在籍している人だけには厚遇する理不尽な会社ですので、 それが改善されない限り 入社を検討している人には 他社を勧めます。 ┐(´ー`)┌
As a taxi driver The S-type wage introduced about 5 years ago It's a terrible wage system. Even if you apply for paid leave Because it is an impossible system that the same fine as when you normally rest is charged and the paid amount is fully offset. Paid is just a name, Bonuses are over 3.6 million yen in half a year, If you don't earn more than 600,000 yen a month Since the amount of allowance is barely available, I can't expect it unless I'm a person who earns a lot, and with Corona, it's hopeless for an ordinary driver to spend more than 3.6 million yen in half a year. Over working hours, almost no breaks, Even if the mileage is over, speed violation, etc. It may be possible for those who are comfortable. It should be rigorously instructed normally The company is for people with high sales It's almost silent, so you can do whatever you want. In a sense, it may be perfect for those who want to earn money even if they violate the law. w The repair shop can certainly be cheap, but The man at the reception is cold, I'm annoyed to recommend other companies I asked for a quote for regular inspections and repairs of my car, but it was left unattended for more than 3 months. Especially the driver S-type wages have no retirement allowance There is also a negative salary when you take a rest Because it is an impossible salary system Because the labor union also took steps because the enrolled people remained in the old salary system, The S-type wage system is on the company side Because it is extremely advantageous Because I can't protect new drivers I have to invite newcomers to the union This is what the union leader himself says. Rookie has such a reality I know it in about 3 months to 6 months, so Around that time, many people quit. In addition, a veteran instructor For new female drivers There is harassment, On purpose in front of the police car There are many newcomers who have been arrested for instructing violations. Even if it makes excuses later that it makes sense to try There are a lot of people who can't forgive The company has been neglected for a long time. In one company There are two completely different wage forms Since it is an unreasonable company that treats only those who have been enrolled for a long time, Unless it improves For those who are considering joining the company I recommend other companies. ┐ (´ ー `) ┌
Ten 110 on Google

ウィンカーなしで割込み、車線変更、左車線からの追越しを繰返し。危な過ぎて周りが距離置くから事故ることはないでしょうが、大して早くもならないし、迷惑かけていることを自覚して欲しいですね。 2022/1/19 日比谷通り足立500え45-32 空車でした。
Repeated interruptions, lane changes, and overtaking from the left lane without a turn signal. It's too dangerous and the people around you will be far away, so you won't have an accident, but it's not too early and I want you to be aware that it's annoying. 2022/1/19 Hibiya-dori Adachi 500 E 45-32 It was an empty car.

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