株式会社ウッドフレンズ - Nagoya

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社ウッドフレンズ

住所 :

Sakae, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0008 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 460-0008
Webサイト : https://www.woodfriends.co.jp/
街 : Aichi

Sakae, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0008 Aichi,Japan
橋本憲明 on Google

It is better to take an apo.
全グレ on Google

ここはお客に対して連絡しますします言ってしてきません 気をつけて
I will contact the customer here I will not tell you Be careful
05iich yozee on Google

以前に自宅隣にウッドフレンズの家を建設中の時本当に嫌な思いをした。 所構わずトラックや車を好き勝手に停める。 自宅フェンス前にトラックを停められた時、運転席側のドアを乱雑に開けるからフェンスに当たり塗装が剥がれた。 何度も繰り返すので注意したら謝罪もなく言い訳ばかりで本当に不愉快だった。 他にも周辺住民の通行の妨げになるような場所に停めていたらしく、近所の人に通報されて警察が来た時も言い訳ばかりしていた。 安全意識も欠落しており足場から頻繁に物を落とす。 PPバンド、ダンボールやビニールの切れ端、釘、ナット、アンカーボルトが自宅敷地内に落ちていた。 自宅裏側だったので幸い人にはあたらなかったが、もしあたって怪我したらどう責任をとるつもりなのか。 更にタバコの吸い殻を自宅前の道路沿いの側溝に平気で捨てる。 使用後の余ったセメントの残り(かなりの量だった)を取り除きもせずそのまま捨てられ側溝の水の流れが悪くなり詰まってしまった。 再三注意したらやっと片付けたが反省する様子もなく謝罪もない。 飲みかけペットボトルや缶をブロック塀の上に勝手に置くし、大量角材をフェンスにもたれかかるように置かれて後日確認したら傷が付いていた。 周りの家の迷惑を一切考えていない最悪な会社です。 それと完成したばかりの家の庭で仮設トイレがあるにもかかわらず、その家の壁に向かって作業員二人が立ち小便をしていた。 こんな非常識な会社の家は買わないほうがいいですよ。
I was really disgusted when I was building a wood friends house next to my house. Regardless of where you want, stop the truck or car. When the truck was parked in front of the fence at home, the door on the driver's side was opened in a messy manner, so the paint hit the fence and peeled off. It was really unpleasant with excuses without any apologies if I was careful because it repeated many times. Other times it seemed to be parked in a place that would hinder the traffic of the local residents, and when the police came after being reported to the neighbors, there were only excuses. There is also a lack of safety awareness and frequently drops objects from the scaffolding. PP bands, cardboard and vinyl pieces, nails, nuts and anchor bolts had fallen on the premises. I wasn't happy because I was behind the house, but what would you do if you were injured? Furthermore, the cigarette butt is thrown away into a gutter along the road in front of the house. The remainder of the cement after use (a considerable amount) was thrown away without being removed, and the flow of water in the gutter became worse and clogged. I finally cleaned it up after a few cautions, but I didn't seem to reflect on it, and there was no apology. I put a drinking bottle or can on the block wall without permission, put a large amount of timber so that it leans against the fence, and it was scratched when confirmed later. It is the worst company that doesn't consider any inconveniences in the surrounding houses. Even though there was a temporary toilet in the garden of the house just completed, two workers were standing and pissing at the wall of the house. You should not buy a house of such an insane company.
chaser 1jz on Google

自宅裏にウッドフレンズが建った。 裏の家の工事の不備があってやり直しをするのに自分の敷地に入らないとできないため、入らせてほしいと連絡があった。 当日にいきなり連絡してくるのはどうかと思う。出なかったら勝手に入ってたのかなと… 入る許可は出したが、勝手に敷地のフェンス外すわ持ち去るわで、盗まれたのかと思った。普通どういう内容の工事が必要でどのくらいの期間かかるって説明するやろ? あげく養生もせずフェンス外したで家の外壁に傷つけられるわでホントいい加減にしてほしい。 普通工事する時、養生するでしょ? ホントいい加減なハウスメーカー。 勝手に外したフェンスも元に戻すどころか壊すし、マジで人をバカにしてる。 近くにウッドフレンズが建築中の人たちは気をつけてください。ホントいい加減なんで…
Wood Friends were built behind the house. There was a defect in the construction of the back house, and I could not get into my own site to start over. I think that we will contact you suddenly on the day. If I did not go out, I would have entered the selfish ... I gave permission to enter, but I took off the fence of the site without permission and thought it was stolen. What kind of content is usually required and how long it takes to explain? I would like to get rid of the fence without taking care of it and being damaged by the outer wall of the house. You will be rejuvenated when you work normally. Really modest house maker. Instead of restoring the fence that was removed by hand, he also breaks it, and makes a fool with people. People who are building Wood Friends nearby, please be careful. Really stupid ...
masanori go on Google

ここの分譲住宅購入後11年ユーザーです。 所感ですが参考になれば幸いです! 購入時、立地が気に入って購入される方には お勧め半分くらい? 建物の質を求めるなら.......... お勧めしません。 構造そのものの質は、ご時世で手抜き出来ないと思いますが、内装(仕上げ)最悪です! 施工を見てましたが、クロスの下地でパテ当てするのですが、パテが乾く前にクロスを貼ってました。 通常はパテ処理後に段差を削った後にクロスを貼ると認識ましてました。 結果クロスの浮きがあらゆるとこに見られて 最悪です! 他での購入をお薦めします! 対応も最悪です!
I am a user for 11 years after buying a house for sale here. I hope you find it helpful, but I hope you find it helpful! For those who like the location at the time of purchase and purchase About half recommended? If you want the quality of the building... Not recommended. I don't think the quality of the structure itself can be neglected, but the interior (finish) is the worst! I was looking at the construction, but I put putty on the foundation of the cloth, but I put the cloth before the putty dried. I usually recognized that after putting the putty, the step was cut off and then the cloth was applied. As a result, the floating of cross is seen everywhere It's the worst! We recommend you to buy it elsewhere! The response is also the worst!
太陽 on Google

自宅裏にウッドフンズの家が建ったが共有塀の件でトラブルになり、説明なしで共有塀にペンキを塗り我が家の壁や室外機等にペンキが付き私が気が付かなければ放置しようとする最低な会社。 かれこれ二か月程経つが、なんの進展もしなければ謝罪に来ても態度が悪く謝罪の態度とは到底思えない社員教育が最低レベルの最低の会社。 近隣にここの建築物が立つときは、壁や塀にペンキ等が付いていないかしっかりとチェックをされることをお勧めします。 ペンキがついても問題ないようにするのが普通だと思うのだがその辺の感覚もなければ、どういった経緯でこうなったかの説明もできない意識の低い最低な会社。
A Woodfunds house was built behind my house, but I got into trouble with the shared fence, and I painted the shared fence without explanation, and the walls and outdoor units of my house got painted, and if I didn't notice it, I wouldn't leave it. the company. It's been about two months now, but if you don't make any progress, even if you come to apologize, your attitude is bad and you can't think of an apology. When a building here stands nearby, it is recommended that you carefully check the walls and walls for paint. I think it's normal to make sure that there is no problem with paint, but I don't have a sense of that, and I can't explain how this happened.
j kita on Google

近所で建てています 車ですれ違えない道でトラック停めて工事してます 曲がって少し進まないと見えないのにどこにも「工事のお知らせ」の看板も警備員もいない。 トラックも退いてくれない。 かなり迷惑。 古い家屋を取り壊す時も挨拶、チラシすらない。 かなりの虫が来ました。 しかも建てるの早い。 近くで他のメーカーさんが先に建てていましたがそこよりめちゃくちゃ早い 明らかに壁も薄いしここで買わなくて良かったと思った。
I'm building in the neighborhood I'm working on a truck parked on a road where cars can't pass each other There are no "construction notice" signs or guards anywhere, even though you can't see it until you turn a little. The truck doesn't retreat either. Quite annoying. Even when demolishing an old house, I don't even say hello or flyers. A lot of insects have come. Moreover, it is quick to build. It was built by another manufacturer nearby, but it's much faster than that. Obviously the walls are thin and I'm glad I didn't buy it here.
K K on Google

(Translated by Google) In the first year's inspection, he confirmed that the flooring had risen and replaced it. The cause is floor heating. Even after the re-covering, only the row was raised, and the craftsmen filled it with putty by fastening it with screws. The screws are exposed in 3 to 5 years. He replaced it and gave up because it couldn't be helped. Currently, there are 3 screw holes on the flooring. In the first place, do you hit a positive screw on the flooring? ?? This row is raised, so the marbles roll (> _ _<) あと10mmでも深めに床暖を設置するか、フローリング面を10mm上げることができる設計にしていれば、この事例が起きなかったのではないか? ウッドフレンズの設計が甘かったのでは?床暖を入れるスペースをしっかり確保してください。今後のこともあるので、会社が永く継続してくれることを願います。

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