珈琲 木戸銭

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 珈琲 木戸銭

住所 :

Saiwaicho, Sakata, 〒998-0023 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://ja-jp.facebook.com/kidosen.vent/
Opening hours :
Saturday 7AM–7PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 7AM–7PM
Tuesday 7AM–7PM
Wednesday 7AM–7PM
Thursday 7AM–7PM
Friday 7AM–7PM
街 : Yamagata

Saiwaicho, Sakata, 〒998-0023 Yamagata,Japan
BERMUDA “ウマモン” バミューダ on Google

モーニングC モーニングB を食べましたがどちらもボリュームがあって 満足できるないようでした。
I ate Morning C and Morning B, but both seemed unsatisfactory due to their volume.
りぃだ on Google

It is a thankful store that I'm doing at 7 am in Sakata. A cycle shop is installed, but a so-called coffee shop. Morning is 3 kinds, thick cut toast, salad, boiled egg, hot coffee ¥ 480. Straight from ¥ 450, 6 kinds.
冴島くぅ on Google

今回初めて木戸銭さんに お邪魔しました! なかなか味のある喫茶店 すごくいい雰囲気 お昼ということもあって ピザトーストセットをいただきました(^▽^)/ とても厚切りな食パンと具だくさんなピザの具 とてもおいしかったです
This is the first time for Ken Kido I bother you! A coffee shop with a good taste Very nice atmosphere Sometimes it ’s lunch I got a pizza toast set (^ ▽ ^) / Very thick bread and plenty of pizza ingredients It was very delicious
R OKI on Google

酒田駅から少し離れた所にありますが、駅から一番近い喫茶店 女性店員のアットホームな感じがすごく良く、値段もお手頃。料理も美味しかったです 近所の人たちに愛されてるなぁ、と感じました コンセント使えたら旅人の利用が増えるかも?
It's a little far from Sakata station, but the coffee shop closest to the station The female clerk feels at home and the price is reasonable. The food was delicious I felt that my neighbors loved me If you can use an outlet, the use of travelers may increase.
1999 on Google

地元民の集まる喫茶店という印象。 入店しても無反応。 注文を取る時以外は終始無言。 カウンター席の常連客と思わしき方々とは楽しそうにお話されていたのに、私に商品を出す時は無言で、面倒臭そうにされていました。 会計時や退店時も無言でした。立地的に観光客などが来る事もあると思うのですが…居心地が悪かったです。 店内のインテリアや食器は素敵だし、駅からも近いのに勿体ない。 楽しみにしていた喫茶店なので残念でした。
Impression that it is a coffee shop where locals gather. No reaction when entering the store. Silent from beginning to end except when taking an order. I was having a good time talking to people who seemed to be regular customers at the counter seats, but when I put out the products, they were silent and seemed to be annoying. I was silent at the time of checkout and when I left the store. I think that tourists may come due to the location, but ... I was uncomfortable. The interior and tableware inside the store are nice, and it's a shame that it's close to the station. It was a shame because it was a coffee shop I was looking forward to.
0xo ox0 on Google

On 2022/2/23, I found it near Sakata station because there was time until the train departed. I ordered vanilla ice cream and blended coffee. The vanilla ice cream was hung with chocolate sauce, and the combination of cold ice cream and hot coffee matched. I was also interested in sandwiches, but I gave up because I was ordering a lunch box on the train after that. However, the lunch box was not so large and I regretted that I should have eaten the sandwich.
m m on Google

フレンドリーなマスターが接客してくれます。 奥まったところに入り口があるため入りづらいですが、マスターのおかげで店内は明るい雰囲気です。 コーヒーも美味しいです。 酒田駅で待ち時間ができたらまた寄りたいです。
A friendly master will serve you. It is difficult to enter because there is an entrance in the back, but thanks to the master, the inside of the store has a bright atmosphere. Coffee is also delicious. I would like to stop by again if I have a waiting time at Sakata Station.
Phil Smythe on Google

Very friendly coffee shop which is part of a small hotel. Owner speaks a little English.

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