
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 石谷精華堂

住所 :

Saiwaicho, Kurayoshi, 〒682-0807 Tottori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.kouendango.com/
街 : Tottori

Saiwaicho, Kurayoshi, 〒682-0807 Tottori,Japan
未来の扉 on Google

倉吉と言えば石谷精華堂の打吹公園団子(?•᎑•?) 甘過ぎず 1口サイズの団子が3コ 何本でもペロリと食べれる 娘も大好きです。
Speaking of Kurayoshi, Utsubuki Park dumplings at Ishitani Seikado (? • ᎑ • ?) You can eat as many as 3 bite-sized dumplings without being too sweet. I also love my daughter.
S A on Google

浅草の松屋で購入以来、ずっとネットで購入してます。年に2回程度。 見た目もかわいいお団子?です。 甘さも上品なので、緑茶との相性もバッチリ✨来客の予定に合わせて取り寄せたり、 お友達のお宅にお邪魔する際の手土産、 職場での挨拶など、いろんな場面で使わせてもらってます。
I've been buying it online ever since I bought it at Matsuya in Asakusa. About twice a year. It's a cute dumpling ?. The sweetness is also elegant, so it goes perfectly with green tea. A souvenir to visit your friend's house I use it in various situations such as greetings at work.
ガチャピン(どっちゃん) on Google

茶房花のかき氷?。 甘味処だけに、抹茶を使った宇治が美味しいです。 抹茶、公園団子?、あんみつ、グリーンティ等、甘党好きにはたまらないです。 レトロな佇まいもいいですね。
Shaved ice of teahouse flowers ?. Uji, which uses matcha, is delicious only in the sweets shop. Matcha, park dumplings ?, anmitsu, green tea, etc. are irresistible for sweet tooth lovers. The retro appearance is also nice.
三やん on Google

When I went home, I always bought it and the expiration date was short, so I ate it during my stay and then went home. I couldn't go home in Corona for a long time, and I wanted to eat it, so I ordered it because I knew that I could buy it online. The taste that hasn't changed since long ago! ️I'm not good at sweets, but park dumplings are exceptional. I also sent it to my relatives and friends. It's great to have a chilled for someone who can't confirm the receipt. It is the proud taste of Kurayoshi. Please do your best.
ラグ。 on Google

Have a park dango for a walk. I ordered iced coffee at the teahouse in the store. When you order a drink, you will get a dumpling. Park dumplings have been delicious since ancient times. When you come to Kurayoshi, be sure to bring a park dango as a souvenir. Since the expiration date is short, it is recommended to stop by on your way home.
takotako takotakotako on Google

打吹公園だんご(10本)をお土産で購入しました。 全く知らず、でかい看板とグーグルマップの検索で引っ掛かり訪問。 由来を読んで、歴史のあるだんごと知りました。3色だんご状になってるので、なんか小さく感じますが、見た目は可愛く手間も掛かってるのがわかります。 ※和菓子好きとしては10倍、いやせめて3倍打吹公園だんごとかでかいのがあると、食べ応えありそうで購入すると思います
I bought Uchibuki Park Dango (10 bottles) as a souvenir. I didn't know it at all, and I was caught and visited by searching for a huge signboard and Google map. I read the origin and learned about the historical dumplings. It's a three-color dumpling, so it feels small, but you can see that it looks cute and takes time and effort. * For Japanese sweets lovers, 10 times, at least 3 times.
ty “サラダママ” on Google

Order a selectable Zenzai set. You can choose mochi or shiratama, and you can also choose drinks such as matcha and coffee. I chose Shiratama and Matcha, but Shiratama was smooth and easy to eat. The salt did a good job of softening the sweetness. On my way home, I bought a Japanese sweets mandarin duck and went home. Produced by Sugako Hashimoto.
Tiddy Wallapa on Google

One of the best Tottori souvenir " Utsubuki Koen Dango 打吹公園だんご " from Ishitani Sekaido 石谷精華堂 Over 130-year of history, serving the dango specialty that has been loved by the locals and visitors. This unique dango comes in three flavors each stick, red bean-matcha-shiro an. The smoothness of the bean filling that turn inside out, mild sweetness, softness, and the smell are all made this dango far more impressively delicious. One of the must to try souvenir when visiting Kurayoshi - Tottori. Apart from the honten, the dango can be found in most souvenir shop like in Shirakabe area, train station, souvenir shop, and airport. Parking available at this shop, easy to access and not too far from nishikkokan pear museum.

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