遊びの隠れ家 なんやかん屋 秘密倶楽部

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 遊びの隠れ家 なんやかん屋 秘密倶楽部

住所 :

Saiwaicho, Itabashi City, 〒173-0034 Tokyo,Japan

Webサイト : https://www.nanyakanya.net/
Opening hours :
Saturday 12–8PM
Sunday 12–8PM
Monday 12–8PM
Tuesday 12–8PM
Wednesday 12–8PM
Thursday 12–8PM
Friday 12–8PM
街 : Tokyo

Saiwaicho, Itabashi City, 〒173-0034 Tokyo,Japan
ブルルンガイダンス桃白白エクササイズブリリアント on Google

It is a shop that I use frequently. The correspondence of the capacity is very good and I found the duema card which I was looking for, and it was how it was originally 3,000 yen Choi, de ○ dodopi ○ oop was able to buy for around 2800 yen !! Surprised !! Anyway, there are various sleeves, but it is amazing that there are a variety of Masked Riders, Fate, and cute systems as well! Then, I want you to make Oripa, a card game. It's a retro game but it's retro but it's cheap !! It was a surprise, please take a look at www ma everyone.
shima shima on Google

I went to this card shop for the first time, but somehow there was a sign that it wasn't there at this time. It was fun like a treasure hunt!
NY AB on Google

本日初めて行きましたがとても良い場所でした。店の中に入ればカードの山です。 タブレットでのカード検索は少々慣れないと使いづらいかもしれません。在庫有の商品も無いことがあるようです。 しかし今は中々無いタイプのお店です。 また伺いたいとおもいます。
I went there for the first time today and it was a very good place. Once inside the store, you will find a pile of cards. Card search on a tablet can be difficult to use unless you are a little used to it. It seems that some products are not in stock. However, it is a type of shop that is rare now. I would like to ask you again.
ぢま on Google

レトロゲーム欲しい方は是非に 在庫はノートにある紙を抜いて店員に渡して 購入です。 大量に在庫があるのかどのかは不明だが、欲しい物が見つけやすいのは確か 値段は比較的手頃 最新のゲームは売ってません
If you want a retro game, please come For inventory, pull out the paper from the notebook and give it to the clerk It is a purchase. I don't know if there is a large quantity in stock, but it is easy to find what you want The price is relatively reasonable The latest games are not sold
岡部良祐 on Google

対応も良い。品揃えも良い! フレンドリーショップ! 除菌、感染対策もしてあり安心
Correspondence is also good. Good assortment! Friendly shop! It is safe because it has sterilization and infection control measures.
リーフィア推し on Google

It was a good store with various cards that I haven't seen recently, and it was fun, cheap and affordable. The atmosphere may be calm. I want to go again
岩井R.I on Google

品揃え、値段、店員の方の対応などいずれも素晴らしい店だと思います。 トレカを愛する気持ちがあるなら是非足を運んで見て下さい。 私は10km程離れた場所に住んでおりますが頻繁に利用させて貰っています(笑)
I think the store is excellent in terms of product lineup, price, and support from the staff. If you have a love for trading cards, please come visit us. I live in a place about 10km away, but I use it frequently (laughs).
秋月鍬次郎 on Google

Amazonで購入したら、なんの連絡もなく 出品者の都合でキャンセルされました。 管理ができないなら、出品しないほうがいいと思いますし、 手落ちなら、一言あってもいいのじゃないかと思いました。 客商売をなめている店と実感しました。 オーナー様 Amazonで注文してから、2日以内でAmazon側から店にも確認せずに勝手に店と客との取引をキャンセルしたとのことは、相当問題だと思いますが、Amazonに厳しく問い合わせをお願いしたいところでございます。 注文が入った段階で、Amazonに計上されている在庫からは数が引かれます。Amazon側が店の在庫状況など分かるはずもないのにキャンセルはありえないと思いますが、いかがでしょう。 Amazonで出品側も経験ありますが、上記のことが本当にあるのなら仕方ないと思います。 ちなみに、1/17「ファイアーエムブレム0/ブースターパック第12弾/B12-010 女神宿りし乙女 ミカヤ SR+【箔押し】」を購入した者です。
When I bought it on Amazon, I didn't get any contact It was canceled due to the seller's convenience. If you can't manage it, I think you shouldn't list it. I thought it would be okay to say a word if it was overlooked. I realized that it was a store that was licking customer business. Owner I think that it is a considerable problem that the transaction between the store and the customer was canceled without confirmation from the store from the Amazon side within 2 days after ordering on Amazon, but please contact Amazon strictly. I would like to ask you. When an order is placed, it will be deducted from the inventory on Amazon. I don't think it's possible for Amazon to cancel the store's inventory status, but how about it? The seller has experience with Amazon, but I think it can't be helped if the above is really true. By the way, it is the person who purchased 1/17 "Fire Emblem 0 / Booster Pack 12th / B12-010 Goddess Inn Rishi Otome Mikaya SR + [Foil Stamping]".

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