吉鳥 茅ヶ崎駅前店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 吉鳥 茅ヶ崎駅前店

住所 :

Saiwaicho, Chigasaki, 〒253-0052 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://e412900.gorp.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Saiwaicho, Chigasaki, 〒253-0052 Kanagawa,Japan
大船住人 on Google

箱席なので 半個室感があります。 焼き鳥は美味しいです。
As it is a box seat, there is a feeling of a half private room. Yakitori is delicious.
吉田哲也 on Google

リーズナブルで美味しい焼き鳥屋さん。 少々、騒がしいのは仕方のないこと。 禁煙なら完璧でした。
Reasonable and tasty yakitori shop. Something a bit noisy is inevitable. It was perfect if you quit smoking.
k oz on Google

Cheap, tasty, easy to enter even by one person
shi Yo on Google

It was right in front of Chigasaki station, and I'm glad I was free until 3 o'clock. The taste is so good. I think the tataki chicken from Kagoshima was the most delicious.
Hide Kurihara on Google

I'm glad that the Yakitori Izakaya, which is just off the south exit of Chigasaki Station, is open until 3 am.
もと on Google

夕方から19時までドリンク200円は安い!! 焼き鳥もすごく美味しかったからまた行きたい。
Drinks of 200 yen are cheap from the evening to 19:00! !! The yakitori was also very delicious so I want to go there again.
Jたろさ on Google

早い時間帯ならビールやサワー、日本酒がお安く飲める?❗️。 焼鳥の注文は二本縛りがあるとはいえ、お値段&ボリュームを考えると特に不満に思うことはない。 店員さんの応対もテキパキしており、ストレスを感じることは少ない( ・-・)。 この日は砂肝・かしら・レバーやもつ煮等を注文したがどれも美味しく頂けた(°▽°)。 コロナが終息次第また訪問したい(^-^)v。
In the early hours, you can drink beer, sour, and sake at low prices ?❗️. Although there are two bindings for yakitori, there is nothing to complain about considering the price and volume. The clerk's response is also good, and I don't feel any stress (---). On this day, I ordered gizzard, kashira, liver, and simmered soup, but all were delicious (° ▽ °). I want to visit again as soon as the corona is over (^-^) v.
smith john on Google

駅からそばの、茅ヶ崎レジェンド級の焼き鳥屋さん、吉鳥と書いて「きっちょう」と読みます。 毎度行くのに写真を撮るのを忘れてしまう…ついつい飲んで食べてが忙しくて(笑) はい、焼き鳥、安くて美味しいです! 二本縛りなのですが、330円くらいから440円だっけな?と、リーズナブル。大きさもごく標準です。 標準ではないのは営業時間! ここは、朝3時までやってます! そして〆のオススメは「焼きおにぎり」です。 これは絶対にオススメです! 外がカリッカリになるまでしっっっっかりと時間をかけて焼いた焼きおにぎり。タレ?醤油?(〆なので記憶が曖昧?)を中までしっかりと染み込ませて焼いてます。焼は焼鳥の台と同じ。そのおにぎりは大判の海苔で包まれてます。 カリッカリになるまで焼かれた焼きおにぎり。故に出来上がるのに時間が非常にかかりますので、早めのオーダーが肝心。 これはここに来たらぜひ!ご賞味ください。
Chigasaki Legend-class yakitori restaurant near the station, written as Yoshitori and read as "Kicho". I forget to take pictures every time I go ... I'm busy drinking and eating (laughs) Yes, yakitori is cheap and delicious! It's tied up with two, but is it about 330 yen to 440 yen? And reasonable. The size is also very standard. Business hours are not standard! I'm here until 3am! And the recommendation of 〆 is "grilled rice balls". This is definitely recommended! Grilled rice balls that have been baked for a long time until the outside is crispy. Sauce? Soy sauce? (Because it's 〆, my memory is ambiguous ?) is soaked in and baked. Yakitori is the same as Yakitori stand. The rice balls are wrapped in large-sized seaweed. Grilled rice balls baked until crispy. Therefore, it takes a long time to complete, so it is important to order early. If you come here, this is definitely for you! Please enjoy it.

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