Saitama Prefectural Niiza High School - Niiza

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Saitama Prefectural Niiza High School

住所 :

1 Chome-1-2 Ikeda, Niiza, Saitama 352-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 352-0015
Webサイト :

1 Chome-1-2 Ikeda, Niiza, Saitama 352-0015, Japan
タカ on Google

あまから on Google

この前文化祭に行ったのですが 酷い…
I went to a school festival last time terrible…
AAA&四千頭身LOVE on Google

It seems that this is the school where Goto-kun, who has 4,000 heads, came from.
鈴木敦郎 on Google

Isn't it just too bad to go to a school that's bad, and even a school that's bad for you to be forced to punish the discretionary and drop-out class too quickly?
バブリータイム on Google

A bad high school? That is why I will make it immediate or to drop out. Many teachers do not understand the students' feelings
pink cherry on Google

It is a very fun place. There is hardly any bullying, it's peaceful and good study! Dance and the best! Cultural festivals also have the fun of co-education.
netsuo nanashino on Google

かつては柔道が強い高校というイメージが強かったが 県大会で勝ち残るほどの力量は無く、数ある運動部の 中で辛うじてマシな強さだった、という程度。 文科系の部活では市内でも珍しく陶芸部があったが 現在は生徒不足と専門技術を持つ顧問が居ないため 陶芸部は無い模様。 工芸室・大型ガス窯、電動ろくろ等 伝統工芸を作り出す為の設備は県内でもトップレベルだが 現在は宝の持ち腐れ。 文化部の全国大会・第16回沖縄大会に県代表として陶芸部門 から一人選出されており、数ある体育会系部活動が軒並み 県内大会で退敗するなかで唯一全国を相手に競いあった歴史をもつ。 ただしガラの悪さ・職員の不祥事・OBの質の悪さなどが際立って 目立ち、偏差値は僅かながら上がったもののイメージダウンは 今なお回復できていない。ヤンキー受験生は成績に関わらず 全員不採用にでもしない限り悪評は消えないと思われる。
I used to have a strong image of a high school with strong judo There is not enough ability to survive in the prefectural tournament, and there are many athletic clubs It was barely strong inside. There was a ceramic art club, which is rare in the city, in the club activities of the liberal arts. Currently there is a shortage of students and no advisors with specialized skills It seems that there is no ceramic art club. Craft room, large gas kiln, electric potter's wheel, etc. The equipment for creating traditional crafts is at the top level in the prefecture Currently, the treasure is rotten. Ceramic art division as a prefecture representative at the 16th Okinawa Convention of the Ministry of Culture One person has been selected from, and there are many sports club activities. It has the only history of competing against the whole country among the defeats in the prefecture tournament. However, the badness of the gala, the scandals of the staff, the poor quality of the alumni, etc. are outstanding. Conspicuous, the deviation value increased slightly, but the image down I haven't recovered yet. Yankee students regardless of their grades It seems that the bad publicity will not disappear unless all of them are rejected.

とても酷いいじめが多いです。 先生方はいじめる側の意見しか聞かず、いじめられている子が助けを求めても何もしてくれません。 先生の前でいじめがあっても見て見ぬふり。 「○ね。いつ○んだろ?」など自○に追い込むようないじめがあるのでお勧めしません。 頭髪検査はとても厳しくドライヤー焼けで髪の毛が少し茶色くなってしまった場合でも、黒染めじゃなく髪の毛を切れと言われます。 最初は黒染めでも何も言われないのですがだんだん厳しくなり切らされるので髪の毛を伸ばしたい女性は他の学校に行った方が良いです。
There are many very terrible bullies. The teachers only listen to the opinions of the bully and do nothing when the bullied child asks for help. Pretend not to see even if there is bullying in front of the teacher. We do not recommend it because there are bullies such as "○. When is ○?" The hair inspection is very strict, and even if the hair turns a little brown due to the hair dryer, it is said that the hair is cut instead of being dyed black. At first, even if you dye it black, you won't be told anything, but it will become more and more severe, so women who want to grow their hair should go to another school.

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