Saitama Kenritsu Menuma High School - Kumagaya

1.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Saitama Kenritsu Menuma High School

住所 :

480 Yatogo, Kumagaya, Saitama 360-0203, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
Postal code : 360-0203
Webサイト :

480 Yatogo, Kumagaya, Saitama 360-0203, Japan
堀口勝裕 on Google

Will give you basic academic ability
jun jun on Google

Unsuccessful hangout
斉藤亮 on Google

僕が今通っている高校です?(笑) カルティベートタイムといって 基礎学習から学べるので 授業をより楽しく学べます。
This is the high school I attend now (laughs) It ’s called “cultivate time” Because you can learn from basic learning Learn lessons more happily.
Ryoーsan亮 on Google

This is the third grade death attending school. The last goal of life was degraded by XX and denied, so they were seriously shocked. (* ^ _ ^ *)
丸山亨 on Google

It's a really fun high school. I recommend it.
Zeke Jp on Google

W that I guessed by the deviation value
?? on Google

先生が甘すぎる。 授業中に携帯使ってる生徒は 全員指導をきちんと受けるようにしてほしい。 なんで取り上げないの… 体育館に行く時にわざわざ 靴履き替えなきゃいけないのがめんどくさい。 なんで履き替えなきゃいけないの… スカート折ってる女子いるのに何で注意しないのか…。(注意してる時もあるけど) スカートを短くする意味が分からない。 だったらスカート履くなよォ! トイレが異様に臭い。消臭力とか置いてほしい。 髪染めてる人もいますね!まぁ染めても 染め直せって言われますけどっ! とにかく昼休みが五月蝿い!荒れてる時もある。 自販機までが遠い学年がある(特に1年生)3年生は近い。 廊下とかにも自販機を置いてほしい。(とか言ってみる) もうとにかくうるさい!落ち着きがない!挨拶が出来ない! もちろん、いい所もありますよ。 ほぼ毎日宿題出されない。(もちろん夏休みとかの宿題はある)楽楽!!!!(いい所かは人によっては違う) エアコンが完備してる。(体育館などのエアコンない場所もある)教室には全部あります。 あと妻沼高校にしかないCT(カルティベートタイム)はいいと思う。(人によってですが) 勉強が苦手な方には良いと思う。内容は足し算や引き算、掛け算割り算の問題を永遠に解かされたり、漢字検定の資格取得に向けて勉強したりなど、様々。 これから文化祭に向けて、どのクラスも準備をしていきます。楽しいかは分からないですが 妻沼高校を、志望する中学三年生の方は時間があったら良かったら来てみては? 学校説明会や文化祭に来れば面接の時に聞かれる可能性大なので、ぜひ来ると面接の時にも 面接官にアピールでき、合格する確率upしますよ!(来なくても多分合格できますが) 妻沼高校の生徒は自由奔放の人が多い。自己中な人とかも沢山いる。 ちなみに次の入ってくる1年生のネクタイの色は赤色。 埼玉の人はバスが使えるので便利だと思う。定期券購入する際、1ヶ月に約1万円程度必要(場所によって若干異なる) 部活はいろんなのがあるがちゃんと活動してるのかはよく分からない。 以上!!!!!!!
The teacher is too sweet. Students using mobile phones during class I want everyone to receive guidance properly. Why don't you pick it up ... When you go to the gym It's annoying to have to change my shoes. Why do I have to change my clothes ... Why don't you pay attention to the girls who have broken skirts? (Sometimes I'm careful) I don't understand the meaning of shortening the skirt. Then don't wear a skirt! The toilet smells strange. I want you to put deodorant power. Some people dye their hair! Well even if dyed I'm told to re-dye it! Anyway, the lunch break is in May! Sometimes it's rough. There are grades far from vending machines (especially 1st grade), and 3rd grade is close. I want you to put vending machines in the corridors. (try to say) Noisy anyway! Restless! I can't say hello! Of course, there are some good points. I don't get homework almost every day. (Of course, I have homework such as summer vacation) Easy !!!! (Good place depends on the person) It is fully air-conditioned. There are all in the classroom (some places such as gymnasiums do not have air conditioning). I also like the CT (medical record time) that is only available at Tsumenuma High School. (Depending on the person) I think it is good for those who are not good at studying. There are various contents such as solving problems of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division forever, studying for qualification of Kanji Kentei, and so on. From now on, we will prepare every class for the school festival. I don't know if it's fun If you are a third-year junior high school student who wants to attend Tsumenuma High School, why don't you come if you have time? If you come to a school information session or a school festival, you are likely to be asked at the time of the interview, so if you come by all means, even at the time of the interview You can appeal to the interviewer and increase the probability of passing! (Although you can probably pass without coming) Many of the students at Tsumenuma High School are freewheeling. There are many people who are selfish. By the way, the color of the next coming first grade tie is red. I think it's convenient for people in Saitama because they can use the bus. When purchasing a commuter pass, about 10,000 yen a month is required (slightly different depending on the location) There are various club activities, but I'm not sure if they are working properly. that's all!!!!!!!
mmk fk on Google

Whatever you do, it's a school that you should be careful about. For example, the teacher pretends to be watching the guy who is just cleaning his smartphone but is messing around with it. Meanwhile, I carried the desk by myself. Even though I've been acting so far, the teacher just pays attention to me. Only I will pay attention to it, even though others are doing it. It was really the worst at that time. Isn't this discrimination? I'm really sad.

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