近畿セキスイハイム工業(株) - Saikujocho

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 近畿セキスイハイム工業(株)

住所 :

Saikujocho, 〒630-8453 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 630-8453
Webサイト : https://www.sekisuiheim-industry.co.jp/company/access/kinki.html
街 : Nara

Saikujocho, 〒630-8453 Nara,Japan
プクえもん on Google

平日の工場見学はとても楽しかった 工場生産だからできる品質の高い住宅作りに 他では見られない感激があった
The factory tour on weekdays was very enjoyable For high quality housing that can be produced by factory production There was an emotion not seen elsewhere
豊澤幸雄 on Google

The house is a living thing. I think you put the most effort into quality. An employee who thinks about the house as much as possible, asks for advice, and always smiles. My heart warms. As expected, Heim.
上嶋直也 on Google

You can see where you are actually building a house, so it will be a very good memory, and we have a little event every year.
灰神楽三太郎 on Google

It is a factory tour. It is said that the frame of the part of the house is made using the steel frame in the factory building, it is transported to the site and the house is built. You can make a drop experiment of the assembled frame, experience an earthquake, and enjoy yourself in the model room tour. Souvenirs are included for lunchtime lunches.
蒲鉾権八郎 on Google

工場見学させて頂きましたがとても面白かったです。 セキスイハイで契約されました皆様、是非見学する事をおすすめ致します。
I visited the factory and it was very interesting. We recommend that you take a look at the contracts with Sekisui High.
Bang Chang on Google

平日の工場見学でしたが、従業員の方も元気に挨拶して下さり気持ちよく見学てきました。 そもそもラーメン構造てどんな縮れ麺なのかと疑問に思ってましたが、丁寧な説明と実物で安心と安全を表す重要な構造ということがわかりました(詳細はもう忘れました)。
Although it was a factory tour on a weekday, employees also greeted me and visited it pleasantly. I was wondering what a ramen structure is and what kind of crinkled noodles in the first place, but I understood that it was an important structure that represents peace of mind and safety with careful explanation and real (details have already been forgotten).
ダイバーらじお on Google

住宅展示場に来店してこられた見込み客を主な対象にして、定期的に工場見学会を開催されています。 こちらの工場では、鉄骨ラーメン構造の住宅モジュールを製造されておられ、外構や屋根から内装まで、くまなく製造工程を見せてくれます。 その他にも水回りで選べるキッチンやお風呂、トイレなどの現物が並べられていたり、住宅基礎のモデルなども見せてもらえます。 見学会での一大イベントとしては、鉄骨ラーメンモジュールの骨組みを地面に落下させて、変形に耐える強さをデモンストレーションして見せてもらえます。
Factory tours are held periodically, mainly for prospective customers who have come to the housing exhibition hall. At this factory, we are manufacturing housing modules with steel frame frame structure, and from the outside structure and the roof to the interior, we will be showing the manufacturing process. In addition to this, we can arrange the actual items such as kitchen, bath, toilet etc which can be chosen around the water, and you can show models etc. of the housing foundation. As a big event at the tour, you can demonstrate the strength to withstand deformation by dropping the framework of the steel frame module onto the ground.
井坂一文 on Google

There is a showroom in the factory, and I think it's very good that the renewal can be done in a contemporary way!

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