フレスコサンドカフェ 西条店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フレスコサンドカフェ 西条店

住所 :

Saijocho Misonou, Higashihiroshima, 〒739-0024 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://frescosandcafe.com/
街 : Hiroshima

Saijocho Misonou, Higashihiroshima, 〒739-0024 Hiroshima,Japan
m Y on Google

I often use it! My child loves fruit sandwiches and only eats here! The sweetness of the fresh cream is just right and it is very delicious!
M M on Google

I came to the store for the first time in a long time and remembered why it was a long time. As before, if you don't like it, you just have to go away. When I asked about the product, I got a reply from the top, and I regretted coming to the store. The sandwiches were usually delicious, but if I go next time, I'll go to the Yahonmatsu store.
Hironori Nogisaka (BIST) on Google

フジグランの近くですが少し奥まった場所なので、静かでよかったです。台数は少ないですが駐輪場もあります。清潔感のあるお店で落ち着いて休憩できました。 サンドイッチとコーヒーだと価格も手頃で利用しやすいです。 有機コーヒーは、苦味と酸味が効いていますが雑味がなく、とても飲みやすいのにしっかりコーヒーを飲んだ感が得られて、コーヒー好きには良いと思います。
It's near Fujigran, but it's a little deeper, so it's nice to be quiet. Although the number is small, there is also a bicycle parking lot. I was able to take a calm break in a clean shop. Sandwiches and coffee are reasonably priced and easy to use. Organic coffee has a bitter taste and sour taste, but it has no unpleasant taste, and although it is very easy to drink, it gives the feeling of drinking coffee firmly, and I think it is good for coffee lovers.
おかめぐ on Google

Every sandwich is voluminous and delicious ?. It may be for a limited time, so I think you can enjoy it even if you eat various sandwiches every week ?
Tsutsumi Toshi on Google

サンドイッチ専門店 閉店16:00も調べず15:30に来店。店内は広く、お洒落な作りで縦長にイートンインスペースがあり、朝とかはお客さんが多いのだろうと想像しました。 閉店間際で残り少なくなっており、甘い系のサンドがあるとの事でしたが、がっつり系のロースとエッグが残っていたので、2点購入させて貰いました。 店員さんがとてもフレンドリーで店内写真撮影をお願いした所、快く撮影させて頂けました。  今度は朝に訪れてみます。
Sandwich specialty store I came to the store at 15:30 without checking the closing time at 16:00. The inside of the store is large and stylish, and there is an Eaton in space vertically long, so I imagined that there would be many customers in the morning. It was said that there was a sweet sandwich on the verge of closing, but there was a solid loin and egg left, so I bought two. The clerk was very friendly and asked me to take a picture of the inside of the store, so I was happy to take a picture. I will visit this time in the morning.
SM on Google

I used it at lunch time. The lunch set seems to include two side menus and a drink on your favorite sandwich. There is a tofu cutlet burger sandwich and it is rare so I tried it. The tofu cutlet and bread went better than I had imagined. The side menu minestrone was also delicious. I think it's easy to use even by one person. Next time I want to eat fruit sandwiches.
佐藤功 on Google

5月10日(月)に初めて伺いました。外観はこじんまりとしたカフェという印象でした。店内に入ると、2人の女性の店員さんがいて、 2人とも笑顔が素敵な方でした。他のお客様にも笑顔で話しやすく とても好印象を持ちました。サンドイッチは種類が多く手造りのようです。彩りも鮮やか、どれにするか迷いました。コーヒーも本格的で 美味しかったです。なぜだか、グラスがある棚の上にあった、キューピーちゃんの人形が気にいりました。今度は一眼レフカメラを持ち込み 大きく写したいですね。
I visited for the first time on May 10th (Monday). The appearance was an impression of a small cafe. When I entered the store, there were two female clerk, Both of them had wonderful smiles. Easy to talk to other customers with a smile I had a very good impression. There are many types of sandwiches and they seem to be handmade. The colors are also vivid, and I was wondering which one to use. Coffee is also authentic It was delicious. For some reason, I liked the Kewpie doll on the shelf with the glasses. Bring in a single-lens reflex camera this time I want to make a big picture.
松浦果南 on Google

I got a lunch set! It's good to have cheesecake ?‍♀️. I just ate steamed chicken burdock sandwich, but I'm a little disappointed that the salad has the same ... I don't know if it's always, but I want to eat a different sandwich this time! The taste was delicious!

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