Sagawa Express Co., Ltd. Suruga Sales Office - Shizuoka

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sagawa Express Co., Ltd. Suruga Sales Office

住所 :

6 Chome-17-45 Toro, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 422-8033
Webサイト :

6 Chome-17-45 Toro, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8033, Japan
探索野郎 on Google

企業はこの配送業者使わないで欲しい トラブルばっかりで迷惑すぎる 指定時間どころか指定日すら守らなくてそれに対応するサポートも脆弱 皆ヤマト使ってほしい
I don't want companies to use this carrier It ’s just trouble and it ’s too annoying. Not even the specified date, let alone the specified time, is not observed and the support corresponding to it is also vulnerable I want everyone to use Yamato
Human Being on Google

どうもありがとうございます. It's The first time I deal with this company, the delivery was fast and the staff was on the level.
thank you very much. It's The first time I deal with this company, the delivery was fast and the staff was on the level.
小林千津嘉 on Google

The delivery person always feels good, but the young woman who responded when I called the sales office didn't feel good.
うどん on Google

配達員顎マスクでデカイ声で喋ってくる。 本人は爽やかに対応してるつもりでしょうがコロナ渦なので物凄く気分悪かったです。 再教育してください。
The deliveryman speaks with a big voice with a chin mask. I think he will respond refreshingly, but I felt very sick because it was a corona vortex. Please re-educate.
劉超逸 on Google

There was a misdelivery, but the god response of the staff in charge of the phone was wonderful.
大石睦樹 on Google

時間指定したにも関わらず、その時間に来ないどころか、再配達の指定時間にも来ない。誠意ある対応をしてくれていれば納得できますが、時間変更をしたことによるアポイントの変更など、こちらの仕事に支障をきたす最低の会社だと感じました。ドライバーの対応も舐めているとしか思えない対応で、二度と使いたくない運送会社ナンバー1だと思いました。 早く倒産してください。
Even though I specified the time, I didn't come at that time, and even at the specified time for redelivery. I'm convinced if you respond in good faith, but I felt that it was the worst company that would hinder my work, such as changing appointments due to time changes. The driver's response seems to be licking, and I thought it was the number one shipping company that I would never want to use again. Please go bankrupt soon.
piii ___ on Google

When I specified the time in the redelivery request, I received a phone call and asked, "I'm the only one in that time, so I'd like to deliver it earlier." I understand that I want to finish my work early, but what does it mean to specify the time? I was wondering. Strange. Do I have to set the time? The delivery person also comes lazy every time. When I order online, I think that the vendor is Sagawa, "Wow ...". I know it's busy and hard. We appreciate. But it ’s work, right? I think as a professional.
ああ on Google

荷物トラブルがあったのですが、丁寧に対応していただきました。 スタッフの態度が悪いとの評価がありますが、むしろ良い方だと思います。
I had a baggage problem, but I was kind enough to handle it. There is an evaluation that the attitude of the staff is bad, but I think that it is rather good.

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