足道楽 相模大野店

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 足道楽 相模大野店

住所 :

Sagamiono, Minami Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0303 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877979
Webサイト : http://www.ashidoraku.com/shop/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Sagamiono, Minami Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0303 Kanagawa,Japan
和田清子 on Google

Yuhta Take on Google

It was written as an insole shop, but also taught me carefully about the importance of shoes.
奥津江里子 on Google

It is not cheap at all, but thinks that it can be cured from the fundamental part of the body and it is good
takayuki nakamura on Google

非常に良かったです。丁寧に説明してもらえたので! インソールのオーダーメイドは、いい値段しますが、いいものなので納得しています。
It was very good. I was able to explain it carefully! Custom-made insoles have a good price, but I am convinced that they are good.
サットん小玉 on Google

I feel that my body has become easier since I started using it. It is helpful because you can do maintenance for free.
鈴木映子 on Google

父が生前、膝の手術を受けて、とても 痛がっていたのをよく覚えています。 自分も不安になり、足道楽さんを 見かけて色々なお話をお伺いしました。 時々調整をしながら、色々な(世間話)も できるので、心身ともに元気になって 帰宅することができます。 いつもありがとうございます。 座間市 スズキ
My dad had knee surgery during his lifetime and he was very I remember being in pain. I'm worried about myself I saw and heard various stories. While adjusting from time to time, various (small talk) Because you can do it, you will be well both physically and mentally You can go home. I am always grateful for your help. Zama City Suzuki
ミユ on Google

日曜に予約して念願かなってやっと行きました。お値段はやはりいいお値段ですが!インソールをはいた時の感動は忘れられません。まさに魔法のようです!本当に嘘みたいに長年痛くて悩みのたねだった外反母趾も、最近頻繁にヒアルロン酸をうちに行かなければならなくった膝も全然痛くないのです。膝が痛いという歩き仕事の仕事仲間や、ご高齢の方にもぜひお薦めしたいです。足の病院とお名前買えたらいいのにと思います。 下手な整形外科に通うよりよほど良いです。 足首を固定するサポーターもよいお値段ですが!家ではいています。膝が痛くならないのです。こちらも不思議です。姿勢の悪い娘も近いうち連れて行こうと思います。周りの友人に広めたいと思います。
I made a reservation on Sunday and finally went there. The price is still good! I will never forget the excitement when I put on the insoles. It's just magical! The hallux valgus, which has been painful and troubled for many years like a lie, and the knee, which has had to go to hyaluronic acid frequently these days, do not hurt at all. I would definitely recommend it to colleagues who have a pain in their knees while walking, and elderly people. I wish I could buy the name of the foot hospital. It's better than going to a poor orthopedic surgeon. Supporters who fix their ankles are also a good price! I'm at home. My knees don't hurt. This is also strange. I will take my daughter with a bad posture soon. I would like to spread it to my friends around me.
yumiko yamakawa on Google

ずっと立ち仕事や学生の頃陸上部で長距離をやっていたせいか 10年以上前から踵に違和感を覚え病院に行ってマッサージやインソールなどを作ってもらったり ここ5年くらいはあまりの痛さに靴を履いてない時は踵が地につけなく力も入らずフラフラと倒れるほどで2、3ヶ月に1度踵に注射をしたりしてました。そのせいか腰も痛みは出てくるし痛い足を庇うせいか姿勢も斜めになってました。 そして息子が通う高校の近くに【足道楽】さんがあるのは入学した時から知ってはいましたが病院に通院してるしと素通りしてましたが 病院でも踵に注射を打つのはもうしないほうが良いと言われ 【足道楽】さんへ行ってみました 店員の方はとても親切に教えてくれて 自分の足の今の状況がどんなものか目に見える状態で説明もあり 試しで履かせてもらった靴が数歩歩いただけで「この靴は違う」と実感し 手持ちは無かったのですが即購入したいと銀行へ飛び込みその日に靴下と靴を購入させていただきました 次の日 職場の方にもその靴を履いてると(仕事中は仕事用の決まった靴があるので履けませんが)背筋が伸びてるし シャンと歩いてると驚かれ 息子にもいつも家で一旦座ると手を貸してもらわないと立てないくらいだったのが靴下を履いてるだけでもスッと立て驚かれました 私のその状況を見て足に癖のある息子も履いてみたいと息子の分も購入しました。 私は今 5ヶ月、息子は3ヶ月になりますが実家の母が坐骨神経痛をもってますが今勧めようと話をしています 母も私達の歩き方や立ち方が変化しているのを見て興味を持ってくれました 母だけでなく本当に10年以上痛みに苦しみから開放された実感があるので他の知り合いにも勧めたいと思います
Perhaps because I was standing and working long distances in the track and field club when I was a student, I felt uncomfortable with my heels for more than 10 years and went to the hospital to make massages and insoles. When I wasn't wearing shoes, my heels didn't touch the ground and I couldn't put any force on them. Perhaps because of that, I had pain in my lower back, and maybe because I was hiding my painful legs, my posture was slanted. And I knew from the time I entered that there was [Ashidouraku] near the high school my son attends, but I passed by saying that I was going to the hospital, but even at the hospital I already have an injection in the heel. I was told that I shouldn't do it, so I went to [Football] The clerk kindly told me that there was a visible explanation of what the current situation of my feet was, and the shoes I had tried on were just a few steps away and said, "This shoe is different." I realized that I didn't have it, but I jumped into the bank to buy it immediately and bought socks and shoes on that day. The next day, when I wear those shoes at work (I can't wear them because I have fixed shoes for work during work), my spine is stretched and I'm surprised when I walk with Shan. Once my son sat down at home, I couldn't stand without help, but I was surprised to see it just by wearing socks. Looking at my situation, I bought a son's part because I wanted to wear a son who has a habit of legs. I'm 5 months old and my son is 3 months old, but my mother at home has sciatica, but I'm talking about recommending it now. My mother was also interested in seeing the changes in our way of walking and standing. I feel that I have been freed from pain for more than 10 years, not just my mother, so I would like to recommend it to other acquaintances.

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