
3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact オーディン寒河江店

住所 :

Sagae, 〒991-0041 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878777
Webサイト : http://eco-odin.ne.jp/store/odin/sagae/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Yamagata

Sagae, 〒991-0041 Yamagata,Japan
陽子(アザミ) on Google

It's not a big store, but it has a lot of items, and if you look carefully, you may find some bargains.
山形のスロミ on Google

欲しいカメラがありました。今日は諦めました。 次に来店してまだあったら欲しいですー 毎週来店して楽しんでいます。
I had a camera I wanted. I gave up today. I want you to come to the store next time and still have it I come to the store every week and enjoy it.
桜梅桃李 on Google

I came to the store in search of something. Unfortunately there was nothing to ask. It's been a while since I came here, but the store has been wiped out and the product inventory is plentiful. I was a little lost because the arrangement changed completely from the previous one. It's a pity that we closed the Yamagata store, but Sagae wants us to do our best.
GOMA のすけ、みーちゃん on Google

とにかく、ここのリサイクルショップは、最低 ? とくに、メガネを掛けた、おおいずみっていう女??? いつも、客より上から目線での対応をしている??? 何様のつもりだ??? 自分がリサイクルに出した品に、幾らぐらいの値が着いたのか、聞こうとして、問い詰めただけで、物凄い剣幕の目で客を睨んで来る‼️???
Anyway, the recycle shop here is at least ? Especially, a woman wearing glasses, Oizumi ??? Always looking from above the customer ??? What are you going to do ??? I just asked him how much the price of the item he had put out for recycling had arrived, and he stared at the customer with a tremendous amount of swordsmanship! ️???
鈴木正人 on Google

息子の学校迎え予定時間よりちょっと早く着いたので、見物がてらにふらっと立ち寄った。品数はそう多くなかったけど掘り出し物がチラホラ・・・ で、電動コーヒーミルとCDラジオを衝動買い。正規の値段なら買おうとは思わないけど、かなり安価だったんでついつい・・・箱を開けたらともに新品未使用品、手に入れてよかったです。また寄ってみます。
I arrived a bit earlier than my son's scheduled school pick-up time, so I dropped in on the sights. The number of items was not so large, but the bargains were chilla hola ... At the moment, I bought an electric coffee mill and a CD radio. I do not think that I would buy it if it was a regular price, but it was quite cheap and just after opening the box ... it was good to get a new unused item together. I will try again.
危機年中白髭 on Google

There is no child seat to see off the grandchildren! That's right ?? Let's go to Odin ? There was! It's like a rental fee ?
goolge Hiroshi on Google

健康上の理由でマスクを出来ない人に配慮した神対応のアナウンスでした。 上の人が多角的に情報を調べているすばらしい方なのだと思います。 マスクのウイルス飛散・吸入を防止する科学的根拠はありません。 ウイルスは非常に小さくマスクの網目を素通りします。 厚労省も文科省もマスクは強制ではなく任意ですと言っています。 皆同調圧力でマスクを着用するのが当たり前のような風潮が出来てしまっており、マスクをしていない人をバイキンでも見るかのように驚いた顔で見てくる人もいます。 マスクしていない人へ偏見や差別はやめましょう。 マスクは低酸素症による脳への障害、コミュニケーション障害、マスクの化学繊維吸入等による健康被害が懸念されています。 特に成長期の子供たちは絶対にマスクを常時着用させてはいけないのです。 政府はワクチン2回打ったら大丈夫だと言っていたのに新しい変異ウイルスを仕立て上げ3回目、4回目と打たせようとしています。 ゼロコロナは未来永劫ありません。 インフルエンザでは健康な人までマスクなんてしていませんでした。 いい加減皆さん、このコロナ茶番劇に気付きましょう。 みんながこの茶番に気付いてみんなでマスクを外せばコロナは終わります。 政府とテレビに騙されるのはもう終わりにしましょう。 オーディンのような企業がたくさん増えることを祈っています。 ありがとうございます。
It was a god-friendly announcement for people who couldn't wear masks for health reasons. I think that the person above is a wonderful person who is looking up information from various angles. There is no scientific basis to prevent the spread and inhalation of the mask virus. The virus is very small and passes through the mesh of the mask. Both the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the Ministry of Education say that masks are optional, not compulsory. It has become commonplace for everyone to wear a mask with tuned pressure, and some people look at people without masks with surprised faces as if they were looking at a bikin. Stop prejudice and discrimination against unmasked people. There are concerns about the health hazards of masks due to hypoxia-induced brain damage, communication disorders, and mask inhalation of chemical fibers. Especially growing children should never wear a mask at all times. The government said it would be okay to hit the vaccine twice, but it is trying to make a new mutant virus and hit it the third and fourth times. Zero Corona has no future. Even healthy people didn't wear masks for the flu. Everyone, let's notice this corona tea ceremony. If everyone notices this farce and everyone removes the mask, Corona is over. Let's stop being fooled by the government and television. I hope there will be more companies like Odin. thank you.
Dennis Peterson on Google

Recycle shop. I found it a bit over priced.

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