オーダースーツSADA 大阪堺店

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact オーダースーツSADA 大阪堺店

住所 :

Kitahanadacho, Kita Ward, Sakai, 〒591-8002 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://www.ordersuit.info/store/detail.php%3Fid%3D45077
街 : Osaka

Kitahanadacho, Kita Ward, Sakai, 〒591-8002 Osaka,Japan
ヒデ on Google

I was very polite and advised me that I didn't understand, and I was able to make a suit that suits me, and I was very satisfied with my shopping. thank you.
猫ななこ on Google

大満足のスーツとシャツができました。 価格は控えめで、仕上がりは高品質。 説明もとても丁寧にしてくださり、ありがとうございました。 是非これからもリピートしたいと思います。
I have a very satisfying suit and shirt. The price is modest and the finish is high quality. Thank you for your polite explanation. I would love to repeat it in the future.
宮越悠也 on Google

I used to make an order suit elsewhere, but the size didn't look right no matter how many times I made it, so I changed to SADA. I am very satisfied with the silhouette and size I expected.
西勇祐 on Google

The clerk's response is very good and I have been using it many times. There are no dissatisfactions with the price and quality of custom suits, and you can make custom suits with confidence.
S_ oo on Google

とても丁寧で分かりやすい説明で いいスーツを作ることが出来ました。 色々な話を聞けて、今後も利用したいと思えました
Very polite and easy-to-understand explanation I was able to make a good suit. After listening to various stories, I wanted to continue using it.
山田海星 on Google

採寸してくれる人がめっちゃ丁寧で分かりやすく、自分に合ったスーツを作ってくれる。 スーツは人の思い出を作っていくものなので凄く良い仕事をしてると思いました‼️ またリピートしたいと思いました!!
People who have measurements is an easy-to-understand a Truly polite, me to make a suit that suits you. Suit was thought to be a really good job because they are going to make the memories of the people! ️ I wanted to repeat again! !!
のじこ on Google

旦那のスーツを作りに来ました。 スポーツをしていてがっちりとした体型で今まで自分の身体に合うスーツやシャツが無く困っていましたが、しっかりとした採寸をして頂き理想のスーツを作って頂けました。今回は秋冬用だったので夏用も作りに来たいと思います。
I came to make my husband's suit. I was in trouble because I was playing sports and had a solid figure and I couldn't find a suit or shirt that fits my body, but I was able to make an ideal suit by taking proper measurements. This time it was for autumn and winter, so I would like to come to make it for summer as well.
ysm n. on Google

初めてのオーダースーツを作るために行きましたがわかりやすく丁寧な説明をしていただいて助かりました。 予備知識が何もなくても心配ありません。 スタンダードなものから最近の流行りまで色々教えてもらえるので自分の好みに合わせて選んでいくだけです。 夏物もお願いしたいと思います。
I went to make my first order suit, but it was helpful to have an easy-to-understand and polite explanation. Don't worry if you don't have any prior knowledge. You can learn a lot from standard items to recent trends, so just choose the one that suits your taste. I would like to ask for summer clothes as well.

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