オーダースーツSADA プレナ幕張店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact オーダースーツSADA プレナ幕張店

住所 :

Hibino, Mihama Ward, 〒261-0021 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997
Webサイト : https://www.ordersuit.info/store/detail.php%3Fid%3D45070
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Hibino, Mihama Ward, 〒261-0021 Chiba,Japan
簡吟玲 on Google

Brand Shopping Street Christmas Sale 50% Discount Cheap
ななし on Google

The clerk didn't feel good. I won't make it anymore
D H on Google

以前2回ほどこちらのSADAさんでオーダースーツを作らせて頂きました。いずれも店員さんが優しく丁寧に対応してくれ、好印象です。 スーツの質も満足いくもので、またお願いすることになりそうです。
I made an order suit with Mr. SADA about twice before. It is a good impression that the sales staff kindly and politely responded to us. The quality of the suit is satisfactory, and I'll ask again.
毎日更新なし on Google

1年程前に購入。店長が対応下さいました。 ガッカリした事が三箇所。 オーダースーツ購入は初めてで、その旨も伝えて選んで頂いたのですが、いきなりセーターの上からジャケットを着させられ、「どうですか?」と。いやいや、オーダースーツならシャツの上からしっかり測って欲しい旨を伝えて、再度採寸依頼。 購入するスーツが決まり、裏地の確認等、お互い椅子に座った上で色々確認していきました。 その際に、ガイアの夜明けで放送されてこの店舗にきた旨を話すと「ああ、なんかテレビで放送されたみたいですね」と。自分の会社にこだわりのない人なのかなと。その他、各確認事項も結構適当な感じでした。 また、スーツができ次第連絡します、との事だったので、暫く待ってましたが連絡なし。 こちらから確認をすると、「出来てるのでいつでも取りに来て下さい」と。 総論 他の店員さんは分かりませんが、この店長に限っては、対応は良くないです。 どこをスーツで調整できるかこちらから色々聞かないと、ちゃちゃっと適当に終わらされます。 結局、これは私の言い方が良くなかったと思いますが、スーツも少しあってなく、、、 もう、こちらの店舗は遠慮しようかなと。
Purchased about a year ago. The manager responded. I was disappointed in three places. It was my first time to buy an order suit, so I told her about it, but I was suddenly put on a jacket over the sweater and asked, "How about?" No, no, tell me that you want me to measure it from the top of your shirt if it is an order suit, and request a measurement again. The suit to be purchased was decided, and the lining was checked in various ways after sitting on each other's chairs. At that time, he was broadcast at the dawn of Gaia and said that he came to this store and said, "Oh, it looks like it was broadcast on TV." I wonder if he's not particular about his company. In addition, each confirmation item was also quite appropriate. Also, I will contact you as soon as the suit is ready, so I waited for a while but no contact. When you check from here, it says, "Please come and pick me up anytime." General remarks I don't know the other clerks, but for this manager only, the response is not good. If you do not ask here variously where you can adjust with a suit, it will be finished properly. After all, I think this wasn't good, but there weren't any suits, I wonder if this store should be withheld.
田代涼 on Google

今回はリネン生地を使って夏物を作りました!! はじめての夏生地楽しみです!!
This time I made summer clothes using linen cloth! !! I'm looking forward to the first summer fabric! !!
LEON K on Google

初めてオーダーにきました。 わかりやすい説明と丁寧に採寸していただきました。
I came to order for the first time. I had you measure it carefully with an easy-to-understand explanation.
糸賀健夫 on Google

You can make custom suits at a relatively low price. The size is good because it is an order, but if you get along with the options and add options, the price will be quite good.
朝倉智宏 on Google

When I first went to make an order suit at the end of last year, Mr. Arakawa was in charge of it. It was very easy to talk to, and he kindly thought about which color and which fabric would suit his business scene. I bought 2 attentions today, but I'm really looking forward to the completion. I am waiting for your call!

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