金剛山麓酵素風呂 大地

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 金剛山麓酵素風呂 大地

住所 :

Sabi, Tondabayashi, 〒584-0052 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://www.kousoburo-daichi.com/
街 : Osaka

Sabi, Tondabayashi, 〒584-0052 Osaka,Japan
Hiro W on Google

The enzyme bath was very good. It warms your body and makes your skin smooth. I want to let my daughter pass because my atopy seems to improve.
藤井 紀江 on Google

This time is the second time (^-^) This time again, three girls who are confused came (^-^) Even with this! And three people sweat, detox. The body is warm from the core, and even after rising, the body is still warm. I felt that my stomach was warm ✨ Taking a shower and removing the bran also made my skin smooth ❣️ Three people touched each other, and I was flirting with a smooth (^-^) with my friends As I put it in, I feel relaxed and put it in ❣️ (^-^)
TAEKO O on Google

大浴場で友達と一緒に入れる大地さんは とても良かったです‼ 夕方でも、とっても暖かい酵素風呂でした。 半身浴で汗が、いっぱい出て寒がりで冷え性 の私は大ファンに成りました❗
Daichi, who puts in a friend at the public bath, It was very good! Even in the evening, it was a very warm enzyme bath. Perspiration in a half-body bath, cold and cold I became a big fan of
北川唯子 on Google

今まで岩盤浴やサウナ風呂など、浴衣着たりガウン着たりして、あちこち行きました、酵素風呂は初めてでしたが~身体のろしつが~多かったのか、温度が熱すぎでヤケドしてしまいました。1週間たちましたが、まだ痛いです。自分には合わない? 皮膚科には毎日消毒に通ってます。
Until now, I have been wearing yukata and gowns such as bedrock baths and sauna baths, and I have been to various places. It was my first time to have an enzyme bath. .. It's been a week, but it still hurts. Does it suit you? I go to the dermatologist every day for disinfection.
Spring has come on Google

リラックス出来る酵素風呂。 大浴場タイプなので、風呂桶タイプとは異なり、広々として圧迫感がなくていい感じ。 スタッフさんもとてもフレンドリー。 敷地内の隣にある野菜販売所も色々な野菜・果物の販売があり楽しい!
Relaxing enzyme bath. Because it is a large public bath type, unlike the bath tub type, it is spacious and feels good without pressure. The staff is also very friendly. The vegetable sales office next to the site also sells various vegetables and fruits and is fun!
こみちゃ on Google

酵素風呂、本日で4回目体の芯から暖まり 回数を重ねる毎に発汗が早くなってます。 おがくずとぬかで自然発酵少し足先が熱くなり動かした瞬間 ”アツッ”って自然発酵の凄さ体験してとりこになってます✨? シャワールームも綺麗でとっても気持ち良く、くずをシャワーで落とす時に体に擦りこむとぬかの効果でツルツルになり、いつまでシャワーしたらいいの ってぐらいツルツルで若返った気分になります?
Enzyme bath, the fourth time today, warming from the core of the body The more I sweat, the faster I sweat. Natural fermentation with sawdust and bran A moment when my toes get a little hot and I move it, "Atsu" I experience the awesomeness of natural fermentation ✨? The shower room is also clean and very comfortable, and when rubbing the waste in the shower it rubs against the body and it becomes smooth, and it feels smooth and rejuvenated as long as I want to shower ?
山野基子 on Google

初めての酵素風呂 岩盤浴やサウナのイメージで 何分我慢できるかぁーって 思って入りましたが〰️ 全然大丈夫? そしてーーーーーここからが ビックリ‼️‼️‼️ 疲労感がない 何このスカット 疲れを酵素がとってくれるの〰️❓ そして お肌がチュルチュル~♥️ においも気にならず 岩盤浴やサウナより短時間で スッキリ‼️ リピーターになりました?
First enzyme bath In the image of bedrock bath and sauna How many minutes can you endure? 入 り ️ No problem at all And here is the beginning Surprised ️‼ ️‼ ️ No fatigue What this skat Enzymes take the fatigue away 疲 れ ️❓ And my skin is crunchy ~ ♥ ️ I don't mind the smell In less time than bedrock bath and sauna Refreshing ️ I became a repeater?
c y on Google

3回目の訪問。最初は15分耐えれるのか?ってぐらい熱く感じた米糠も、慣れたのかじんわりと暖かく気持ちのよい汗がかけました。 オーナーさんのきめ細かい気遣いが、また行きたいと思わせてくれる、ステキなお店です。 近くにあったらもっと頻繁に通いたいです。 行かれる際はご予約を!
Third visit. Can you withstand 15 minutes at first? The rice bran, which felt so hot, got used to it, but it was warm and comfortable to sweat. The owner's careful consideration makes me want to go again, and it's a wonderful shop. I want to go there more often if I'm nearby. Make a reservation when you go!

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