Ryūōzan Natural Trail - Ibaraki

3.5/5 に基づく 2 レビュー

Contact Ryūōzan Natural Trail

住所 :

Ibaraki, Osaka 568-0083, Japan

Postal code : 568-0083

Ibaraki, Osaka 568-0083, Japan
abdullah金一 on Google

かつてはもっと賑わっていたような…。 今はほぼハイカーは見かけないです。バイクでは来る人時々いますが。 高速道路がそびえ立つ以外は景色は昔のままで、都会から近い自然探勝スポットなんで、とくに今はほとんど誰も来ないトコだから簡単ハイキングに良いと思いますわ。
It seems that it used to be more crowded ... I don't see any hikers now. Sometimes people come by motorcycle. Except for the towering highway, the scenery is the same as before, and it's a nature exploration spot close to the city, especially now that almost no one comes, so I think it's good for easy hiking.
masaru araki on Google

I didn't have much time so I couldn't take a walk. I would like to take a walk from this area again.

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