Ryozenji - Shizuoka

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ryozenji

住所 :

597 Ouchi, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, 424-0061, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 424-0061

597 Ouchi, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, 424-0061, Japan
ホイチョイ on Google

清水では大内の観音様と言った方が通じると思います。 清水の小学校だと徒歩遠足で行く目的地になる事も多いと思います。 (ちなみに私は江尻小学校でしたが徒歩遠足で行きました。) 山にあるお寺ですが石段を上がっていくと立派な門があり、門には立派な仁王像があります。後で調べたらこの門は鎌倉時代に建立されており国の重要文化財だそうです。仁王像も鎌倉時代建立だそうです。 素晴らしい文化財なのですが、保存状態が良くないように思います。 普通に風雪にさらされていて補修もされていない感じです。 大切な文化財なので県でも市でもいいので保存に力を入れてほしいです。
In Shimizu, I think it's better to say Mr. Kannon of Ouchi. At Shimizu Elementary School, I think that it is often the destination to go on foot excursions. (By the way, I was at Ejiri Elementary School, but I went on a walking excursion.) Although it is a temple on the mountain, there is a magnificent gate when you go up the stone steps, and there is a magnificent statue of Nio at the gate. I found out later that this gate was built in the Kamakura period and is an important cultural property of the country. The statue of Nio is also said to have been built during the Kamakura period. It's a wonderful cultural property, but I don't think it's well preserved. It feels like it's normally exposed to the wind and snow and hasn't been repaired. Since it is an important cultural property, it can be in the prefecture or the city, so I would like you to focus on preservation.
川上富男 on Google

It is a temple of Shingon sect in Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka-shi. The mountain gate is designated as an important cultural property. Although it is a non-resident temple, it seems that the locals are in control. The road to the parking lot is narrow and the parking lot is narrow. From the parking lot you will reach the main hall on foot enough.
山崎優太 on Google

If you go a little further, you will reach the park. The old buildings are famous. There is also a hiking trail, so please come by all means. There is a Buddha statue at the big gate. You can see a beautiful view on the hiking trail.
happyねこち on Google

2021/04/18 重要文化財+花+鳥+登山で満点! クチコミで皆さんがあまり触れていない霊山寺の部分を紹介しますね♪ 拝観料:無料 駐車場:無料 トイレ:霊山寺駐車場(水洗)・本堂横(バイオ式)24時間使用可、どちらもきれいに清掃されている(無料) 登山棒:駐車場から本堂まで登る石段の入り口に貸し出し用の登山棒がある(無料) 登山コース:霊山寺~帆掛山(一本松公園)~梶原山(梶原山公園) 明瞭な一本道、よく整備されている。眺望ポイントが何ヶ所もありベンチが設置。クイズ式のポイントもあり楽しめる。稜線に出ると右にすぐ帆掛山、左に20分ほどで梶原山に行くことができる。 ★この日の様子★ 駐車場からお墓横の石段を登る。新緑眩しいこの時期は群生しているシャガが薄紫の可憐な姿でお出迎え♪まるで美術館のよう❤麓の住人や学生たちが本堂まで続く急坂を楽しく整備、たとえば鳥の巣箱(写真参照)「新築分譲中、今なら0円、入居者募集?」マジ笑える!もう物件は埋まりましたか?むむ?こちらはススキをカラーして装飾したクジャクかな?丁寧に花や木のネームプレートも。一登りするごとに丁石と季節の花、人の手が加わった建造物?美術品?がコラボしてなんとも面白いよ。古めかしい立派な山門付近までのぼると木々の芽ぶきの黄緑と紅白満開のツツジ、山門のかやぶきの茶色がマッチしてまるで一枚の風景画のような美しさ。更に本堂には鳥の餌台が数ヶ所設置されヤマガラが手乗りするなど人と鳥の距離が近いのにも正直驚き!鳥の餌となるひまわりの種も置かれていて自由に与えることができる。天井から吊り下げられたペットボトル製の餌台には鈴、「無銭飲食歓迎」大爆笑!チリチリと音をたてヤマガラが往復する姿はいつまで見ていても飽きないね❤無住職のお寺とのこと、麓の人たちに愛され支えられているんだねぇ~。フツーなら観光のお寺として有料でもおかしくない?でもすべて無料。。。ありがたや、ありがたや。。。本堂から帆掛山(一本松公園)に続く登山道の途中に絶景のポイント、ベンチあり(写真参照)本堂まで行ったらついでに一登り、お弁当持ってね♪
2021/04/18 Important cultural property + flowers + birds + mountain climbing is a perfect score! I will introduce the part of Sacred Mountain Temple that you have not touched much in the word of mouth ♪ Admission fee: Free Parking: Free Toilet: Ryosenji parking lot (flush), next to the main hall (bio type) can be used 24 hours a day, both are clean (free) Climbing stick: There is a climbing stick for rent at the entrance of the stone steps that climb from the parking lot to the main hall (free of charge) Climbing course: Sacred Mountain Temple-Mt. Hokake (Ipponmatsu Park) -Mt. Kajiwara (Mt. Kajiwara Park) A clear straight road, well maintained. There are many view points and benches are installed. There are also quiz-style points that you can enjoy. When you reach the ridge, you can reach Mt. Hokake on the right and Mt. Kajiwara on the left in about 20 minutes. ★ State of this day ★ Climb the stone steps next to the grave from the parking lot. At this time when the fresh green is dazzling, the clustered butterflies welcome you in a lovely light purple ♪ It's like a museum ❤ Residents and students at the foot of the mountain happily maintain the steep slope leading to the main hall, for example, Birdhouse (see photo) "New construction During the sale, now it's 0 yen, recruiting tenants? " Is the property already filled? Hmmm? Is this a peacock decorated with Japanese pampas grass? Carefully flower and wood nameplates. A building with stones, seasonal flowers, and human hands every time you climb? Art work? It's really interesting to collaborate with. Climbing up to the vicinity of the magnificent old-fashioned mountain gate, the yellow-green buds of the trees, the azaleas in full bloom in red and white, and the brown color of the scabbard of the mountain gate match, making it look like a landscape painting. Furthermore, I am honestly surprised that the distance between people and birds is close, such as the fact that there are several bird feeding stands in the main hall and the parus rides on them! Sunflower seeds that feed birds are also placed and can be given freely. A bell on the feeding table made of PET bottles hung from the ceiling, "Dine and dash welcome" lol! I never get tired of seeing the parus reciprocating with a chirping sound ❤ It's a temple without a priest, and it's loved and supported by the people at the foot of the mountain. Isn't it strange to pay as a tourist temple if it's futu? But it's all free. .. .. Thank you, thank you. .. .. There is a scenic point and a bench on the mountain trail leading from the main hall to Mt. Hokake (Ipponmatsu Park) (see photo).
Ak Suz on Google

Passing through a forest full of caterpillars, a refreshing view and a majestic temple. I think it's about 1km along the way, but there are some differences in elevation, so clothes that are easy to move are good. It takes 20-30 minutes from here to the park.
Kyon Adachi on Google

清水区大内の駐車場からは歩きで簡単に行けます。 葵区瀬名の方からはかなり歩きます。 富士川方面から車で下り線を利用したら山側にみえるお寺です。屋根が緑なので目を引きます。 南に開けている場所なので暖かい。 景色も良い。 大内からの道は、斜面を利用した石段が素晴らしい。作った方々の苦労と工夫を感じる。 仁王門も凄い。
You can easily walk from the parking lot in Ouchi, Shimizu-ku. I walk a lot from Sena, Aoi-ku. It is a temple that you can see on the mountain side if you take the down line by car from the direction of the Fuji River. The green roof is eye-catching. It's warm because it's open to the south. The scenery is also good. On the road from Ouchi, the stone steps on the slope are wonderful. I feel the hardships and ingenuity of the people who made it. The Niomon is also amazing.

新幹線から、東名高速からも見える山寺 富士川を西に1,2分過ぎた山側、 新幹線からはお堂の屋根が緑色に見えます。 この霊山寺は室町時代からの歴史、山門は重文指定。 海風に晒された床や柱はカサカサでボロボロでした。 山道(参道)入口に墓地がありました。墓銘は全て木本姓でした。田舎では珍しく無いかもねー。
Yamadera seen from the Shinkansen and the Tomei Expressway The mountain side, a minute or two past the Fuji River, From the Shinkansen, the roof of the temple looks green. This Ryosen-ji Temple has a history from the Muromachi period, and the Sanmon is designated as an Important Cultural Property. The floors and pillars exposed to the sea breeze were dry and tattered. There was a graveyard at the entrance of the mountain road (sando). All the grave inscriptions were Kimoto's surname. It may not be unusual in the countryside.
パンダ・ザ・ジャイアント on Google

鎌倉時代からの古刹です。 ハイキングがてら行くといいですよ! ここから一本松公園まで登ると最高の景色に出会えます。 途中の民家で御朱印を頂きました。 スタンプを自分で押すという今まで経験したことがないスタイルでしたがそれもまた良し!
It is an old temple from the Kamakura period. I hope you go hiking! If you climb from here to Ipponmatsu Park, you can meet the best scenery. I got a red stamp at a private house on the way. It was a style I had never experienced before, but it was also good!

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