Ryokuseikai Hospital - Kodaira

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ryokuseikai Hospital

住所 :

2 Chome-35-1 Ogawa Nishimachi, Kodaira, Tokyo 187-0035, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 187-0035
Webサイト : http://www.ryokuseikai.or.jp/

2 Chome-35-1 Ogawa Nishimachi, Kodaira, Tokyo 187-0035, Japan
z z on Google

最低をつけます。いい職員も中にはいます。そちらへの尊敬を上回るぐらいの酷い職員がいます。連携がなってない。 誰かがやると思っていて 同じ人に皺寄せがくる、それが最終的に患者さんに皺寄せがきて衛生面、それにより体調悪化。 自分が患者なら絶対に選ばない。 人間の尊厳を無視。認知症の方などが多く本人の前でわからないだろうと尊厳無視した会話をする。患者さんやご家族をバカにしています(そうでなければ人としてみていない)。 場をわきまえず、患者さんの噂話をします。 チーム分けしてますが 差がひどい。
I will put the lowest. There are some good staff. There are terrible staff members who exceed their respect. There is no cooperation. Someone thinks that someone will do it, and the same person will get wrinkled, which eventually causes the patient to get wrinkled, which is hygienic and makes him sick. If you are a patient, never choose. Ignore human dignity. Many people with dementia have a conversation that ignores dignity because they may not understand it in front of them. I'm ridiculing patients and their families (otherwise I wouldn't see them as people). I will tell the patient's rumors without knowing the place. The teams are divided, but the difference is terrible.
Sherl* on Google

星1つもつけたくない。 自分の意思が言えない患者には酷いところです。 リハビリのみなら素晴らしい医療ですが、その他では医師と一部の看護師たちはやるべきことをやりません。 医師はこちらの気持ちを考えずに発言してきます。 人の心がないのでしょうね。 患者のことを人として扱ってくれません。 ここにお世話になったことを本当に後悔しています。
I don't want to get a star. It's terrible for patients who can't say their will. Rehabilitation alone is great, but doctors and some nurses don't do what they need to do. The doctor will speak without thinking about this feeling. I guess there is no human heart. It does not treat the patient as a person. I really regret being taken care of here.
ミタさん on Google

内科で女医さんに診て頂いています。 丁寧に診察して下さいます。
I have a female doctor see me in internal medicine. Please examine me carefully.
カポエラー on Google

ここで働くことを考えているのであれば考え直すことをおすすめします 9割以上の職員は高圧的、自己中心的であり、仕事ができていない。病院としての機能は皆無。絶対に許さない
If you are thinking of working here, I recommend you to think again. More than 90% of the staff are high-pressure, self-centered, and unable to work. There is no function as a hospital. Never forgive
Jiyung on Google

My relatives were admitted to the medical treatment ward of this hospital for rehabilitation, but died in two months due to floor rubbing. It is such a hospital. I can't recommend it.
荒澤保男 on Google

I am very grateful to Ryokuseikai Hospital, so I would like to share my experience. After graduating from a national graduate school, I worked for a foreign-affiliated pharmaceutical company Wyeth for 32 years and retired from Pfizer's M & D. I also experienced new drug development work with teachers from core hospitals nationwide. By the way, in September 2019, my father underwent right lower lobectomy for lung cancer at Tokyo Metropolitan Bokuto Hospital, an acute care hospital. I was forced to leave the hospital and was taken care of at our hospital, which is a medical treatment type hospital. My father died on March 25, 2020, but I am very grateful to Dr. Okada and the caregivers. Every time I visited, my bed was beautiful compared to the metropolitan hospital. He changed his position frequently, and my father's back was always clean. I don't understand the feelings of those who criticize our hospital.
appledelove on Google

Tomoko Ichiji, a pharmacist at Ryokuseikai Hospital, insisted on April 7, 2022 that "Flomox has not been prescribed at our hospital for the past year." After all it was a lie. Nao Nakazawa, the director of Ryokuseikai Hospital, also neglected to confirm the facts.
agule ally on Google

熱が出たので東京都発熱センターの紹介からここへ予約。センターで紹介された他の診療所は電話が繋がらないほど予約が殺到していたようだがここだけはすんなりつながった。Googleでの評判の悪さを目の当たりにしていたが、背に腹は替えられない状況だったので渋々予約。 指定された時間に行くと、裏口に通され、問診票を書くことに。 なんの診察も説明もなくPCRを受けさせられ、軽くその後の対処を看護師?から受けて終わり。数日間自宅待機することに。 会社にも報告する義務があるから、どんな診察結果が出たからPCRを受ける必要があったか、詳しく知りたかったのだが…。そもそも症状としても微熱のみの比較的軽微なもので、PCR受ける必要があったのかすら疑問。 医者も看護師もこちらをろくに誘導する気もなく、どう対処すればいいかわからない場面が多かったのも気になった。 他を知らないので比較することもできないが、発熱外来に行こうとしてる人は一度考え直した方がいいかもしれないです。
I got a fever, so I made a reservation here from the introduction of the Tokyo Fever Center. The other clinics introduced at the center seemed to be flooded with reservations so that the phone could not be connected, but only here it was connected smoothly. I was witnessing the bad reputation on Google, but I was reluctant to make a reservation because I could not change my stomach. When I went to the designated time, I was passed through the back door and decided to write a questionnaire. I was given a PCR without any medical examination or explanation, and was a nurse taking care of it afterwards? Received from and finished. I decided to wait at home for a few days. I was obliged to report to the company as well, so I wanted to know in detail what kind of medical examination results I had to undergo PCR. In the first place, the symptom was only a slight fever, which was relatively minor, and I wondered if it was necessary to undergo PCR. Neither doctors nor nurses were willing to guide me, and I was worried that there were many situations where I didn't know what to do. I don't know anything else so I can't compare it, but if you're going to a fever outpatient, you might want to rethink.

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