
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 昇菊

住所 :

Ryogaecho, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0032 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
街 : Shizuoka

Ryogaecho, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0032 Shizuoka,Japan
Or chis on Google

I couldn't ask for a thing that just came out next to me because it seemed to be very difficult alone, but it seemed good at fried fried chicken and ren-yaki.
大村恵子 on Google

とても気さくな店主です! 学生時代は野球部所属でしたので、野球の話とあればもりあがります! 少し狭いですが、2階に宴会ができる部屋もあります。 お料理も美味しいです❗
A very friendly shopkeeper! I used to belong to the baseball club when I was a student, so I would be happy if I talked about baseball! It's a little small, but there is also a room on the second floor where you can have a banquet. The food is delicious ❗
宮原海斗 on Google

狭い店で予約せずに行くといつも満員です。 カウンター席で大将の精緻で素早い仕事を見るのが楽しみの一つです。料理はシンプルな物が多いですが、素材や下ごしらえに一手間かかっており、とても美味しいです。
It's always full if you go to a small shop without making a reservation. One of the pleasures of seeing the general's delicate and quick work at the counter seats. Most of the dishes are simple, but it takes a lot of time to prepare the ingredients and prepare them, and they are very delicious.
すずきけんじ on Google

知人に連れていってもらいました❗ 一階はカウンターですが、上に宴会席があるようです❗お料理はどれもおいしく頂くことが出来ました❗予約をして行かれたほうが、良いかもです?
I was taken by an acquaintance❗ The first floor is a counter, but there seems to be a banquet table on top. ❗ All the dishes were delicious. ❗ It may be better to make a reservation.
五反田王 on Google

A small cooker with a polite job. If you look inside the store from the warmth, it is often full, but there is no problem even for one person. If you enjoy seasonal food while enjoying conversation with friendly generals, you will soon become friends with the guests next door. A shop that is appreciated no matter who takes friends, bosses, subordinates, lovers or anyone. It is recommended!
柴木貴志 on Google

友人との飲み会で利用しました。知る人ぞ知るという感じで通りかかりに入る店ではありません。一階はカウンターのみで非常に狭い店内です。今回は二階の個室を利用しました。8人位なら十分な広さですが、二階に上がる階段が非常に狭く急です。酒に酔って降りる時は非常に危険だと思います。一階で火災が発生したら退路を断たれると思います。 料理は色々注文しましたが、提供時間は早いと思います。ただ静岡名物のはんぺんフライが美味しくなかった。厚みのある大きなはんぺんなら美味しいと思います。ビールは麒麟のジョッキでしたが、一番搾りのようには思いせんでした。
I used it at a drinking party with a friend. It's not a store that people in the street know about. The first floor is a very small store with only a counter. This time I used a private room on the second floor. It is large enough for 8 people, but the stairs leading up to the second floor are very narrow and steep. I think it is very dangerous when you get drunk and get off. If there is a fire on the first floor, you will be cut off. I ordered various dishes, but I think they will be served early. However, Shizuoka's specialty Hanpen Fry was not delicious. I think the thick, thick rice cakes are delicious. The beer was a Kirin mug, but I didn't think it was the most squeezed.
長島靖子 on Google

角煮、厚焼き玉子、絶品です? 自分には、出せない、甘みが最高です☺️
Kakuni, thick yakimono, exquisite ? The sweetness that I can't give is the best ☺️
山田真也 on Google

親方がめちゃくちゃいい人!料理も美味しいしいつもお世話になってます! 色んな人にオススメしたいお店
A person whose master is insanely good! The food is delicious and I am always indebted! Shops I would like to recommend to various people

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