
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact r・p・sイオンモール浜松市野店

住所 :

Tennocho, Higashi Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒435-0052 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Webサイト : https://www.r-p-s.net/
街 : Shizuoka

あだちなみえ on Google

The price is also reasonable, there are many cute clothes. I will pass.
智依子 on Google

I like the store clothes here! You can buy it for around ¥ 2000 (* '∀ `*)
細田麻友 on Google

Because cute and fashionable clothes are sold at a low price, even if there is nothing to do, we will drop in. It is quite recommended
Ake on Google

最近のお気に入りショップです 低価格でオリジナルのデザイン服飾品を 取り揃えています お気に入りのデザイン、カラーが 見つかればとってもラッキーです❗ 今ならバーゲンで半額のものも…… 1回は見る価値あり
It is a recent favorite shop Original design design at low price We have stocks Favorite design, color I am very lucky if found Now half price for a bargain ...... Worth watching once
リンリンりんりん on Google

はじめて入りましたがお値段の割にはデザインが素敵な洋服がありました。 私個人的にはしま○らで2000円だすのは考えますが(笑)こちらのショップは2000円だしても他の人とかぶらないです。
I entered for the first time, but there were clothes with a nice design for the price. I personally think that Shima ○ et al. Will cost 2000 yen (laughs), but even if this shop costs 2000 yen, it doesn't overlap with other people.
ADDY on Google

さりげなくお洒落を着こなせます✨ 価格は驚くほど安いですが、全く良い商品で、飽きのこないデザインなので最高な店だと私は思います。 何でこんなに安いのに、安っぽさを全く感じない…むしろ、温もりのある、優しいデザインの服が多いですね… シンプルイズベスト❗まさにこの言葉が合うお店です✨✨ あ、婦人服ですのでお間違えなく?
You can casually dress up in style ✨ The price is surprisingly low, but I think it's the best store because it's a perfectly good product and has a timeless design. Why is it so cheap, but I don't feel cheap at all ... Rather, there are many clothes with warm and gentle designs ... Simple is best ❗ It's a shop that exactly matches this word ✨ ✨ Oh, it's women's clothing so don't make a mistake ?
水無月 on Google

I just bought it, but there were spots and holes that looked like worms. I'm sorry I didn't buy it after confirming it properly, but I was sad.
さら on Google

If you want to try it on and buy it, you'll get it back, right? The clothes were returned to the clerk without waiting for a reply. I didn't buy it because I felt sick. This is the first time for a clothing store that I don't want to buy. It didn't look like the clerk. The design is very good and cheap, but the clerk is the worst, so it is 1 star. I will never go there again.

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