Royal Home Center Isehara

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Royal Home Center Isehara

住所 :

Itado, Isehara, 〒259-1145 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト :
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Itado, Isehara, 〒259-1145 Kanagawa,Japan
茂田道輝 on Google

It was a pity that I could only change up to 10 plywood, but it's a corona wreck, so it can't be helped. Others were abundant and helpful.
はたけやまてい on Google

Anyway, there are many items! Moreover, it is relatively cheap. There are more practical products than Don Quijote, and it is recommended as a home improvement store.
ever never on Google

すごい成長してる犬が小さいゲージの中にいて可哀想に感じました。 その割に値段も安くはなく、その犬のこと考えてるのかと感じました。
I felt sorry for the amazingly growing dog in the small gauge. The price was not cheap for that, and I felt that I was thinking about the dog.
紀子 on Google

ミドリフグが売っててテンション? ハムスターのゲージも種類が置いてあって 次に行くとき買いたいと思う。 ホームセンター好きには楽しめるかも?
Midorifugu sells and tension ? There are different types of hamster gauges I want to buy it the next time I go. It may be fun for home improvement lovers ?
赤石澤範子 on Google

When I asked the shop staff about the size of the store, they kindly gave me guidance and explained the products ⁉️
渡邉明人 on Google

I visited because I wanted to buy shoji paper. When I asked the staff for a place, they kindly guided me. It was a very good response. Also, I think it's good to have a wide selection of products.
maru yamamoto on Google

Nice place
Enzo Saito on Google


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