Royal Fitness24 Kota - Nukata District

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Royal Fitness24 Kota

住所 :

Aimi, Kota, Nukata District, 〒444-0117 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 444-0117
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Aimi, Kota, Nukata District, 〒444-0117 Aichi,Japan
h5 h5 on Google

There were people who couldn't sit down while messing around with their mobile phones, and there were people who could do more than one
ogaiht adany on Google

It is a discriminatory act that was said to be unmemberable because of tattoos.
鈴木1234 on Google

夜の利用をしてたが 水回りが特に汚い。 スマホを触りながら 利用している客が多く 気持ちが萎えて トレーニングする気にならない。
I used to use at night The water around is particularly dirty. While touching the smartphone Many customers are using Feelings wither I don't feel like training.

During the day, there are few people and I recommend it.
翔平水谷 on Google

店員の質はいいかな? 偉ぶってなくて、 普通に詳しい奴も居て参考になるし、 まあ、ガチ勢とヌル勢のアレコレは仕方ないよね? 利用者のモラルがどうのってのは分かるけど スマホいじってる奴が多くて萎えたとかは意味不明だわ 低料金で24時間やってるのがこの店のウリなんだからさ ガチでやりたいなら高い金払ってそれなりの店に行けばええやん って話になるわね? 高い金は払いたくないけど、ガチでやるには周りの奴らが鬱陶しい? そんな考え方な奴、逆に邪魔だわ
Is the quality of the clerk good? Not great There are some people who are usually familiar, Well, it is inevitable that Gachi and Null aren't you? I know what the moral of the user is I don't know if there are so many people messing around with smartphones It's the uri of this shop that is doing it for 24 hours at a low price If you want to do it, pay a high price and go to a decent shop That's the story I don't want to pay the expensive money, but are the people around me crazy to do it? That kind of mind is a distraction
縣さん on Google

6/1 朝7時 スタッフの居ない時間でしたが1人の方が掃除をされており、施設を気持ち良く使うことができました。 6/4 夜9時 シャワールーム付更衣室にサーキュレータが置かれてた。更衣室内は換気扇があるだけで空調がない。夏は大丈夫なのか? 7/8 シャワールームの床がびちゃびちゃだった。使う人のマナーもだかいつ掃除したのかも分からない。 夜は特に人が多い。 7/27 音楽がずーーーーーーっと同じ。気が狂いそう。 11/28 Wi-Fiが遅すぎる。あると期待してしまうので、無くしてくれた方が精神衛生上いい。 2020/04 コロナ対策がいまいちだったので退会しました。
6/1 7:00 am It was a time when there was no staff, but one person was cleaning and I was able to use the facility comfortably. 6/4 9 pm A circulator was placed in the changing room with a shower room. There is only a ventilation fan in the changing room, but there is no air conditioning. Is summer okay? 7/8 The floor of the shower room was messy. I don't even know when the manners of the user were cleaned. There are many people especially at night. 7/27 The music is the same. I'm going crazy. 11/28 Wi-Fi is too slow. I would expect it to exist, so it is better for mental hygiene to lose it. 2020/04 I withdrew because the measures against corona were not good enough.
Asa z on Google

近所で、筋トレできるところをずっと待ち望んでいたので、非常に有難いです。 客の質云々言う方もみえますが、自分と向き合うのが筋トレと思ってるので、あまり気にならないです。 スタッフの方も感じ良いですし、ストレス解消ですっきりしたいなら、十分すぎる環境が揃ってると思います。 オープンからずっと利用させていただいてますが、大変満足です。
I've been waiting for a place where I can do muscle training in my neighborhood, so I'm very grateful. Some people say the quality of the customers, but I don't really care because I think it's a muscle training to face myself. The staff feels good, and if you want to relieve stress and feel refreshed, I think there is more than enough environment. I have been using it since it opened, but I am very satisfied.
豊田トヨダ on Google

大声で喋ったりする人も少なく比較的マナーの良いお客さんが多いと思う。(ダンベルドンドンは別で) この頃は店員さん達も体づくりに励んでいてトレーニングに詳しくなっていって欲しい。 フリーウエイトエリアの天井の照明が強くて少し目が痛い。ガタガタ揺れるフラットベンチの交換やマシンの交換なども年1くらいでやってもらえると最高。(特にラット付きシーデットローイング。ストレッチがかけにくい。) これからもお世話になるつもりです。
There are few people who speak loudly, and I think there are many customers with relatively good manners. (Except for dumbbell dondon) At this time, I want the clerk to work hard to build their body and become familiar with training. The ceiling lighting in the free weight area is strong and it hurts my eyes a little. It would be great if you could replace the rattling flat bench and the machine in about 1 year. (Especially seadet rowing with rat. Stretching is difficult.) I will continue to take care of you.

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