ROSA Ladies Clinic

1.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ROSA Ladies Clinic

住所 :

Wagocho, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒433-8125 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : Shizuoka

Wagocho, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒433-8125 Shizuoka,Japan
HIROKO on Google

生理前の体調不良で行きました。 引っ越ししてきたのですが、口コミは良くないけど、家から近いし一度行ってみようと。。 いざ行ってみたら、先生の派手さより足を組んでとても威圧的、生理前はみんなあるのでそんなの当たり前と言われました。 本当に産婦人科の先生なのかと。。 引っ越し前の産婦人科と大違いで。 前からとても辛くて受診したのに、あんな言い方病院で初めてされました。 もっと患者に親身になり話を聞いて対応するべきだと思います。 皆さんの口コミ正解でした。 もぅ絶対に行きません。
I went because I was not feeling well before my period. I've moved, but the word of mouth isn't good, but it's close to my house and I'm going to go there once. .. When I went there, I was told that it was natural for me to cross my legs and be very intimidating because of the teacher's flashiness, and because everyone had a period before menstruation. Is it really an obstetrics and gynecology teacher? .. It's very different from the obstetrics and gynecology department before moving. It was very difficult for me to go to the hospital, but it was the first time for me to go to such a hospital. I think we should be more friendly to the patient, listen to them, and deal with them. Everyone's word of mouth was correct. I will never go.
ふうこ on Google

多嚢胞性卵巣で不正出血があり、受診しました。 これは体質だから、不妊治療しないなら、これから受診しなくてよい。と2分で診察終了しました。 質問しても、はっ?なんでそんなこと知らないの?と小ばかにした口調です。 それでも不安で他の病院に受診し、治療と投薬をしていただけることになりました。 ここはもう二度といきません。
I had an abnormal bleeding in a polycystic ovary and visited the clinic. This is a constitution, so if you don't treat infertility, you don't have to go to the clinic. The examination was completed in 2 minutes. Even if you ask a question, huh? Why don't you know that? It is a ridiculous tone. Even so, I was anxious and decided to go to another hospital for treatment and medication. I will never go here again.
づけしば on Google

Webで予約ができるため便利だと思いましたが、行った事を後悔しています 内診が非常に痛く、診察ではなんの説明もなく「薬を出しますね」で終わりでした。 下の薬局で「こういった病名の疑いでこの薬を〜」と薬剤師さんに説明されましたが、病院ではそんな説明は一切なかったです。医者の説明義務とは。 本来なら星1も出したくないですが、受付の方はにこやかで親切だったので星1です。
I thought it was convenient because I could make a reservation on the Web, but I regret having gone there. The pelvic examination was very painful, and the examination ended with "I'll give you some medicine" without any explanation. At the pharmacy below, the pharmacist explained, "I suspect this is the name of the disease," but the hospital didn't explain it at all. What is a doctor's obligation to explain? Originally I don't want to give out 1 star, but the receptionist was smiling and kind, so it is 1 star.
ああ on Google

何も知らない患者に対しての言い方が酷い。 2度と行かない。 患者は何も知らないし分からないという前提で接してほしい。 医者としてもっと言い方を考えて言って欲しい。 受付の方や看護師さんはとても良いし優しい
It's terrible to say to a patient who doesn't know anything. I will never go again. I want patients to be treated on the premise that they do not know or understand anything. I want you to think more about how to say it as a doctor. The receptionist and the nurses are very nice and kind
Mi on Google

妊娠初期の頃に健診で通ってました。 口コミも見てたので覚悟していきましたが、冷たい印象など感じませんでした。 不安な事などは助産師さんや看護師さんにも聞けました。 中期からは大きな病院に通い出しましたが、待ち時間も長くて先生も毎回変わるので、ギリギリまでこちらに通いたかったな…
I went to a medical examination in the early stages of pregnancy. I was prepared because I saw word of mouth, but I didn't feel cold. I was able to ask midwives and nurses about any concerns. I went to a big hospital from the middle term, but the waiting time was long and the teacher changed every time, so I wanted to go to the last minute ...
A M on Google

初診でも予約出来るのが有難い。 受付の方も看護師も先生もみんないい人で安心しました。 クチコミで色々マイナス点書かれていますが、人それぞれ受け取り方が違うので何とも言えませんが、私はこれからもこちらでお世話になろうと思いました。
Thank you for being able to make a reservation even for the first visit. The receptionist, nurses and teachers were all nice people and I was relieved. There are various negative points written in the word of mouth, but I can not say anything because each person receives it differently, but I thought that I would like to continue to take care of it here.
みゆみゆ on Google

口コミを見てから行けばよかったと後悔しました。 初めて婦人科にきましたが、私の無知に対してそんなことも知らないの?と言わんばかりの態度と、つぎからはもっとはやくきてくださあいと、面倒くさそうとも取れるような態度で、かなりメンタルえぐられました。威圧的な態度があまりいい印象が持てませんでした。 素早く会話も少なく手短に終わりたい方にとってはいいかもしれませんが、メンタルがぶれやすい方は注意したほうがいいと思います。
I regretted that I should have gone after seeing the reviews. I came to the gynecology department for the first time, but with an attitude that just asked me if I didn't know that about my ignorance, and an attitude that I could take it even more troublesome from now on. I was mentally scooped out. I didn't get a good impression of the intimidating attitude. It may be good for those who want to finish quickly with few conversations, but I think that those who are easily mentally shaken should be careful.
Mariem Akrimi on Google

It’s the most bad doctor I have seen in my life , years ago I went there to know the reason of an ovarian pain, but doctor had a very rude attitude, without any explanation she gave me a medicine for bacteria ? All the staff was really strange. I don’t recommend especially for foreigners

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