roppongi sake bar tsuyanokoku - Minato City

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact roppongi sake bar tsuyanokoku

住所 :

佐竹ビル B1F 4 Chome-9-1 Roppongi, Minato City, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 106-0032
Webサイト :

佐竹ビル B1F 4 Chome-9-1 Roppongi, Minato City, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan
Yosuke Yagi on Google

It is a bar where the dimness of indirect lighting and the counter of Shiraki settle down. You can enjoy fresh cocktails and champagne based on sake and sake. Especially Japanese cocktail cocktail instant shampoo is not hampered.
Atsuko Kono on Google

We had a cocktail of sake at Roppongi's hideout bar. Ordinary sake is usually drunk at taverns, but I like it because even one girl can drink it comfortably.
黒田智子 on Google

艶ノコク六本木店、日本酒BARとゆうことで早速行ってみました! 店内はしっとり落ち着いた感じで木のカウンターテーブルに桜の木、着物の帯等が飾られていて落ち着く和の空間です? まず乾杯はビール? つまみにだし巻き玉子・いぶりがっこポテトサラダ・大分産の鳥刺し・鯖の味噌煮こみ どれもビールにも日本酒にも合うつまみばかりでお酒が進む進む? 日本酒BARとゆうだけあってお高いのかと思いきやあの有名な「獺祭」が300円?! 他の日本酒もとってもリーズナブルで頼みやすい! 〆に名物「とりそば」を食べてさっぱり。 また美味しい料理とお酒でしっぽり酔いたい時に使いたいお店です。
I went to Gloss Nokoku Roppongi store, Sake Bar and I went there immediately! The inside of the store is a calm and peaceful Japanese space with cherry tree, kimono bands, etc. displayed on a wooden counter table ? First toast is beer ? Dashi rolled egg, Iburigakko potato salad, Oita bird sashimi, mackerel miso stew All of them are suitable for beer and sake, and the sake advances ? I wonder if it's expensive because it's a sake bar, but the famous "Saji Festival" is 300 yen ?! Other sake is very reasonable and easy to order! Eat the specialty "Torisoba" at the end of the day. It is also a store you want to use when you want to get a good taste of sake and sake.
ME HI on Google

移転して雰囲気が変わり広くなりましたが、他のお客様と仲良くなったりアットホームな雰囲気は健在で居心地が良いです。 そう言う距離感が苦手な方は個室かカウンターだと目線が違うのでゆっくり飲めると思います。 大人数も少人数も対応できるので使い勝手の良い店。
The atmosphere has changed and it has become wider after the move, but the atmosphere of being at home and getting along with other customers is alive and well. Those who are not good at such a sense of distance can drink slowly because the line of sight is different in a private room or at the counter. It is an easy-to-use store that can accommodate both large and small groups.
芳賀 on Google

2回ほど利用させていただいてます カウンター席とテーブル席があり、落ち着ける空間でした。 六本木のダイニングバーということで敷居が高く感じていましたが、アットホームな雰囲気で価格もリーズナブルで気軽に使えるお店だなという印象です 料理もオシャレでとてもおいしかったです。 月額定額のサブスク登録をすると月何回でも飲み放題が無料で利用できるそうで 私は六本木に頻繁には来ないので登録していませんが、よく来られる人はお得かもしれません。 今後も利用させて頂きます。
I will use it about twice There were counter seats and table seats, and it was a relaxing space. I felt that the threshold was high because it was a dining bar in Roppongi, but I have the impression that it is a restaurant that has a cozy atmosphere, reasonable prices, and is easy to use. The food was fashionable and very delicious. If you subscribe to a fixed monthly subscription, you can use all-you-can-drink for free as many times a month as you like. I don't register because I don't come to Roppongi often, but those who come often may find it a good deal. We will continue to use it in the future.
平間圭智 on Google

日本酒をメインに飲み来ました。 洋酒、ワイン、シャンパン、焼酎とお酒の種類がとても豊富!! 料理も美味しかった^_^ 月額制で毎日飲みに来れるプランもあるのにはびっくり
I mainly drank sake. A wide variety of Western liquors, wine, champagne, shochu and liquor! !! The food was delicious ^ _ ^ I'm surprised that there is a plan that you can come to drink every day on a monthly basis
大坪大 on Google

芋洗坂の和風の店舗から 麻布警察前の俳優座裏の佐竹ビル地下一階に移転! 内装も最高で 食事も充実してるし、元の日本酒から洋酒、シーシャも楽しめる店! 広くて個室やボックス席もあるので 使い勝手が良い
From a Japanese-style store in Imoarai-zaka Moved to the first basement floor of the Satake Building behind the actor in front of the Azabu police! The interior is also the best There are plenty of meals, and you can enjoy original sake, Western liquor, and shisha! Because it is large and there are private rooms and box seats Easy to use
Tomoka on Google


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