酵素風呂エステラニオラ 東京-六本木

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 酵素風呂エステラニオラ 東京/六本木

住所 :

Roppongi, Minato City, 〒106-0032 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://www.laniola.net/roppongi/
街 : Tokyo
Description : Modern women-only salon for Japanese cypress dry enzyme baths, naturally heated with rice bran.

Roppongi, Minato City, 〒106-0032 Tokyo,Japan
千田直美 on Google

I suffered from rough skin, did an enzyme bath detox, and in three months my acne, which was no good in dermatology, improved! ! Cospa is good so it is easy to continue and saves! It's an indispensable place for my tired life, with radio and massage! Recommended for those with rough skin and acne!
真弓中村 on Google

8年くらい前から通ってますが、酵素風呂のあとは半端ない汗がででお肌ツヤツヤ。ワント-ン明るくなります! やまととうきが入ってから、香りもさらに良くなりリラックス効果もアップしてます。オススメです!
I've been there for about 8 years, but after the enzyme bath, my skin is shiny with sweat that isn't perfect. One tone brightens! After Yamato Yuki enters, the scent is improved and the relaxation effect is also improved. Recommended!
サイエンス on Google

物凄いデトックスです? もう10年くらい通い続けてます。 追記です。 毎回酵素セラピーをお願いするんですが、スタッフの方によって技術差があり過ぎます。 六本木移転に向けて全員同じレベルになるよう頑張って下さい。
It's a tremendous detox ? I've been going there for about 10 years now. P.S. I ask for enzyme therapy every time, but there are too many technical differences depending on the staff. Please do your best so that everyone will be at the same level toward the move to Roppongi.
Kaori T on Google

I was impressed to see the effect of the owner's 1-month diet (-8kg), and I am doing my best! I usually go to the gym and do my best to keep my diet motivated by taking 2 enzyme baths + hyper knife + esthetic and princess courses on weekends! The staff are friendly and cozy! !
ayano nagatani on Google

毎回行くたびに身体が軽くなってすっきりします‼︎色んな温浴に行きましたが、一番私には合っていて、週1ペースで通っています。 8年くらい緩やかに通っていて、体温も上がりました! オプションでパックをつけられるのですが、このパックがまたすごくてすべすべになります☆ リンパマッサージも、ツボを的確に押さえた施術をしてもらえて、痛気持ちいい感じでとても効果あり!定期的に受けたいです(^^)
Every time I go, I feel lighter and cleaner !! I went to a variety of warm baths, but I am the best at it and I go at a pace of once a week. I have been around for about 8 years and my body temperature has risen! It is possible to add a pack as an option, but this pack is great and will be smooth again ☆ Lymphatic massage is also effective because it gives me a treatment that holds the pressure point properly and feels so good! I want to receive it regularly (^ ^)
mana okamura on Google

冷え性、代謝が悪いわたしにとっては最も費用対効果の高い酵素浴。 行くとむくみが取れ、顔が一回り小さくなります。 都心の酵素浴では一番費用が安いと思います。 定期的に訪問したいお店の一つです。
The most cost-effective enzyme bath for me, who has poor circulation and poor metabolism. As you go, the swelling will disappear and your face will become smaller. I think the cost is the cheapest in the enzyme bath in the city center. It is one of the shops that I would like to visit regularly.
ふじたか on Google

酵素風呂は良いです。 脱衣場のカーテンを一言も声をかけずにいきなりあけるのはやめてほしいです。 友達もびっくりしていましたし また私もされてとても不快でした。 一年前にもお店の人にお伝えしました。 今回でお伝えするのはもう3回目。 不快すぎるので改善されるまで行きません。
The enzyme bath is good. I want you to stop suddenly opening the dressing room curtain without calling out a word. My friends were also surprised I was also very uncomfortable. I told the shop staff a year ago. This is the third time I will tell you. It's too uncomfortable to go until it's improved.
oti wlc on Google

西麻布店から移転して初めて伺いました。 新店舗は前とは一転、綺麗になっててびっくり! 個室の休憩室、酵素風呂にてゆっくり時間を忘れて寛げました。 コロナで行動が制限される中、こういった個室空間だと気にせず行けるので助かります。 平日の昼間が空いていると聞いたので、また行きます!その時はハイパーナイフもやります。
I visited for the first time after moving from the Nishi-Azabu store. I was surprised that the new store was completely cleaner than before! In the private break room and enzyme bath, I slowly forgot the time and relaxed. It is helpful because I can go without worrying about such a private room space while my activities are restricted by the corona. I heard that the daytime on weekdays is free, so I will go again! At that time, I also do a hyper knife.

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